Version 0.73.2 27 February 2006 conf-cc: -O3 generally leads to better performance. Reported by Jeff Gilchrist. Version 0.73.1 10 February 2006 enigma.1, enigma.txt: Fixed bug in explanation of 00hc.resume format. Version 0.73 18 January 2006 Switched to popen2.Popen3() instead of os.system(). Added signal handling of SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT: - Now Ctrl-C stops enigma-client on OpenBSD (always did on Linux). - enigma-client removes the lock file on signalled exit. - Both processes exit cleanly when either enigna-client or enigma is signalled. Added status messages. enigma.c: Removed bug so that -o and -R options can actually be used together. hillclimb.c: Status messages are displayed when enigma runs in resume mode. Version 0.72 7 January 2006 hillclimb.c: Removed calls of free() and fprintf() from signal handler. New version has longer shutdown time on SIGTERM. Worst case is around 0.1 s on a Pentium 400MHz with a ciphertext length of 250 letters. ic.c: Replaced instances of 250 with CT. Changed class name to Eclient. Switched to 00trigr.naval/00bigr.naval Switched to 00trigr.naval/00bigr.naval dict/ : Added new naval statistics compiled from original M4 messages.