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第8行: 第8行:
    <log_flags />
<log_flags />
其中打开了所有gpu,将网络测试转为百度(以防国外网络不稳),并且认可用 X509 证书来签名的程序。
其中打开了所有gpu,将网络测试转为百度(以防国外网络不稳),并且认可用 X509 证书来签名的程序。
第23行: 第27行:
*[http://equn.com/forum/thread-38017-1-1.html BOINC屯包高级教程]
第277行: 第285行:
#本站论坛的 [http://www.equn.com/forum/thread-16368-1-1.html BOINC自动查看存盘点的方法 + BOINC客户端参数设置信息] (注:该贴2楼较本页更早,并已停止更新,故更新的内容请以本页面及英文原始页面为准)
#本站论坛的 [http://www.equn.com/forum/thread-16368-1-1.html BOINC自动查看存盘点的方法 + BOINC客户端参数设置信息] (注:该贴2楼较本页更早,并已停止更新,故更新的内容请以本页面及英文原始页面为准)
#[http://code.google.com/p/boinc-client-configuration/ 修改工具],作者为本站论坛的Young
#[http://code.google.com/p/boinc-client-configuration/ 修改工具],作者为本站论坛的Young(也可以用[http://boinc.berkeley.edu/addon_item.php?platform=win&item=boincview.zip boincview]修改哦~)

2014年2月12日 (三) 17:06的最新版本

Wikify icon.png 当前页面或段落存在质量问题,但不影响阅读
用户 Arthur200000 给出的意见是:看晕了 。
Editing icon.png 该页面正在被编辑
用户 Arthur200000 正在编辑该页面,尚未完工。请其他Wiki用户不要同时编辑,以避免冲突。
该用户的说明:Wfy 。
Update icon.png 当前页面或段落需要更新
用户 Arthur200000 给出的意见是:需要增量翻译(可适当推迟) 。





	<log_flags />

其中打开了所有gpu,将网络测试转为百度(以防国外网络不稳),并且认可用 X509 证书来签名的程序。 该配置文件还提高了文件传输允许的数量,最大限度利用了带宽。












BOINC 配置综述

The BOINC client software can be configured to:
BOINC 客户端软件可以被配置为:

  • Produce more detailed log messages. These messages appear in the Messages tab of the BOINC Manager (informational messages in black, error messages in red). On Windows, they are written to a file (stdoutdae.txt). On Unix, they are written to standard output.
生成更加详细的日志信息。这些信息将显示在 BOINC 管理器的消息页(黑色为报告信息,红色为错误信息)。在 Windows 操作系统下,它们将被写入文件(stdoutdae.txt)中。在 Unix 操作系统下,它们将被写至标准输出。
  • Control various behavioral parameters, such as how many simultaneous file transfers to allow.

The configuration is read from a file cc_config.xml. If this file is absent, the default configuration is used. This file has the following format:
配置信息将从 cc_config.xml 文件中读取。 如果该文件不存在,则将使用默认的配置信息。 该文件采用如下格式:

        [ flags ]
        [ <save_stats_days>N</save_stats_days> ]
        [ <dont_check_file_sizes>0|1</dont_check_file_sizes> ]
        [ <http_1_0>0|1</http_1_0> ]
        [ <ncpus>N</ncpus> ]
        [ <max_file_xfers>N</max_file_xfers> ]
        [ <max_file_xfers_per_project>N</max_file_xfers_per_project> ]
        [ <suppress_net_info>0|1</suppress_net_info> ]
        [ <disallow_attach>0|1</disallow_attach> ]
        [ <os_random_only>0|1</os_random_only> ]
        [ <no_alt_platform>0|1</no_alt_platform> ]
        [ <simple_gui_only>0|1</simple_gui_only> ]
        [ <max_stdout_file_size>N</max_stdout_file_size> ]
        [ <max_stderr_file_size>N</max_stderr_file_size> ]
        [ <alt_platform>platform_name</alt_platform> ]
        [ ... ]
        [ <report_results_immediately>0|1</report_results_immediately> ]
        [ <run_apps_manually>0|1</run_apps_manually> ]
        [ <use_certs>0|1</use_certs> ]
        [ <use_certs_only>0|1</use_certs_only> ]
        [ <exclusive_app>important.exe</exclusive_app> ]

For example, if you want to see messages about CPU scheduling, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to create the following file, and save it as cc_config.xml in your BOINC directory.
举例来说,如果你希望看到有关 CPU 调度的信息,可以用文本编辑器(例如 Notepad)创建具有以下内容的文件,并以 cc_config.xml 为文件名保存在您的 BOINC 目录下。


日志标记(Logging flags)

The flags within <log_flags> are used to selectively turn different types of messages on and off (<tag>0</tag> for off, <tag>1</tag> for on): The following messages are enabled by default:
<log_flags> 内部的标记被用于选择开启或关闭不同类型的消息(<tag>0</tag> 为关闭,<tag>1</tag> 为开启):下列消息是默认开启的:



The start and completion of compute jobs (should get two messages per job).


The start and completion of file transfers.
Connections with scheduling servers.


The following messages are disabled by default (typically they generate lots of output, and are used for specific debugging purposes):


Shared-memory messages received from applications.



Shared-memory messages sent to applications.



Debugging information about CPU benchmarks. 新功能在5.8版本引入

关于 CPU 基准测试的调试信息


Show when applications checkpoint. 新功能在5.10版本引入



Show details of coprocessor (GPU) scheduling 新功能在6.3版本引入



CPU scheduler actions (preemption and resumption).

CPU 调度行为(优先抢占与再度继续)


Explain CPU scheduler decisions.

解释 CPU 调度决定


Changes to project debt.



Show completion status of file transfers.



Debugging information about GUI RPC operations.

关于 GUI 远程操作的调试信息


Debugging information about HTTP operations.

关于 HTTP 操作的调试信息


Debugging information about network communication.



Application memory usage.



Network status (whether need physical connection).



Show what poll functions do.



Debugging information about HTTP proxy operations.

关于 HTTP 代理操作的调试信息


Results of the round-robin simulation used by CPU scheduler and work-fetch.

被用于 CPU 调度程序与任务获取的轮叫调度模拟过程的结果


Details of scheduler RPCs; also shows deferral intervals and other low info. 新功能在5.10.24版本引入



Debugging information about the screen saver.



Show summary of client state after scheduler RPC and garbage collection



Show when and why state file is written 新功能在6.6.18版本引入 .



Low-level details of process start/end (status codes, PIDs etc.), and when applications checkpoint.

进程开始/结束的底层细节(状态代码,进程标识符 等等),以及在程序存盘时进行显示


Updates to on_frac, active_frac, connected_frac.



Show any unparsed XML.

显示任何未被解析的 XML


Work fetch policy decisions.


行为参数(Behavioral parameters)

The following options control the behavior of BOINC:
以下选项控制 BOINC 的行为:


Specify an alternate platform name, to be included in scheduler requests. 新功能在5.10.26版本引入

指定交替平台的名称,将被包含在调度程序的请求中。(译注:参 <no_alt_platform>)


The URL to go to if new client version available. Default is http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download_all.php. 新功能在6.3.15版本引入



The URL to go to for XML list of client version. Default is http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download_all.php?xml=1. 新功能在6.3.15版本引入



If enabled, the client won't attach to new projects. 新功能在5.10版本引入



To determine if a physical network connection exists, the client occasionally contacts a highly-available web site (google.com). If this flag is set, this behavior is suppressed. 新功能在5.10.14版本引入 . 为了确定是否有物理网络连接存在,客户端偶尔会与一个高度有效的网页(google.com)进行联系。如果设置了该标志位,则该行为将被禁止。 This flag also suppresses a periodic fetch of a project list from boinc.berkeley.edu. 新功能在5.10.31版本引入

该标志位还会禁止定期从 boinc.berkeley.edu 获取项目列表。
Normally, the size of application and input files are compared with the project-supplied values after the files are downloaded, and just before starting an application. If this flag is set, this check is skipped. Use it if you need to modify files locally for some reason.
BOINC will suspend computing whenever the executable is running (e.g., a game). Multiple applications can be specified. 新功能在6.3.13版本引入
BOINC 将在该程序执行的时候暂停计算(比如,一个游戏程序)。可以指定多个程序。
Set this flag to use HTTP 1.0 instead of 1.1 (this may be needed with some proxies).
设置该标志位,以便用 HTTP 1.0 来替换 1.1(这可能被某些代理所需要)
Maximum number of simultaneous file transfers (default 8).
Maximum number of simultaneous file transfers per project (default 2).
Specify the maximum size of the standard error log file (stderrdae.txt); default is 2 MB. 新功能在5.10.28版本引入
指定标准错误日志文件(stderrdae.txt)的最大值;默认为 2 MB 。
Specify the maximum size of the standard out log file (stdoutdae.txt); default is 2 MB. 新功能在5.10.28版本引入
Sample: <max_stdout_file_size>3145728</max_stdout_file_size> equals 3 MB.
NB: A Client restart may be needed to have changes take effect!
指定标准输出日志文件(stdoutdae.txt)的最大值;默认为 2 MB 。
例子: <max_stdout_file_size>3145728</max_stdout_file_size> 等于 3 MB。
NB: 可能需要重启客户端才能使变更发生作用。
Act as if there were N CPUs: run N tasks at once. This is for debugging, i.e. to simulate 2 CPUs on a machine that has only 1. Don't use it to limit the number of CPUs used by BOINC; use general preferences instead.
当作有 N 个 CPU 时来运作:同时运行 N 个任务。这被用于调试,比如在仅有 1 个 CPU 的时候来模拟 2 个 CPU。不要使用它来限制 BOINC 所使用的 CPU 数目;使用 BOINC 的参数设置来进行调节。
The URL to use when checking network connectivity; default is http://www.google.com/. 新功能在6.3.15版本引入
用于检测网络连通性的URL地址;默认为 http://www.google.com/
If enabled, the client will run applications only for its primary platform. For example, a Win64 machine will run only Win64 apps, and not Win32. 新功能在5.9.10版本引入
如果开启该参数,则客户端将仅运行其首要平台的程序。例如,一台 Win64 的机器将只运行 Win64 的程序,而不会运行 Win32 的程序。(译注:参 <alt_platform>)
If enabled, the client will use only OS-level functions to generate a random GUI RPC password, and will exit if these functions fail. Without this flag, if OS secure random functions aren't available, the client will fall back to a random-string generator based on time of day, free disk space, and other host-specific information. 新功能在5.10版本引入
How many days to save the per-project credit totals that are displayed in the Statistics tab of the BOINC Manager. Default is 30.
在 BOINC 管理器的统计页里所显示的各个项目先前所获得的积分信息所保存的天数。默认值为 30。
If enabled, the BOINC Manager will display only the simple GUI.
如果开启该参数,BOINC 管理器将只显示简单图形用户界面。
If enabled, don't send this host's IP address and domain name to servers. Otherwise, this information is sent to, and stored on, servers. It is visible to you (but not other users) via the web. 新功能在5.10版本引入
如果开启该参数,将不会发送该主机的 IP 地址和域名到服务器。否则这些信息将被发送并保存在服务器上。该信息仅在网上对您可视(而非其他用户)。
If set, each job will be reported to the project server as soon as it's finished, with an inbuild 60 second delay from completion of result upload. (normally it's deferred for up to a day, so that several jobs can be reported in one request). Using this option increases the load on project servers, and should generally be avoided. It's intended to be used on computer whose disks are reformatted every day. 新功能在6.1版本引入
如果设置该标志位,每个完成的任务在完成结果上传之后,经过内置的 60 秒的延迟,即报告给项目服务器。(通常来说,这个报告过程最多可能会延迟到1整天,这样就可以把数个任务在一次请求中一起上报)。使用该选项将会加重项目服务器的负载,并且一般来说是需要避免的。该标志是为了提供给那些磁盘每天都会重新格式化的计算机来使用的。
This is for debugging apps. When running an app, the client will do everything except actually run the app, i.e. it will set up the slot dir, create the shared mem segment, etc. It will then continue as if the app were actually running, and you can then manually run your app under a debugger in the slot directory. Note: the client won't notice the termination of your app. 新功能在6.1.7版本引入
该标志位用于调试程序。当运行一个程序时,客户端将会做除了真正运行那个程序之外的所有事,比如,它将会建立 slot 目录,创建共享存储器段,等等。然后它会继续下去,就像程序已经运行起来了一下,并且之后你就可以手动的用调试器来运行 slot 目录下的您的程序。注意:客户端将不会注意您的程序的终止。
Specify a number of seconds to delay running applications after client startup. 新功能在6.1.6版本引入
When authenticating against a proxy server use a specific authentication method. Valid parameters are: basic, digest, gss-negotiate, ntlm 新功能在5.10.41版本引入
(Setting of particular importance for World Community Grid to facilitate SSL/HTTPS communications)
当验证与代理服务器相冲突时使用特定的验证方法。有效的参数有: basicdigestgss-negotiatentlm 。( 该设置对帮助进行 World Community Grid 的 SSL/HTTPS 通讯非常重要。)
Accept applications signed using X509 certificates, as well as those that have BOINC signatures.
认可用 X509 证书来签名的程序,及有 BOINC 签名的程序。
Accept only applications signed with X509 certificates. 新功能在6.3.11版本引入
仅认可用 X509 证书来签名的程序。
If 1, don't use GPUs even if they're present. 新功能在6.6版本引入
If 1, abort jobs and update projects when client exits. Useful on grids where client gets wiped after each run. 新功能在6.6.10版本引入
Set resource scheduling debts to zero. This lets you fix situations where client bugs have resulted in distorted debt values. Set it, run the client, then clear it (otherwise you'll start out with zero debts every time you run the client). 新功能在6.6.11版本引入
将资源调度债务置零。(译注,可参上文 <debt_debug> ) 这能够使您在因客户端错误而导致非正常的债务值时将其归位。设置该参数,运行客户端,然后再清除掉这个参数(否则您以后每次运行客户端时都将把债务值清零)。
Specify proxy settings. The element has the following form: 新功能在6.6.12版本引入
指定代理设置。该参数使用方式如下: (译注:包括了代理类别、服务器名称、端口、用户名、密码等多个设置选项)
    [ <http_server_name></http_server_name> ]
    [ <http_server_port>80</http_server_port> ]
    [ <http_user_name></http_user_name> ]
    [ <http_user_passwd></http_user_passwd> ]
    [ <socks_version>5</socks_version> ]
    [ <socks_server_name></socks_server_name> ]
    [ <socks_server_port>80</socks_server_port> ]
    [ <socks5_user_name></socks5_user_name> ]
    [ <socks5_user_passwd></socks5_user_passwd> ]
    [ <no_proxy>list of hostnames for which proxy not used</no_proxy> ]
If 1, don't change priority of applications (run them at same priority as client). 新功能在6.6.18版本引入


  1. 本文原始地址 BOINC Client configuration
  2. 本站论坛的 BOINC自动查看存盘点的方法 + BOINC客户端参数设置信息 (注:该贴2楼较本页更早,并已停止更新,故更新的内容请以本页面及英文原始页面为准)
  3. 修改工具,作者为本站论坛的Young(也可以用boincview修改哦~)
  4. 了解更多新功能:BOINC:发布版本