wuhongyi 发表于 2017-5-1 12:56:22


Free Speech and SETI@home
      Once again I need to explain our policies on free speech, as I've been getting lots of nastygrams both here and on twitter and facebook.

First, let me explain our relationship to the UC Berkeley administration.Despite the fact that I met withthe Chancellor once for about 15 seconds, the UC administration neither knows nor cares that SETI@home exists.   Threats of quitting SETI@home or withholding donations willbe about as effective as kicking a stray dog because you don't like something the dog catcher did.   They won't notice. They don't care.They get no direct benefit from SETI@home, so here will be no effect on them, or the on University.We could shut off our servers tomorrow, and nobody in Sproul Hall would notice a thing.

So here are our project commandments on free speech.

0.Thine speech is free as in freedom, not free as in beer.
1.Thou mayst speak thine mind.
2.Thou shalt do so in the appropriate forum.
3.Thou shalt recognize that speech has consequences to thine self and to others, some legal, some financial, some painful.
4.Thou shalt not force others to pay for the delivery of or the consequences of speech they may not agree with.
5.On public SETI@home forums, thou shalt use language a parent would not mind their 12 year old hearing.
6.Failure to obey the forum rules will result in moderator action.If thou dost not understand, see thou commandment 4.

In other words, if you want to be heard on the current controversy, try the Politics forum.Then use twitter, facebook, instagram and whatever social media you want.   SETI@home in general and me in particular have no power to effect change of any sort.

It sounds like there's still going to be a riot in Berkeley tomorrow because a group of white supremacists and a group of left wing anarchists are ignoring commandments 2, 3, and 4.The people ofBerkeley and thepeople of California will be picking up the tab for their "freedom of speech" whether they want to or not.And personally, I think that's what's been missing from the whole discussion.         
27 Apr 2017, 3:50:26 UTC

eruda 发表于 2017-5-1 13:31:21

本帖最后由 eruda 于 2017-5-1 13:32 编辑


关于Free Speech这件事的起因其实我也不是很清楚,我只知道结果是在UCB爆发了一系列很暴力的事件……



horst1981 发表于 2017-5-2 00:01:52

我记得川皇登基后,有人在Free Speech讲演川皇天命昭昭、美帝万世之类的话,引发了大规模骚乱,然后许多学术机构也给扯进来……

wuhongyi 发表于 2017-5-2 00:16:37

eruda 发表于 2017-5-1 13:31

关于Free Speech这件事的起因其实我也不是很清楚,我只知道结果 ...


wuhongyi 发表于 2017-5-2 00:25:36

horst1981 发表于 2017-5-2 00:01
我记得川皇登基后,有人在Free Speech讲演川皇天命昭昭、美帝万世之类的话,引发了大规模骚乱,然后许多学 ...


Biofluid 发表于 2017-5-2 02:27:16


running_hyk 发表于 2017-5-5 14:21:37


wencan 发表于 2017-6-8 20:12:10


equn 发表于 2017-6-19 11:18:06

由于特朗普当选带来的美国社会分裂,加大伯克利分校成为了多次政治风暴的漩涡。加大伯克利一直是自由派的老巢之一,这次出了几个事件,比如Ann Coulter和David Horowitz演讲取消。想必这些政治风波影响了学校的教学和研究。
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