BiscuiT 发表于 2010-4-25 23:19:26


霍金(Stephen Hawking)教授说,外星人肯定存在于某个地方,但地球人最好小心为上,应该尽量避免接触他们。这一建议来自于霍金思考宇宙神秘问题的最新纪录片。


BiscuiT 发表于 2010-4-25 23:23:23



gezi 发表于 2010-4-26 12:24:06

回复 2# BiscuiT


zglloo 发表于 2010-4-26 16:08:14

本帖最后由 zglloo 于 2010-4-26 16:13 编辑

相信很多人对外星人都抱有美妙的幻想,希望有朝一日自己能碰上一个,有的人甚至还希望自己也能变成外星人。不过鼎鼎大名的科学家斯蒂芬霍金可不这么想。据 《泰晤士报》报道,霍金为今年五月份播出的《探索》频道的新纪录片《斯蒂芬霍金的宇宙》撰写了新的文档,这部纪录片耗时三年时间制作,霍金在这部记录片中 描述了自己对外星人的看法。

leawind 发表于 2010-4-26 18:31:23


kittyjia 发表于 2010-4-26 19:13:28


池龙 发表于 2010-4-27 20:05:13


扎西 发表于 2010-4-28 12:25:21


eboy发布于 2010-04-26 07:16:12|50755 次阅读 字体:大 小 打印预览 [分享到QQ空间]分享至新浪微博 添加到百度搜藏 转贴到开心网 分享到校内人人网 添加到Google书签
cnBeta 科学探索

相信很多人对外星人都抱有美妙的幻想,希望有朝一日自己能碰上一个,有的人甚至还希望自己也能变成外星人。不过鼎鼎大名的科学家斯蒂芬霍金可不这么想。据 《泰晤士报》报道,霍金为今年五月份播出的《探索》频道的新纪录片《斯蒂芬霍金的宇宙》撰写了新的文档,这部纪录片耗时三年时间制作,霍金在这部记录片中 描述了自己对外星人的看法。


扎西 发表于 2010-4-28 12:25:42


BiscuiT 发表于 2010-4-28 12:41:01

BiscuiT 发表于 2010-4-28 12:41:38

(April 26, 2010) Today I am at AbSciCon 2010, a meeting on astrobiology in League City TX, and I did manage to attend the first session this morning before having to step out to reply to media enquiries.

On a Discovery Channel TV program last night, Stephen Hawking spent the majority of an hour explaining what astrobiology is (trying to understand the origin, nature, and distribution of life in the universe), and why searching for microbial life beyond Earth and conducting SETI searches are so important, relevant, and in the case of SETI, perhaps very difficult.It would have been fun to field media questions on this part of the show, but alas what the journalists wanted comments on were Prof. Hawking's closing comments that an advanced technology, capable of reaching the Earth, might be aggressive and exploit us - as more advanced technologies on Earth have exploited more primitive cultures.He suggested this was a reason for not purposefully transmitting .

So what's my reply?Prof. Hawking is correct, any technology with whom we make contact, through optical or radio SETI projects, or because they show up on our doorstep, will in fact be technologically more advanced than we are (they couldn't be less advanced, or contact couldn't happen), and that means they will be older than us.Prof. Hawking imagines they may be nomads in search of territory to trash.He could be right, he's a pretty brilliant guy.But he also imagines they may be creating wormholes at will to get here from there.It's going to take some time for a technology to master that trick; it seems to me that if they managed to survive long enough to tame wormholes, they probably had to stabilize their civilization along the way.I'm inclined to think a long-lived technology will have outgrown or mastered the aggression that probably accompanied their early evolution towards intelligence.I think it is as likely that an old, advanced technology would be interested in preserving and protecting any galactic biodiversity they encounter, as they would be in usurping it and its resources.Between Prof. Hawking's opinion and mine, there is infinite room for differing opinions as well. in this particular circumstance, none of us is yet expert.

I'm going back to my astrobiology meeting, and after that I'll check in and see how our SETI observations on the ATA went today.

青島人 发表于 2010-4-28 14:02:36


Wayne_Chang 发表于 2010-4-28 14:18:31

winstranger 发表于 2010-4-28 14:30:37


kittyjia 发表于 2010-4-28 19:04:12

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