vmzy 发表于 2008-2-19 10:16:46

今天官方发布了,6.01 beta3 命令行(包括GPU)版客户端。

[ 本帖最后由 vmzy 于 2008-2-21 10:12 编辑 ]

vmzy 发表于 2008-2-21 10:11:39


今天官方发布了,6.01 beta4 命令行(包括GPU和普通)版客户端。

vmzy 发表于 2008-2-25 09:50:42

发布windows 平台 FAH 6.01beta5 CPU、GPU的命令行和图形版客户端(注:图形版仅有系统栏图标,图形界面内容暂未实现,请大家仅测试功能是否正常即可)。


vmzy 发表于 2008-3-3 10:43:52

发布windows 平台 FAH 6.10beta1 CPU、GPU的命令行和图形版客户端。

译者注:根据官方论坛的反馈信息,此版本与win 2000 sp4不兼容。虽然版本号发生了大变化,但是GPU版仍然只支持ATI 1xxx版。2xxx、3xxx版请大家耐心等待。

vmzy 发表于 2008-3-4 09:57:37

March 03, 2008
FAH & Open source: the OpenGL Kit
Several people have asked about FAH's stance to open source and whether we'd open up source for parts of FAH.We have a FAQ discussing this at

Of note is our opening up of FAH GUI client display.Our client OpenGL kit is now available. The purpose of this is for OpenGL programmers to be able to us make graphic modes for the Folding@home client, and viewers.If you are an OpenGL programmer, download the .zip file, and read the README.TXT for instructions. Visit the forum to discuss, ask questions, and show off your work.


GPU core beta test broadening
We're starting to broaden our beta test for the GPU client.You may from time to time see 27xx class project numbers appear on the Project Summary page -- these are the new GPU test projects we're running.

So far, so good.We're working with ATI to work out a clean way to bundle what we need for the new client, finishing up some tests at ATI, and then we should be in good shape for a more broad (but still closed) GPU beta test.

vmzy 发表于 2008-3-5 13:51:19

发布windows 平台 FAH 6.10beta2 CPU、GPU的命令行和图形版客户端。
6.10 beta 2:
• Passkey is now in the preferences, and rearrangement of preferences settings. (OS X)
• Now possible to enter passkey in console client. (Win32)
• Many updates to client, that should not change behaviors. (all)
• Updated ReadMe with the right expire dates. (OS X)
• Viewer should work. (OS X)
• Added screensaver. (OS X)

JUST 发表于 2008-3-7 20:24:33


vmzy 发表于 2008-3-10 10:01:03

March 08, 2008
New Windows client/core development (SMP and classic clients)

The Windows SMP client is a pretty important new client for us for two reasons.First, multi-core CPUs are becoming more and more common, and second, Windows clients are the most common in FAH by far.The SMP client appears to be working quite well on linux and OSX, and this is due to the fact that these machines are unix-based, and so multicore libraries (eg MPI) are much more robust on these platforms.The issues we've been seeing on Windows can be directly attributed to MPI issues.We're the first distributed computing platform to roll out MPI calculations (typically reserved for supercomputers), so we are dealing with some major growing pains issues there.

To help fix this, Peter Kasson has been working hard on a new approach to improve the Windows SMP core stability.The trick was to use an improved MPI library.So far, it looks like it is indeed a significant improvement, but we're still testing it to be sure.   If the Windows SMP core is not working well for you, we hope that the new fixes will help.   

For now, if the SMP client isn't working well for you, one can always run multiple regular Windows clients and still make major contributions to FAH (and lots of extra points than a single client!).You can see more info on our Windows console FAQ.

Finally, we're working to reintegrate and revamp our Windows clients in general.We've revamped the graphics, made it much more stable (and better looking), and we've set up a single client to serve as both regular and SMP clients (with GPU functionality on the way).We're excited about these new developments and donors will be seeing these advances in the next few weeks, if all goes well in our beta tests.

我们改进了Windows SMP版的MPI库文件,以提高Windows版客户端的稳定性和速度。


vmzy 发表于 2008-3-12 13:41:10

6.10 beta 3:
• Fixed Windows install paths no longer have spaces. (Win32)
• Fixed –gpu flag so that the GPU detection is looking at that GPU as well. (Win32)
• GPU clients default to machineid=2, and cpu to machineid=1. (Win32)

For those that ran the beta 1 or beta 2, the new working directories do not have spaces in them. This means the work unit you are running now, will be in the one WITH spaces, and you should move it over after you uninstall beta 1/2 and install beta 3.

i.e. what was in "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\Folding@home - x86"
needs to be manually put in "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\Folding@home-x86"

vmzy 发表于 2008-4-16 14:07:53

官方修改下载页面,正式开放win平台下最新的GPU2 6.11 beta3 和SMP 5.92 beta upgrade from 5.91 客户端。

注:安装SMP 5.92 前请阅读说明。

vmzy 发表于 2008-4-18 13:13:51


zflowers 发表于 2008-4-18 13:17:54

原帖由 vmzy 于 2008-4-18 13:13 发表 http://www.equn.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
因为GPU1和GPU2的架构差异太大,而且GPU1的计算效率较低,官方没有精力维护2套系统,所以决定放弃GPU1客户端。 ...

是的话意味着 放弃了x1x00系列显卡的gpu运算?

vmzy 发表于 2008-4-18 21:45:41


zflowers 发表于 2008-4-19 09:32:05


dlxwj 发表于 2008-4-19 17:13:47

1950gt算分 也挺猛的
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