碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-12 21:38:28


我把数学项目GIMPS的帮助文件“prime95.chm”中主要的几页转成 html了,地址为:
其中所有内容我都转到帖子“prime95-寻找梅森素数-安装说明(23.7版)”的第三楼中了 http://www.equn.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=2214

我希望 ben、xiaowu、air、W.polly、liqi、wreck、ebx等等GIMPS同仁和其他对数学感兴趣的朋友能够抽空翻译部分内容,如果您愿意翻译,请回帖说明您准备翻译哪个菜单项的设置说明,以避免其他朋友重复翻译。




[ Last edited by 碧城仙 on 2005-1-12 at 09:56 PM ]

ben 发表于 2005-1-13 08:43:12



碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-13 09:51:41

好的,谢谢!只翻译图片下面的文字说明就行了,图片内部的文字部分如果方便翻译也希望能够翻译一下,谢谢 ben 的参与!!!

ben 发表于 2005-1-13 13:19:57

Test Menu

The PrimeNet menu choice lets you configure the type of work you get from the server.The "Use PrimeNet..." option can be turned on to switch from the manual method to the automatic method.The "Request whatever..." box should be left checked.However, if you are running a slow computer and don't mind waiting several months for a single Lucas-Lehmer test to complete OR you are running a faster computer and would rather do factoring, then uncheck this box and choose a different type of work to do.The "Always have at least this many days of work queued up" value should be changed based on how often you connect to the Internet.As long as you connect at least once in the given time period, prime95 will have an uninterrupted stream of work.However, the program will not checkout more than 20 exponents no matter what this value is set at.

大意是: (如有翻译得不当之处, 请指正)
PrimeNet 菜单 该菜单让你配置从服务器获得工作的类型. 选中"使用 PrimeNet 获得工作并报告结果"复选框将从手工的方法转变为自动的方法. "自动判断工作类型"复选框最好让它保持选中. 当然, 如果你使用较慢的计算机, 并且你不介意等待一个 Lucas-Lehmer 测试计算好几个月, 或者你宁愿使用较快的计算机进行因子分解, 你也可以不选中该复选框并且选择一个不同的工作. "工作队列至少保持多少天"的值基于你多久连接因特网一次而设定, 只要你在给出的时间以前至少连接因特网一次, Prime95 就能够不间断地进行工作. 无论如何, 不管该值设为多少, 本程序不会事先取得超过 20 个指数.

The User Information menu choice lets you change your name and email address.Your name will be used in credits and "top producers" web pages.Your email address may be used to send you a newsletter once every few months.Select the "Receive occasional newsletters..." checkbox to enable these emails.The userid you use will appear in the status pages on the PrimeNet server.You can also set the ComputerID field if you have several computers and want to keep track of which computers produced which results.You can create a team by choosing the "Create a team..." checkbox.The user name you entered becomes the team name and a message is sent to the server which prevents the team name from changing.Thus, you can handout the userid and password for others to join your team and these team members are not able to accidentally or maliciously change the team name that appears on the statistics page.

用户信息菜单 该菜单让你填写你的姓名和电子邮件地址. 你的姓名将用于credits和"top producers"网页中. 你的电子邮件地址可能用于每隔几个月发送一次新闻给你. 选中"通过电子邮件从 PrimeNet 服务器接收不定期的新闻"复选框就可以收到这些电子邮件. 你使用的用户标识将出现在 PrimeNet 服务器的状态页面中. 如果你有多台计算机并且想跟踪哪台计算机计算出哪个结果, 也可以填写计算机标识栏. 你也可以通过选中"使用以上信息创建团队"复选框, 从而创建一个团队. 你填写的用户名成为团队名称, 并且发送一个信息到服务器以阻止修改团队名称. 因此, 你可以公布用户标识和密码, 以便别人加入你的团队. 这些团队成员不能更改出现在统计页面的团队名称, 不管是有意还是无意.

The Vacation/Holiday menu choice lets prime95 update the expected completion dates on the PrimeNet server.This will prevent one of your exponents from being reassigned while you're gone.Also, if you are taking a long vacation, prime95 will get extra exponents to test.For example, if you are leaving for a 6 week vacation, connect to the Internet and choose 42 days.

假日设置菜单 该菜单让 prime95 更新在 PrimeNet 服务器上的预期完成天数. 这将防止当你度假时你的指数被重新分配给别人. 也就是说, 如果你去度一个长假, prime95 将取得额外的指数进行测试. 举例来说, 如果你要离开去度一个六周的假期, 请连接到因特网并填写 42 天.
这段话有点不好理解, 恳请哪位大侠重新翻译并将您的理解附上.
我的理解是: 这和使用 Manual Test Assignments Time Extension 进行展期的功能是一样的.
但是: Also, if you are taking a long vacation, prime95 will get extra exponents to test. 这句话不好理解.

选择该菜单项后, 将弹出一个对话框:

If you are going on a lengthy vacation and your computer will not be running or your computer will not be connected to the Internet, then the PrimeNet server may need to be informed of new expected completion dates.

如果你将去度一个长假, 并且你的计算机将关机, 或者你的计算机将不能连接到因特网, PrimeNet 服务可能需要知道新的预期完成天数的信息.

Please make sure you are connected to the Internet long enough to send the new completion dates.


Days of vacation:

[ ] Computer will be on druing your absence.
[ ] 在你离开的时候计算机将开着
我的理解是: 如果不选中该复选框, PrimeNet 认为你度假时计算机将关机, 如果选中该复选框, PrimeNet 认为你度假时计算机仍然开机.

The Status menu choice will tell you what exponents you are working on. It will also estimate how long that will take and your chances of finding a new Mersenne prime.

状态菜单 该菜单告诉你正在计算哪些指数. 它也估计需要计算多长时间, 以及发现一个新的梅森素数的概率是多少.

选择该菜单项后, 将弹出一个对话框:

Below is a report on the work you have queued and any expected completion dates.

M15901447,Lucas-Lehmer test,Sun Jun 23 13:36 2002
M15901447,Lucas-Lehmer 测试, 星期日 2002年06月23日 13:36分

The chance that the exponent you are testing will yield a Mersenne prime is about 1 in 143369.
你正在测试的指数产生一个梅森素数的概率是 1/143369.

The Continue menu choice lets you resume prime95 after you have stopped it.

继续计算菜单 该菜单在你停止 prime95 计算后让你恢复它的运行.

The Stop menu choice lets you stop the program.When you continue, you will pick up right where you left off.This is the same as hitting the ESC key.

停止计算菜单 该菜单让你停止本程序的运行. 当如继续计算的时间, 将正确地在你停止的位置重新开始计算. 按 ESC 键也可以达到同样的目的.

[ Last edited by ben on 2005-1-13 at 07:16 PM ]

air 发表于 2005-1-13 14:54:14




air 发表于 2005-1-13 17:44:56



You should not need to use the Advanced menu.This menu choice is provided only for those who are curious to play with.To avoid confusion for novice users, all the choices in the Advanced menu have been grayed. Please read this section if you want to know what the Advanced menu choices do.To turn on the Advanced menu, use the Advanced Password dialog box and enter a value of 9876.Also note that many of the menu choices are grayed while testing is in progress.Choose Test/Stop to activate these menu choices.


The Test choice can be used to run a Lucas-Lehmer test on one Mersenne number.Enter the Mersenne number's exponent - this must be a prime number between 5 and 79300000.


The Time choice can be used to see how long each iteration of a Lucas-Lehmer test will take on your computer and how long it will take to test a given exponent.For example, if you want to know how long a Lucas-Lehmer test will take to test the exponent 876543, choose Advanced/Time and enter 876543 for 100 iterations.

(对话框中,在 Exponent to time 后面填入你要估计时间的指数,Number of Iterations 填入迭代次数。如果分别填入876543和100,则对指数876543做100次迭代,给出每次迭代的用时,及计算这个指数总共需要多长时间。注意,与上一项不同,完成后不会自动启动当前的计算任务。)

The ECM choice lets you factor Mersenne numbers using the Elliptic Curve Method of factoring.Select a few exponents and bounds to factor from the http://www.mersenne.org/ecm.htm web pages.


Note:You do not reserve exponents to work on, several people can do ECM factoring on the same exponent.The program uses a random number generator to select elliptic curves to test.You must email results to me at woltman@alum.mit.edu - PrimeNet does not support ECM factoring.

注意: 因为其他人可能也在用同样的指数进行ECM分解,所以不要一次取得多个指数留着以后分解。程序会随机挑选椭圆曲线进行计算。ECM分解的结果无法通过PrimeNet传送,请将结果用E-mail发送到: woltman@alum.mit.edu。

WARNING:ECM does not adhere to the memory limits specified in the Options/CPU dialog box.ECM requires a minimum of 192 times the FFT size.Thus, ECM factoring of F20 which uses a 64K FFT will use a minimum of 192 * 64K or 12MB of memory.

警告: Options菜单的CPU菜单项中设置的内存限制对ECM不起作用。ECM至少需要FFT的192倍的内存。从而,ECM分解64K FFT的F20至少需要192*64K=128M的内存。

You can also edit the worktodo.ini file directly.For example:


The first value is the exponent.The second value is bound #1.The third value is bound #2 - leave it as zero.The fourth value is the number of curves to test.The fifth value is no longer used.The sixth value is the specific curve to test - it is only used in debugging.The seventh value is 0 for 2^N-1 factoring, 1 for 2^N+1 factoring.The eighth value is no longer used.



第1个数是指数;第2个数是边界#1;第3个数是边界#2(总是填0);第4个数是曲线;第5个数不用;第6个数是特殊曲线(仅用于调试);第7个数: 0意味着做2^N-1分解,1意味着做2^N+1分解;第8个数不用。

The P-1 choice lets you factor Mersenne numbers using the P-1 method of factoring.There is presently no web site which tells you how much P-1 factoring has already been done on exponents.


You can also edit the worktodo.ini file directly.For example:


The first value is the exponent.The second value is bound #1.The third value is bound #2.The fourth value is 0 for 2^N-1 factoring, 1 for 2^N+1 factoring.The fifth value is no longer used.



第1个数是指数;第2个数是边界#1;第3个数是边界#2;第4个数: 0意味着做2^N-1分解,1意味着做2^N+1分解;第5个数不用。

Round off checking.This option will slow the program down by about 15%. This option displays the smallest and largest "convolution error".The convolution error must be less than 0.49 or the results will be incorrect.There really is no good reason to turn this option on.

舍入检查选项(Round off checking)勾上该选项将使用程序运行速度下降约15%。该选项显示最小及最大的“卷折错误”。卷折错误必须小于0.49,否则计算结果就不正确了。勾上该选项可不是什么好主意。

The Priority menu is used to adjust the priority prime95 runs at. You should not need to change this.You might raise the priority if you (or your coworker) just cannot live without a screen saver (bad idea), or if you are running some ill-behaved program that is using CPU cycles for no good reason.


对话框中的英文的大意是: 优先级的数值是1到10,1最低,10最高。屏幕保护程序的优先级是4,大多数应用程序的优先级是9。强烈建议prime95使用默认优先级1,因为提高它的优先级并不会加快它的运行速度。仅当屏幕保护程序之类的其他程序从prime95中偷取CPU时间时,才需要提高prime95的优先级。

建议: 最好不要使用屏幕保护程序,否则应该提高prime95的优先级。

The Manual Communication menu choice should only be used if the automatic detection of an Internet connection is not working for you.Using this option means you have to remember to communicate with the server every week or two (by using this same menu choice).

手工通讯菜单项(Manual Communication)只有当自动检测因特网连接不成功时才需要使用。如果是这样,您要记得每一周或两周用这个菜单项和服务器通讯一次。

[ ]不要自动与PrimeNet服务器连接
[ ]现在连接PrimeNet服务器
[ ]向PrimeNet服务器发送您正在进行的计算的预计完成日期

The Unreserve Exponent choice lets you tell the server to unreserved an exponent you have been assigned.You might do this if a second computer you had been running GIMPS on died or if you had been assigned an exponent of one work type (such as a first-time-test) and now you have switched to another work type (such as 10,000,000 digit numbers).Any work you have done on the unreserved exponent will be lost.

归还指数菜单项(Unreserve Exponent)告知服务器收回一个分配给您的指数。这样做的理由可能是:您用于运行GIMPS的另一台计算机坏了,或者您想做另一种类型的计算(比如计算千万位的数),不想要原先分配到的那种类型的指数了。被归还的指数中您做过的计算都将丢失。

对话框中的英文的大意是: 仅当您不能完成这个指数的计算时才归还它。这个指数将被分配给其他人。如果您还在计算一个分配给其他人的指数那是不公平的。

The Quit GIMPS menu choice is used when you no longer want this computer to work on the GIMPS project.You may rejoin at a later date.If you are a Prime Net user your unfinished work will be returned to the server.If you are a manual user, you need to send me email containing your results.txt file and a note saying you are quitting.

退出GIMPS菜单项(Quit GIMPS)您不再使用这台计算机为GIMPS项目工作时从这里退出。迟些时候您也可以重新加入。如果您是用PrimeNet与服务器通讯的,您未完成的工作将被自动返还给服务器。如果您是手工通讯用户,则需要发电子邮件给管理者,告知您退出该项目,并同时发送results.txt。


(1)如果您使用PrimeNet与服务器连接,也就是在Test菜单PrimeNet菜单项的对话框中勾上“使用 PrimeNet 获得工作并报告结果”选项,则对话框是这样的:




[是(Y)]   [否(N)]   [取消]

注意: 不论选择“是”还是“否”都会导致退出GIMPS项目,选择“是”完成当前分配给您的指数计算后退出GIMPS,选择“否”立即退出GIMPS。如果您不小心使用了“Quit GIMPS”菜单项,请选择“取消”回到 Prime95。

(2)如果您手工获得指数,手工提交结果,也就是在Test菜单PrimeNet菜单项的对话框中不勾上“使用 PrimeNet 获得工作并报告结果”选项,则对话框是这样的:



[是(Y)]   [否(N)]


[ Last edited by air on 2005-1-17 at 07:18 PM ]

慢舟 发表于 2005-1-13 17:59:27

ben在 2005-1-13 13:19 发表:

我的理解是: 这和使用 Manual Test Assignments Time Extension 进行展期的功能是一样的.
但是: Also, if you are taking a long vacation, prime95 will get extra exponents to test. 这句话不好理解.

我觉得是:如果你离开很长的时间,Prime95 将会储存额外的指数以供此期间测试。(前提是你选了[ ] Computer will be on druing your absence. )

慢舟 发表于 2005-1-13 18:12:24

ben在 2005-1-13 13:19 发表:

You can create a team by choosing the "Create a team..." checkbox.The user name you entered becomes the team name and a message is sent to the server which prevents the team name from changing.Thus, you can handout the userid and password for others to join your team and these team members are not able to accidentally or maliciously change the team name that appears on the statistics page.

你也可以通过选中"使用以上信息创建团队“复选框, 从而创建一个团队。 你填写的用户名成为团队名称。服务器会受到这个信息,并且团队的名称是不能改变的。也就是说,你可以公布用户标识和密码,以便别人加入你的团队。但是,团队的其他成员不能更改出现在统计页面的团队名称。

ben 发表于 2005-1-13 18:36:13


碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-14 20:34:04

暂时先将无异议的内容转到http://www.equn.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=2214 中,感谢众位的参与!!!

liqi 发表于 2005-1-15 10:49:33

我以前的 [原创] Prime95 FAQ 帖子只是汉化官方网站上的

碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-15 11:35:09

我和equn商量过了,等这个翻译完了,准备把http://www.equn.com/gimps/的首页更新,然后多翻译些子页面出来,目前http://www.equn.com/gimps/ 只有一个页面,等放假了我们再一起努力,我21日放假。

wpolly 发表于 2005-1-15 19:15:29

碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-15 19:33:18

好的,谢谢W.polly,不过我希望你最好是翻译http://www.equn.com/distributed/active.html 中的数学类项目的介绍(只翻译主体部分就可以了,改版让我来),地址为:http://distributedcomputing.info/ap-math.html ,前几天 ALU 问我怎么http://www.equn.com/distributed/active.html 页面上的链接怎么点都点不开,我很不好意思,说还没翻译呢,是空页面。

碧城仙 发表于 2005-1-17 15:33:22

感谢 ben 和 air 参与翻译,我已将你们的翻译结果整理到了置顶帖里面,格式采用 air 的。目前还剩 OPTIONS MENU 未翻译。
已对 ben 、air 、 慢舟 等人做加分奖励!ben+160分,air+160分, 慢舟+90分。

[ Last edited by 碧城仙 on 2005-1-20 at 10:03 PM ]
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