Grё@thΙll 发表于 2006-7-24 16:51:50


BOINC用户调查:由于软件有漏洞调查项目'Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?'的答案记录出现故障。请重新填表。对此引起的不便我们表示歉意.


[ Last edited by Grё@thΙll on 2006-7-26 at 12:29 ]

Grё@thΙll 发表于 2006-7-30 09:52:56

July 28, 2006
Spread the word about SETI@home - send email to your friends and family.


tRNA 发表于 2006-7-31 15:23:07


rainbowhyh 发表于 2006-7-31 23:13:34


Youth 发表于 2006-9-11 09:36:21

September 8, 2006

We ran out of work to send out due to our science database going down. More details in Technical News.


// Sun公司捐赠了一台新服务器!然后在新旧服务器过渡过程中出了点问题。

Youth 发表于 2006-9-12 09:45:05

September 11, 2006

Outage update: Though we moved a bulk of the data onto the new science database server over the weekend, there is still plenty to do before we can start using this new server. In the meantime, we may be able to start creating new work to send out later today.


Youth 发表于 2006-9-13 08:45:22

September 12, 2006

If you're interested in donating time - rather than computing power - to help Astronomical research, check out Clickworkers (from NASA Ames Research Center) and Stardust@home (from UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab).


opm-playboy 发表于 2006-10-23 10:26:32


Rojer 发表于 2006-10-27 16:28:41

SETI的墙纸   背景是我们熟悉的猎户座星云。


老冬腌菜 发表于 2006-10-31 22:28:01

October 25, 2006 - 19:00 UTC
We're currently starting some minor database testing to diagnose recent issues (see previous note below). Namely, we're purging all the finished results from the database as soon as they are complete, instead of letting them linger around for at least a day. This means you won't be able to see completed results on your account page as they will disappear from our user database as soon as the data is assimilated into our science database. This condition is only aesthetic and will be temporary. The hope is that we don't have any "orphaned" results in our database and cleaning out all the rows that are spoken for will help determine this.

我们现在已经开始着手建立一些小型数据库,以诊断最近发布的消息。 也就是说,只要数据库中已经完成的结果完整,我们就不会让它在数据库中多留一天。而是马上把他们清除掉。这样,用户就无法从他们的帐户中看到完整的结果了。因为只要那些数据进入了我们的数据库,就会立刻消失。这种状况是短暂的,如昙花一现。我们希望的是数据库中没有零散的结果。

Youth 发表于 2006-12-2 12:06:45

November 29, 2006 - 19:00 UTC

Last night we had a blip of an outage due to our data download server losing its mount of the file server holding the workunits. This was strictly a random failure, and it worked itself out on its own. We saw similar behavior back when we had a heavier load on the entire system. We released the enhanced client which greatly reduced the rate of workunit/result exchange and therefore reduced the occurrence of these load-related problems. Thanks to Moore's Law and an ever-increasing user base, we'll need to address this issue sooner than later.


The other lingering, randomly-occurring problem has to do with "rough periods" accessing the database (see eariler tech news items for details). Basically, what's going on is this: every 24 hours or so a process dumps all useful user/host/team stats to XML files which other sites can upload and generate leader boards, graphs, etc. These tables have continually grown in size, and apparently when this process runs they can knock the result table out of memory. The feeder process, which keeps a healthy queue of available work to send out to users, needs the result table in memory or else a sub-second query to select more work becomes a multi-minute query to read the whole result table back into memory from disk. We're looking into making these queries more efficient.


We're also looking at setting up a new BOINC database server (remember that the BOINC database is separate for the SETI@home-specific science database which already is on a new server and working well). Recently Intel donated several pieces of hardware to us, including a quad dual-core Xeon processor system (i.e. 8 3GHz processors total). We're currently working out some system quirks, but when we begin trusting it we'll make this our master BOINC database server, and the current one will be a replica. This will provide an immediate backup if needed, and remove the necessity for the weekly outages. More to come on that. Another recently Intel system has already been set up and is being used as a backend science CPU server (and to read new data from hard drives sent up from Arecibo).


The last of the known never-touched classic data tapes has been read last week and is in the splitter queue. Next we will start reading tapes that have gone through the pipeline in some form or another, but for some reason never made it into our master database. Possible reasons include: bad data (but hopefully not), a tape drive failure that caused the tapes to remain unread (surprisingly more common than you'd think), poor initial analysis or database corruption leading to failure during redundancy checking. So don't be upset when tapes from the late 90's appear on the queue. Data from 1998 is worth the same as data taken in 2006. The ETs we are looking for come from light years away. A few years won't make any difference when looking for signals consistently repeating over time.

以前SETI Classic时代储存原始观测数据的磁带中最后一卷从未读过的也在上星期进入了任务队列,接下来我们将重新检查部分之前已经读过的磁带,这些磁带由于各种原因还没有进入过任务队列。如果你看到你计算的任务包是来自1998年,不要感到泄气,这些数据和2006的数据同样有意义。我们要寻找的ET至少也来自于数个光年之外,采集数据的时间相差几年并没有什么不同。

老冬腌菜 发表于 2006-12-12 22:25:01


December 4, 2006
BOINC's new Online Help system lets you get help from volunteers by talking with them using Skype. Volunteers speak several languages.

SETI@home Classic users: you can now transfer your workunit totals to your SETI@home/BOINC account, even if you lost your Classic password.

新的 BOINC 帮助系统可以使您通过 Skype (一种网络电话软件)从志愿者那里得到帮助,这些志愿者会说多种语言(希望包括汉语)

对 SETI@home Classic 用户:即使您忘记了在 SETI@home Classic 中的密码,您仍然可以将您在 SETI@home Classic 中完成的任务数量转移到 BOINC 的 SETI@home 账号中

烦人 发表于 2007-2-21 22:13:51

February 20, 2007
There will be an outage tomorrow (February 21st) starting around 17:00 UTC for network upgrades. If all goes well, we will only be offline for about an hour.


Youth 发表于 2007-3-1 14:04:49

February 21, 2007

Yet another reason to run SETI@home - it can help recover stolen laptops.



Youth 发表于 2007-3-1 15:56:18


matrix 写道 "加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校太空科学实验室开发的SETI@home是一种分布式计算客户端,目的是寻找ET,全世界注册的志愿者超过了100万。它利用志愿者电脑空闲时在屏幕保护模式下计算来自波多黎各天文台收集的无线电讯号,到现在为止还没找到任何外星人,却找到了一台丢失的笔记本电脑。

James Melin,政府部门的软件工程师,家里的7台电脑上安装了SETI@home,并周期性的连接到服务器,一旦发生变化,服务器都会把IP地址记录下来并存放到数据库,任何运行SETI软件的使用者都可以浏览。不久前他妻子的笔记本在家中失窃,他妻子是位作家,非常担心小偷会将电脑上储存的剧本和小说删除。于是Melin开始检查SETI@home上的数据库,那台丢失的笔记本可能会将改变的IP地址递交到服务器。确实如此,那台笔记本在一周内登记了三次,Melin将IP地址报告警察局,几天内警察就找到了这台电脑并还给了Melin。他的妻子Melinda Kimberly高兴的说“我知道Geek会成为一个好丈夫。这件事就像不可能完成任务(Mission: Impossible)He's a genius - my hero。”
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