Youth 发表于 2009-7-22 18:36:26

回复 #87 zflowers 的帖子


Youth 发表于 2009-7-22 18:37:23

回复 #88 昂宿星团人 的帖子


Youth 发表于 2009-7-22 18:37:48

回复 #89 cuihao 的帖子


Youth 发表于 2009-9-18 16:38:23


- Warning for Ubuntu 9.04 (and derivatives) with kernel versions 2.6.28 and newer. Please watch the first ~dozend AP wus you crunch with these apps closely for errors saying : Segmentation Violation or Error 11. If you see such errors please do not use the optimized applications. You will not get credit for your work, because of these errors.
The only known solution for this problem is to change to an earlier kernel version than 2.6.28.


Youth 发表于 2010-2-19 08:40:21


zflowers 发表于 2010-2-24 11:52:28

可怜啊 有优化却下不到包~
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查看完整版本: SETI@home 优化程序介绍 (Astropulse, 最后更新于 2010/02/19)
