JockWen 发表于 2005-10-7 07:55:18


Dear Grub User,
We wanted to drop you a line to fill you in on some changes with Grub.
Effective October 11,, a project of LookSmart, will be shutting down its servers. LookSmart is focused on dedicating our internal resources to meet objectives that are core to our business strategy. As a result, certain elements that are no longer central to the business are being phased out.

Thank you for your support of Grub.
The LookSmart Grub Team

[ Last edited by JockWen on 2005-10-7 at 07:57 ]

跨越地平线 发表于 2005-10-8 20:59:23

碧城仙 发表于 2005-10-8 20:59:57

大概意思是说,由 发起的 LookSmart 项目将在 10 月 11 日停止服务,LookSmart 将改变运营策略。

碧城仙 发表于 2005-10-10 17:59:08

跨越地平线 翻译的文字,像是外星人发给地球人的电波......虽然生涩难懂,但是却能给 SETI 爱好者带来福音....

apple 发表于 2005-10-12 19:10:47

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