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(新页面: ==我注册后从未受到那封含有账号密钥(account key) 的邮件。怎么办?== 确定你(或者你的网络服务供应商)没有把那封邮件当作垃圾邮件过滤...)

2009年10月29日 (四) 11:05的版本

我注册后从未受到那封含有账号密钥(account key) 的邮件。怎么办?

确定你(或者你的网络服务供应商)没有把那封邮件当作垃圾邮件过滤掉。那封邮件由 einstein@einstein.phys.uwm.edu 发出。如果你有另一个邮件账号,你可以尝试用新的邮箱地址设置一个账号。





有不少可能的原因。很多时候,Einstein@Home 调度程序给了你的机器一个很详细的文字说明。 但 BOINC 客户端并不一定会把这些说明文字正确而清晰地显示出来。所以,如果有疑惑,看 一下 BOINC 安装目录下的 sched_reply.xml 文件,并寻找有"message"的部分。注意:小心 不要破坏这个文件!

在 BOINC 客户端的 "message"(信息)窗口,"no work"(无新工作)的右边应该有一些信息, 不过可能会因为对应的文字栏太窄了,隐藏起来了。把文字栏尽可能地拉宽,以便看到完整的信 息。这有时有效,但并不经常!

有时,不会有计算包发送到你的机器上,因为所要求的内存空间(一般是70MB)或硬盘空间(一般是100MB) 太大了。如果问题是内存需求过大,请在一个星期内左右重试。我们已经在努力减少我们应用程序的内存需 求。(当然,你可以在你的机器上加新的内存,不过这是我们有点过分的要求了!)如果问题是硬盘需求过 大,请回顾你在你的账号上设置的硬盘大小偏好。比如,如果你的机器有4G的硬盘,但你把偏好设置成“留 下至少5G的空间”,你的机器将永不会收到任何工作包,因为调度程序不能够满足你所加的条件。

在其他情况下,你的机器收不到工作包,因为调度程序估计那些新的工作包将不会及时(在期限deathline之前)完成。这个估计可能有几个因素:(1)你的机器的队列中的工作量,(2)给予 Einstein@Home 的资源共享比例(相对于其它BOINC项目来说),(3)你的机器开机时间在一天之中所占的比例,(4)你的机器可以运行BOINC的时间所占的比例。在这种情况下,你可以让你的机器在更长的时间内闲置(几天后,调度程序会有所注意,并开始发送更多 的工作包给你),或者,你可以改变你的账号关于“BOINC 在什么时候运行”的偏好。(比如,设置成 BOINC 总是 运行,而不是仅当闲置时)

在其他情况下,你的机器收不到工作包,因为它收到的工作量已经达到了每日限量(一般被设置成每个CPU 8个计算包)。 对于总是运行接近每日限量的工作的电脑,在很多时候有一个 BOINC 安装或是 Einstein@Home 运行时的问题。它使得一 些计算包提示“错误”(erroring out),并在上传计算结果时认为是“不成功地完成了”(unsuccessfully completed)。 你可以去 Einstein@Home 网页上“你的账号”处回顾计算结果,从而判断是否这个情况。Stderr 错误信息会泄露出这个 问题。如果你还是不能自己修好它,请在留言板的问题和漏洞报告区(Problems and Bug Reports)上留下信息。


关于它的介绍请看 Einstein@Home 的屏幕保护

为什么我在使用电脑的时候 Einstein@Home也在运行的?


到“你的账号”修改你的一般偏好,把"Do work while computer is in use?" (电脑正在使用时也运行吗?)设置成"No"。然后在BOINC Manager中更新项目(update project),以便 使你的电脑使用你的新设置。

为什么我一点积分 (credit)都没有?

为了拿到积分,你的电脑得出的成功的结果将会变得有效。这意味着他们将会自动与做同一份工作的至少另外两台电脑得出的结果相比较。 这可能会需要一段时间(经常是一周到10天左右)等其他机器也完成工作并上传结果。如果你的机器产生了成功的结果,那请保持耐心,继续 运行 Einstein@Home。积分最终会积攒起来的!

如果你想看你的工作的状态,到你的账号看看写着 "Pending Credit"(待定积分)和 "Result"(结果)的链接。注意:你一旦上传了一个成功的结果,你一定会拿到它的积分的,说明结果确实有效。一旦一个成功的结果在这个页面 上登记了,它就像是银行里存着的钱。你可能会等上一阵子才拿到积分,不过一旦足够多其它成功的结果也上传了,你的结果将会变得有效,你可 以为此拿到积分。你在该页面看到的最后期限(deathline)是“单独的”,就是说,分配给了不同的机器或用户的计算包有自己的最后期限。


为了帮助此项目完成工作,以及帮助人们(包括你自己)更快的拿到积分,请保证你的电脑不要下载过多的任务,以至于在最后期限前做不完。 这可以通过在你的偏好中,"Connect to network about every X days"(大概每 X 天连接到网络一次)一项中设置一个比较小的数值来实现 (比如 0.5天)。这可以保证你的电脑不会下载比它可以完成的量更多的工作量。这会有所帮助的,因为到了最后期限仍未完成的工作包会被 Einstein@Home 的调度程序认为是“过期的”,它还会向另外的机器发送该计算包的副本,导致资源的浪费。

为什么我的计算结果的积分整一个星期都还在"pending" (待定)状态?

因为两个其它的机器还没完成同一项工作,所以该结果仍未能被评定,仍处于"pending"(待定)状态。不用担心:BOINC 调度程序会持续 把同一项工作发送到其他机器(如果他们不做这份工作还会不断尝试),直到同一个工作包被几个其它的机器所完成。这通常需要一周到10天 左右的时间,有时更长一些。请耐心。

你有待定积分这一事实证明你在期限内完成了一个结果。不用担心要多长时间等待所需的另两个成功的结果的出现,才能使你的结果变得有效。 规定好了,如果你的结果是有效的,你会拿到积分的。待定积分就像是银行里储蓄账户里的钱。你收回之前可能要等一阵子,但他们最终都将还清。



我的计算结果申请积分(claim) 100点,但只得了90点。为什么?

每一台工作的机器申请的积分值都会有点不同。为了公平一致,我们采用 BOINC/SETI 的标准做法来确定给予多少积分。 因为每个计算包都被多于一台机器所完成,我们凭每台机器申请的积分来确定给予多少积分。每一个计算包的结果都被给 予了完全相同的积分值。

为了确定最终给予的积分,如果有三个或以上的有效结果,先抛去最高值和最低值,然后求剩下的平均值。 如果小于两个有效结果,较低的那个申请的积分值将成为最终给予的积分。





我正在使用 MAC 或 linux box ,但看不到屏幕保护。它在哪儿?

Einstein@Home 应用程序已经随时可以显示图形了,不过 BOINC 客户端还不能把图形可视化。如果你很好奇,也不怕使用命令行版本 (command line),可以试试这里写的方法,使用一个试验版 客户端或者第三方工具。

我在 linux 下运行,但看不到屏幕保护。它在哪儿?

想看图形,从这个页面下载 BOINC 客户端内核和图形界面的更新版本吧! 确认 BOINC 已经停止运行了,然后在旧版 BOINC 的安装目录下安装新的客户端内核和图形界面。只要你的机器有 OpenGL 图形和 X11 支持,你应该可以在 "WORK"(工作)标签项里看到高亮表示的正在运行的计算包,就可以按 "Show Graphics"(显示图形)按钮来看到图形了。

我有一台 MAC 电脑。我也下载了客户端程序(client file) ,但它什么也不做。我应该怎么运行它?

你所下载的程序是通过 BOINC 执行的。你需要在一个命令行窗口运行它,需要在一个隔离开来的文件夹里运行终端程序。 以下是一些基本步骤:

  1. 创建一个 BOINC 工作目录。建议在你的Library文件夹(本地文件夹)里创建一个叫 BOINC 的文件夹。
  2. 把你下载的文件拖动到这个文件夹里。
  3. 打开一个终端窗口(命令行窗口?)(你会在 所有程序 --> 附件(?) 里找到它),并用一下命令改变工作目录:
    cd Library/BOINC
  4. 保证文件名称无误,且可以执行。一些浏览器解压缩时会留 ".gz" 后缀在文件名上。 以下 Unix 命令可以修复它,只要把命令打入终端窗口
    mv boinc_4.19_powerpc-apple-darwin.gz boinc_4.19_powerpc-apple-darwin
    chmod +x boinc_4.19_powerpc-apple-darwin
  5. 运行这个文件,只需在终端窗口里把文件名当作命令打入:
  6. 在开头把项目地址(project URL)和你的账号密钥输入。你可以从你创建账号时收到的邮件里面复制并粘贴过来。
  7. 让终端窗口一直开着,就能看到进展了。

在 Mac 电脑上运行的另一个方法是使用一个安装脚本,它可以为你做好一切。 这个我们还在完善当中的脚本仍处于测试阶段,还未准备好向大众开放,不过如果你想现在试一下的话, 可以在这里找到它。 (如果这个页面说下载链接来自于 boinc.berkeley.edu ,那么这个测试脚本就是无效的了,你只会拿到和标准下载页一样的执行文件) 这个脚本做好了以上所有在 Mac 上安装 BOINC 所要做的一切,它甚至会安排好,让你每次登陆时都开始运行 BOINC。

我的操作系统是 Linux (2.6.x 内核)。 运行 top 命令后,E@H不在进程列表中,它在做什么东西吗?


   Question: Why is %CPU underreported for multi-threaded (Java, etc.) apps?
   Answer: You need to upgrade to the 2.6.10 kernel at least. Older kernels do not provide a reasonable way to get this information.

I am running MacOS 10.x (x<3). Why do all my results end up with "Client Error"? 我的操作系统是 MacOS 10.x (x<3)。为什么我的所有计算结果都以"Client Error" (客户端错误)结束?

   BOINC and thus Einstein@Home requires MacOS 10.3 (Darwin 7.3) or later.
   BOINC 和 Einstein@Home 客户端需要 MacOS 10.3 (Darwin 7.3) 或以上的操作系统。

How can I see the progress (percentage done etc.) running a comand line client (Mac, Linux)? 我怎么才能看到命令行客户端 (command line client)的进展(比如已完成的百分数)?(Mac, Linux系统)

   This information is kept in the file client_state.xml in the fraction_done tag.There are third party tools that read it. If you want to have a quick look, open a Terminal, cd to the boinc directory and grep for fraction done:
   进度信息储存在 client_state.xml 的 fraction_done 标志中。有第三方的软件可以阅读它。如果您想很快地看一看,可以打开一个终端,进入 BOINC 的目录,搜索字符串 fraction_done:
   cd BOINC; grep fraction_done client_state.xml
   You may put this in a loop for watching it continously:
   cd BOINC ; sh -c 'while grep fraction_done client_state.xml ; do sleep 10 ; done
   The value shown is the fraction of the work done, so a value of 0.34 means 34% done.
   显示的数字是工作完成的部分,所以 0.34 意味着已经完成了 34% 的工作。

What does "exited with zero status but no finished file" mean? Is this serious? "exited with zero status but no finished file"(退出返回值为0,但没有发现已完成的文件)是什么意思?这很严重吗?

   The "exited with zero status but no 'finished' file" is a known bug in BOINC that we still couldn't track down. It tends to show up on Multi-CPU (or HT) systems, and if you look into stderr.txt in the slots directory you will probably find a message saying "no heartbeat from core client". However the Result is properly restarted by the client and will eventually finish, this bug hasn't an effect on the outcome. As long as everything else is working well, you can safely ignore this error message.
   这个错误是BOINC中一个已知但我们无法跟踪的错误。它经常在一个多CPU或者多线程的系统中出现。如果您打开在 slots 目录的 stderr.txt 文件的时候,您会看到"no heartbeat from core client"。但是,客户端会正确地重新开始继续完成工作,不会对结果有影响。只要所有东西都正常,您可以忽略这个错误信息。

The bechmarks of my machine compared to machine XXX / OS YYY look way apart. Why is this? 我的机器的基准 (benchmarks) 和 XXX机器/YYY操作系统比较起来相差很远。为什么?

   When the BOINC client is first run on a machine, it does some testing to determine how fast that machine does floating point and integer mathematical operations. Some versions of the BOINC client do not make this determination very accurately, either over- or under-reporting the performance of the machine. In particular, on Windows machines, the MS compilers optimized away some of the benchmark tests, making the machines appear faster than they were. The opposite effect also arises on Macs and some 64-bit Linux machines, where the BOINC client would show better performance if it were compiled with additional optimization switches.
   当BOINC客户端第一次在一台机器上运行时,它会进行一些测试以检验您的机器的浮点以及整点运算能力。BOINC客户端一些版本的测试并不十分精确,要么算多了,要么算少了。特别在使用Windows的机器上,微软的编译器会优化代码,使机器看起来比实际的表现要好。在苹果机和一些64位 Linux机器上会有相反的效应,如果进行一些优化设置,BOINC的客户端会有更好的表现。

The downloads of the Workunits are quite large / too large for modem users. 对于用调制解调器 (modem) 上网的用户来说,计算包 (workunit) 的下载量很大,太大了。

   The Einstein@Home workunits require a large data file (slightly more than 12 MB in size). With a 57.6kb modem, this file will take close to an hour to download. Once you have downloaded it, the Einstein@Home scheduler should send you a number of workunits for that file, so you won't need to download another file for some time. However be warned that sometimes the OUTPUT files from Einstein@Home can be quite large, and so it may take an hour or more to upload the results back to the Einstein@Home server.
   The bottom line is that if you need to pay an hourly rate for dial up modem service, Einstein@Home is probably not a good thing to run on your computer. Users with broadband internet connections such as DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and cable modems shouldn't find that these uploads/downloads take more than a minute or so.

When showing the graphics the computaion slows down. 当显示图形的时候,计算速度降低了。

   Einstein@Home makes heavy use of OpenGL. The part of this work the graphics card can't do on its own hardware has to be done in software by the CPU, preventing it from crunching. If you have a slow or "dumb" (not OpenGL-accelerated) graphics card, you might better not show the graphics if you want to get your results finished quickly.
   Here are a couple of ways to tell if Einstein@Home is being slowed down by your graphics hardware.
   Windows users: soon after an Einstein@Home workunit has started, bring up the 'task manager' by doing CONTROL-ALT-DELETE. Find the running einstein process and compare how much CPU time is shown with the time reported by the BOINC client. The BOINC client only reports the CPU time that was used by the 'science' part of the code, whereas the 'task manager' shows the CPU time used by both the science code and the screensaver code. If you watch there for thirty seconds, and the BOINC client reports that the science code has done only an additional five seconds of computation, whereas the task manager reports that the einstein application has used an additional thirty seconds of CPU time, this means that the graphics is consuming most of the CPU time. In this case, you should probably set your screensaver preferences to blank the screensaver after a few minutes. Alternatively, go to the web site of your computer or graphics card manufacturer, and download the latest graphics drivers. If you can switch your graphics to a mode that supports 'accelerated 3D OpenGL' then the screensaver should become very efficient.
   Windows用户:当Einstein@Home的工作包刚开始时,同时按下Ctrl+Alt+Del调出任务管理器。找出正在运行的 Einstein@Home进程,与BOINC客户端中的时间比较。由于BOINC客户端只计算程序用于科学计算的时间,而任务管理器同时计算科学计算时间与屏保计算时间。如果您观察30秒,而BOINC客户端的统计只增加了5秒,任务管理器报告CPU时间增加30秒的话,表明图像显示占用的绝大部分的计算时间。这样的话,您应该设置您的屏保在几分钟后显示黑屏。另一种方法是登录您的显卡厂商的网站,下载最新的驱动。如果您能够将您的显卡设置为支持3D OpenGL加速的话,屏保会更有效地工作。
   Linux users: It's important to make sure that your graphics hardware is using 3D OpenGL hardware acceleration. A good test is to run the 'glxinfo' program. If it reports direct rendering: No then you are NOT using graphics acceleration, and the graphics will be slow and time-consuming. If it reports direct rendering: Yes, then all is well. In many cases, where direct rendering is *not* enabled, you can turn it on. See http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ for more information and a useful troubleshooting section. Running glxgears is a simple way to test changes to your XF86Config file.
   Linux用户:确保您的显卡正在使用3D OpenGL硬件加速是很重要的。我们可以运行glxinfo程序来做一个很好的测试。如果它报告No,那么您没有开启3D OpenGL加速,图形的显示会变得很慢,而且极其消耗时间。如果它报告Yes,那么一切都好。在许多情况下,如果图形渲染没有开启,您可以开启它。运行glxgears是一条检查您的XF86Config文件的简单的途径。
   Mac users: all recent versions of Mac OSX include wonderful hardware acceleration. You don't need to do anything!
   苹果机用户:所有近来的 Mac OSX 版本都包含的极佳的硬件加速。您什么也不用做!

I'm afraid that the still parts of the graphics burn into my screen. Can I do anything? Will this change? 我担心图形的静态部分毁坏我的屏幕。有什么方法吗?这种情况会否改善?

   Most modern computer screens are immune to burn-in, but we are still addressing this issue for those who are concerned. At some point in the future you will be able to select an item in your project-specific preferences (here) to ask that static elements of the screensaver not be shown.
   绝大多数现代计算机的屏幕是不会被静态图形毁坏的,但是我们还是考虑到那些对此事关注的人,而将这个问题编入 FAQ 之中。在将来你可以(在这里)选择在屏保中不显示静态图像。

The E@H deadlines seem too short for my computer. Einstein@Home 中计算包的最后完成期限(deadline) 对于我的电脑来说太短了。

   We have a deadline of one week between the time that your computer downloads some work, and the time that the results must be reported back to the server. In general, the Einstein@Home scheduler will try hard to NOT give your machine more work than it can do by the deadline. Normally these workunits take between 5 and 24 hours to do, so as long as your machine is available for Einstein@Home more than 15% of the time, it should be able to complete work on schedule.
   We have received requests to increase these deadlines and may do so in the future. For the moment these are short for two reasons. First, if we increase the deadlines, this means that the work and result databases get bigger, because there is more work in progress. Currently, the database is the most overloaded part of the Einstein@Home server, and the part that does not scale well. So we are trying to keep it 'lean and mean'. Second, increasing the deadlines means that it will take longer for users to get credit. Since credits are the easiest way to keep track of whether or not your computer is working well and making a positive contribution to our research work, we would like to try and ensure that you get credits awarded in a timely way.
   If you are having trouble completing work by the deadline, the simplest and best thing to do is to decrease the size of your 'work cache'. Go to "Your Account" and edit your general preferences so that 'Connect to network about every N days' is set to 0.1 days. This way, your computer won't download more work than it can do in a single day. Note that if you run multiple projects, you may need to set this value on the preferences page of your other project(s) too.
   如果您对在最后期限之前完成工作有困难的话,最简单的解决方法就是减少您的“工作缓存”。在"Your Account"中编辑"general preferences",把"Connect to network about every N days"改为0.1天。这样的话,您的电脑不会下载超过它一天的工作量的工作。记住,如果您参加多个项目,您需要在每个项目的设置页面上设置。

Is there an App for my architecture? Can I download the source and build one myself? 有没有针对我的计算机架构的程序版本?我可以下载源程序并自己编译一个吗?

   Answer not written yet.

BOINC / E@H keeps my CPU at 100%. Is there any way to throttle it? BOINC / E@H 使我的CPU占用率达到100%。有什么方法阻止它吗?

   Answer not written yet.

What will happen when a gravitational wave was found by my computer? 如果一个引力波被我的电脑找到了(计算出来了),会怎么样?

   This question is under discussion between the LIGO and GEO labs, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. It has not yet been answered. Here are a few facts that are relevant. (1) Einstein@Home participants are carrying out one step (the most computationally-intensive one) in a pulsar search. However the results are fed back into a later stage of search which looks for consistency between different independent results. So no single user 'makes the discovery'. (2) Since (for the purpose of validation) the work is done by several machines independently, belonging to different users, any credit should be shared between the different users who got that result.
   这个问题正在LIGO和GEO实验室以及LIGO科学协会中被讨论着,还没有确切的结果。这里是一些有关的事实:(1) Einstein@Home的参与者正在走出脉冲星搜索的第一步(也是运算最密集的)。但这些独立的结果会在下一阶段相互比较,寻找一致。所以单独的一个用户没有可能“发现”引力波。(2) 由于(为了确认)一个工作是由几台独立的,属于不同用户的机器所完成的,所以任何荣誉都应该在这些计算出结果的用户之间分享。
   We expect to update this answer in the future.

"Your account" shows WorkUnit XXXXX being sent to me, but I don't have it on my computer - where did it go? "Your account"(“你的账号”页面)显示计算包(WorkUnit) XXXXX 已经发送给我了,但我在电脑上没找到它。它去哪儿了?

   This problem occurs when your machine contacts the Einstein@Home scheduler to request work, and the Einstein@Home scheduler sends work to your machine, but the work never arrives. This can happen if the networking connection fails during the data transfer. It might also happen if your machine never gets its original assigned hostid and later gets given a different one. It might also happen because of (known and perhaps unknown) bugs in the BOINC core client.
   当您的机器向Einstein@Home的调度程序请求工作,调度程序给您的机器发送工作,而这些工作从未到达您的电脑时,这个问题就会发生。这可能是由于与数据传输器的网络连接失败的缘故。也有可能是您的机器没有接受到原来注册的 宿主id,后来又接受了另外一个。也有可能是BOINC客户端核心的bug(不论是已知的还是未知的)。
   We hope that this problem is largely fixed. If your machine is behind a proxy server or part of a Windows network that uses proxy-like translation features, then bugs in the BOINC 4.19 client may cause this problem. If you see this happending repeatedly on your machine(s) please file a report in the message boards, and perhaps try one of the later BOINC versions.
   我们希望这个问题已经被很大程度上修复了。如果您的机器通过代理服务器或者一个有类代理解释特性的Windows网络连接的话,在BOINC 4.19版本的客户端中的bug可能会导致这个问题。如果您在您的机器上重复地发现这个问题,请在公告板上给我们发一个报告,也可以试一下安装BOINC的最新版本。
   NOTE: If you are using a proxy server make sure that the TIMEOUT interval for the proxy server is set to at least 100*N seconds where N is the number of CPUs on your machine. Otherwise your proxy server may drop the connection to the Einstein@Home server before the scheduler reply is sent from the Einstein@Home server to your machine. So for a single CPU machine be sure to set the timeout of the proxy server to at least 100 seconds, for a two CPU machine, be sure it is at least 200 seconds, and so on. This also applies if your machine is networked by using another machine as a gateway to the internet.
   Provided that your machine is successfully completing work, uploading the results, and downloading work, the occasional lost Workunit is nothing to worry about. When it times out after the deadline, the work will simply be sent to another host machine.

I get a message saying 'Misconfigured BOINC installation or proxy-server problems!'. What does this mean? What should I do? 我收到一条信息:"Misconfigured BOINC installation or proxy-server problems!"(BOINC安装配置错误,或者是代理服务器问题!)这是什么意思?我应该怎么做?

   This was an erroneous error message and can be ignored.

Why is my Daily Result Quota so small? 为什么我的每日工作限额那么小?

   There are some host machines which 'error out' all the work that is sent to them. Often these machines are misconfigured or have some other Operating System or BOINC installation problem which needs to be fixed. To help reduce the impact of these machines on the project, we use a 'Daily Result Quota' to prevent these host machines from trashing hundreds or thousands of workunits per day.
   The 'Daily Result Quota' is normally 8 workunits (per CPU, with a 4 CPU maximmum). A host can request, and will receive, up to this many workunits per day and per CPU. Each time that a host returns a failed result, or 'times out' on a result (fails to return a result by the deadline) its Daily Result Quota is reduced by one. Each time that a host returns a successful result, its Daily Result Quota is DOUBLED. Note: the Daily Result Quota is NEVER allowed to be less than one, and NEVER allowed to be larger than 8 (per CPU).
   Provided that a host machine returns at least some successful results, it's Daily Result Quota should remain near 8. Host machines that have a Daily Result Quota of 1 should be examined: there is probably something wrong with them, or with how BOINC in installed or running on them.

I see messages in stderr about file checksums, resuming, and so on. Does this indicate a problem? 我看到了stderr (stderrgui.txt及stderrdae.txt)里关于文件校验总和的 (file checksums) 、重新开始 (resuming)等等的信息了。这是否说明有问题?

   Probably not. We use stderr to log some useful information that helps us to track the execution of the search code. The following messages are normal and not signs of trouble:
   Resuming computation at X/Y/Z
   detected finished Fstat file - skipping Fstat run 1
   detected finished Fstat file - skipping Fstat run 2
   Fstats.Ha: bytecount X checksum Y
   Fstats.Hb: bytecount X checksum Y

(for Linux) I see messages in stderr about missing object files/graphics. (对于 Linux 系统)我在 stderr (stderrgui.txt及stderrdae.txt)里看到了关于丢失对象文件/图形 (missing object file/graphics)的信息。

   The following messages indicate that your Linux machine does not have the necessary libraries to display Einstein@Home graphics. Provided that you don't want graphics, they can be ignored.
   dlopen() failed: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
   No graphics.
   graphics_lib_handle NULL: running without graphics


(for Linux) My Linux box reports physical memory incorrectly. (对于 Linux 系统)我的 Linux box 错误地报告了内存(reports memory incorrectly)。

   Please download memory.c. Follow the instructions at the top of the file to compile and run this small program. Then report the results in the forum, along with the hostid of the host machine.
   请下载 memory.c 文件,根据文件头部的指导编译并运行这个小程序,再把结果连同宿主计算机的id贴在Einstein@home的英文论坛上。

At the very end my Workunit jumps from 99% to 100% complete very quickly (or slowly!). 在快结束的时候,我的计算包的完成率很快地从99%一下子跳到100%(有时候很慢!)。

   The Einstein@Home workunits have three stages. In the first two stages, two different sections (different time ranges and/or detectors) of Gravitational Wave Detector data are searched for the same set of candidate physical sources. In the third stage, the results of these first two searches are compared to identify candidate sources which appeared in both sections of the data.
   The first two stages are entirely deterministic: we can accurately say how much work has been done by your computer and how much remains. The third 'coincidence' stage is not deterministic. Normally it should only take a few seconds although in some cases, for some sets of candidates found in the first two stages, it might take several minutes or even tens of minutes.
   The Einstein@Home application is designed to report progress from 0% to 49.5% complete in the first stage, and from 49.5% to 99% complete in the second stage. The third stage reports progress in an unpredictable way, from 99% to 100%. This third and final stage should normally complete much faster than 1% of the time used by the first two stages. However in some cases it may take a number of minutes.

My machine isn't getting any work, and I get scheduler replies saying "No work set, daily quota reached". 我的机器不去获取新的工作,而调度程序 (scheduler) 也回答说"No work set, daily quota reached"(没有设定好的工作,达到了每日限量)。

   This happens if work being sent to your machine is lost enroute. What may be happening is that the workunits are being lost as described here and as a result your daily result quota is being reached. These lost workunits can also result in a lowering of your daily result quota as described here.


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