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[已翻译,待校对] [BOINC]NativeBOINC官方网站

发表于 2013-2-14 18:53:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Start Page/首页
Welcome to NativeBOINC!Added by: matszpk , 2012-09-13 22:19

NativeBOINC is Android version of the BOINC client. This software moves BOINC to mobile device's world. Main application is fully-fledged BOINC manager (based on AndroBOINC), which can controls BOINC client on the Android OS. This version provides manager, BOINC client and especially optimized applications for ARM processors. Currently, this is beta test version, but is succesfully tested and used by many people on the world.

About BOINC: BOINC is platform for distributed grid computing widely used by scientists, universities and private persons to develop science. This is volunteer project, which have goal to improve world by discovering theorems, drugs and other things in the science. Volunteers deliver power of their machines for chosen projects and that machines perform scientific computations.
You can use Android devices (smartphones and tablets) to do it! We encourage to testing NativeBOINC.
We also have stastistics and support.
Application can be installed from my site or from Google Play Store (just enter 'nativeboinc' in the search field).
WARNING: this application heavily uses CPU and device components. If you observe too high device temperature, please stop computing or decrease CPU usage (in Local preferences).
Latest News/新闻
Download NativeBOINCAdded by: matszpk , 2012-09-15 14:53

NativeBOINC is available in GooglePlay and can be bought from this (without costs, is free) place. Just enter 'nativeboinc' in the search field and install application.
Following list contains binaries of main application of the NativeBOINC project:
  • (略)
We recommend to using latest version of the manager, because it is in beta version phase.
Following list contains binaries of the native BOINC client:
  • (略)
You can use this links to download standalone BOINC client. This is native executable, which can be run under Android OS.
Following list contains latest binaries of the supported project applications:
  • (略)
Also, BOINC API packages are available. Following list contains the recent BOINC API packages:
  • (略)
The directory with all NativeBOINC project files is here.
All source codes for a project available at github repository.
We added to every link the 'GPG sign' link. These links refers to GPG signatures whose can be used to verifying authenticity of its binaries. Their were created with using 'CAD10E7D' key, which is available at three keyservers: pgp.zdv.uni-mainz.de,keyserver.stack.nl or subkeys.pgp.net. Before verifying signature you should import key from one of the listed keyserver.
NativeBOINC installationAdded by: matszpk , 2012-09-27 16:29

Installation of the NativeBOINC is easy and can be made by newbie Android users. To install NativeBOINC, enter to GooglePlay and enter 'nativeboinc' on the search field and get application. If you installing from my site, before main operation you should enable one of the certain option on the system settings: 'Unknown sources' (this option can be found at Settings->Applications or Settings-Security in the new Android 4.0 kinds). This option allow to you install application from internet or SDCard. In my site, NativeBOINC available as standalone binary file is here.

Enabling the required option: Unknown sources

After downloading and running the (NativeBOINC) main application, you will see first installation screen. Choose installation place for main BOINC directory (internal device memory or SDCard memory) and simply click on the 'Next' button. Downloading and the first running of BOINC client will have been performed.

First installation screen

Installing BOINC client...
Next screen will have two options, which you will can use at installation. There are 'Access password' and 'Hostname'. First option allow to you determine password, which will be used during the authorizing remote connection with other BOINC manager (for example on the desktop PC). In this case, password is needed to make remote connection. Next option is the hostname setting. You can use to choose own hostname.

After BOINC client installation

Set up password for remote access
In this step you can choose from two ways to add first project. First option is standard 'Add project', but you can add project via BAM ('Synchronize BAM'), which facilitate management of the your project accounts (very often used by BOINC volunters). We recommended to use second option, when you are using BAM.
An Adding project by the standard 'Add project' is easy. Simply, choose project from list of the supported projects (this is next screen) and choose 'Create account' or 'Lookup account' when you have now project account (yet another screen), and fulfill fields. Finally click on the 'Add project' button.

List of the supported projects

The Adding project screen
An Adding project via BAM is also easy. Fulfill two fields (username, and password) and click on the 'OK' button. Next, you can speedup an adding project by using 'Synchronize with BAM' (in Manage Client menu) option after installation. BOINC doesnt automatically synchronizes with BAM and this this operation will be needed.

Synchronizing with BAM during installation

Waiting for benchmark finish...
NOTICE: Before installing a project application, BOINC will run benchmark, which will take over 30 seconds.
After successful installation you should see last installation screen. Just click on 'Finish'.

Finished, click on the 'Next'

Main NativeBOINC screen
Congratulations. BOINC is works!
For Users
Useful Tips and Tricks
Added by: matszpk , 2012-11-22 21:15 1, 1

Useful Tips and Tricks (for Users):
  • to control projects, tasks, transfer, please long click at item and select option from menu.
  • to view host info, you can go to Manage client and select from menu (by press 'menu' button) option 'Host Info'.
  • you can send finished tasks with using 'do communication network' button on the large widget (the last button on the right bottom corner).
  • news available in 'Native client' screen (after selecting from menu 'Native client' option).
  • I removed in the main menu 'Refresh' option (available in original AndroBOINC). You can refresh content of the tab by clicking on a tab.
  • You can use two widget to overseeing progress of the tasks. Large widget also displays progress for particular tasks.
  • In the Local preferences (Manage Client->Local preferences) I introduced extra options for battery state.
  • you can use Screen Locker (button with the lock on the widget) to lock the screen. This screen lock do not enter to sleeping mode.
  • option 'Power saving' in the Preferences screen allow you to enable power saving mode.
  • you can use NativeBOINC as normal BOINC manager (likes original AndroBOINC). You can add new remote hosts on the hosts list (available on 'Connect' option).
  • To connect with BOINC client in your smartphone (by using other managers) you should set access password before it. You can do it during installation or by choose Native Client->Access password.
  • You can add project via BAM synchronization. NativeBOINC automatically installs an appropriate application.
Added by: matszpk , 2012-09-15 17:41
HTC Wildfire

Large widget

Main screen

BOINC logs

Native client options

Local preferences

Connected with desktop client
HTC Sensations

Large widget

Main screen


Adding new project

Lock screen
This category contains informations for developers.Installing the binaries from SDCard/从SD卡安装计算程序
  • Added by: matszpk , 2013-01-03 20:24 0, 0
  • This is option designed especially for developers for the testing in the real enviroment. This option is available in 'Native client' screen as 'Update from SDCard'. After the selecting this option will appear the dialog with entry, in which you should enter directory name with binaries (inside SDCard memory).
    The directory should contain the BOINC client binaries and/or the BOINC project applications. The binaries can be provided as standalone file (or directory, in the case project apps) or the zipped file.
    BOINC client file should be named 'boinc_client' (or 'boinc_client.zip' if will be zipped). A zipped file should have name 'boinc_client'.
    BOINC project applications file or directory should have name of the project name. If BOINC project is already installed from official repository (my repository) name should be the name of distribution name (it can be get it from 'Installed binaries'). If BOINC project is not supported by me (or not installed) name of the binaries should be name of the project name (appeared in the Project tabs). For zip file name will be 'name.zip' or for directory only same name ('name'). A zipped file should contains compressed directory with project applications binaries including 'app_info.xml' file. Name of the compressed directory doesn't matter (can be random).
    The BOINC applications directory should contains 'app_info.xml' file and binaries of the applications.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Because the Android doesn't support SYSV IPC, we recommended to set up ALWAYS boinc api version inside 'app_info.xml' file. For earlier BOINC API versions than 5.0, the BOINC client assumes, that applications supports only SYSV IPC shared memory mechanism and applications won't work with BOINC client for Android.
    Example BOINC applications directory:
    Primegrid - unzipped binaries

    • app_info.xml - app_info for boinc client
    • primegrid_gcwsieve_1.12_arm-android-linux-gnu - application's executable

剩下的LZ没空,各位自己找吧。来自: iPhone客户端


参与人数 1维基拼图 +25 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 25 例行公事



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-4-28 08:46:21 | 显示全部楼层

Welcome to NativeBOINC!Added by: matszpk , 2012-09-13 22:19

NativeBOINC is Android version of the BOINC client. This software moves BOINC to mobile device's world. Main application is fully-fledged BOINC manager (based on AndroBOINC), which can controls BOINC client on the Android OS. This version provides manager, BOINC client and especially optimized applications for ARM processors. Currently, this is beta test version, but is succesfully tested and used by many people on the world.
NativeBOINC是BOINC客户端(BOINC client)的安卓版本,它将BOINC带进了移动设备的世界中。主程序为成熟的BOINC manager(基于AndroBOINC),作用是在安卓系统中对BOINC客户端进行控制。本版本的NativeBOINC 同时提供了客户端和manager,并且特别针对ARM处理器进行了优化。虽然目前这还只是第二阶段测试版,但它已成功地通过了世界各地用户的测试,并在世界上广为使用。

About BOINC: BOINC is platform for distributed grid computing widely used by scientists, universities and private persons to develop science. This is volunteer project, which have goal to improve world by discovering theorems, drugs and other things in the science. Volunteers deliver power of their machines for chosen projects and that machines perform scientific computations.
You can use Android devices (smartphones and tablets) to do it! We encourage to testing NativeBOINC.

We also have stastistics and support.
Application can be installed from my site or from Google Play Store (just enter 'nativeboinc' in the search field).
本应用可从作者的网站及Google play store(在搜索栏中输入nativeboinc搜索即可)下载安装。

WARNING: this application heavily uses CPU and device components. If you observe too high device temperature, please stop computing or decrease CPU usage (in Local preferences).
注意:本应用对CPU等硬件的占用率将极高。如果您发现自己的手机或平板电脑温度过高的话,请停止运算或减少CPU使用率(在软件的本地设置local preferences中可找到相关选项)。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-3 07:39:16 | 显示全部楼层

NativeBOINC installation        Added by: matszpk , 2012-09-27 16:29

Installation of the NativeBOINC is easy and can be made by newbie Android users. To install NativeBOINC, enter to GooglePlay and enter 'nativeboinc' on the search field and get application. If you installing from my site, before main operation you should enable one of the certain option on the system settings: 'Unknown sources' (this option can be found at Settings->Applications or Settings-Security in the new Android 4.0 kinds). This option allow to you install application from internet or SDCard. In my site, NativeBOINC available as standalone binary file is here.
NativeBoinc的安装十分简单,就算是安卓新手也能顺利完成。要安装,只需在GooglePlay中搜索“NativeBoinc”即可找到下载链接。如果您想从作者的网站下载,您需要现在您的安卓设备上勾选一个叫做“未知来源”选项。您可以在 选项---》应用程序中找到它(在4.0以上版本的系统是在“设置-安全”中)。勾选这个选项后,系统才会允许您安装来源于互联网或SD卡的应用。作者网站的NativeBoinc下载链接在这里(链接)。

Enabling the required option: Unknown sources

After downloading and running the (NativeBOINC) main application, you will see first installation screen. Choose installation place for main BOINC directory (internal device memory or SDCard memory) and simply click on the 'Next' button. Downloading and the first running of BOINC client will have been performed.

First installation screen

Installing BOINC client...

Next screen will have two options, which you will can use at installation. There are 'Access password' and 'Hostname'. First option allow to you determine password, which will be used during the authorizing remote connection with other BOINC manager (for example on the desktop PC). In this case, password is needed to make remote connection. Next option is the hostname setting. You can use to choose own hostname.
接下来会出现两个选项。一个是输入远程连接密码(Access password'),以远程链接其他BOINC管理器(比如安装在电脑上的BOINC manager)。另外一个选项是主机名称设置(hostname setting)。这里您可以选择使用自己的hostname。

After BOINC client installation        
Set up password for remote access
In this step you can choose from two ways to add first project. First option is standard 'Add project', but you can add project via BAM ('Synchronize BAM'), which facilitate management of the your project accounts (very often used by BOINC volunters). We recommended to use second option, when you are using BAM.
一种是标准的“添加项目(add project)”。另一种方法是使用BAM添加(Synchronize BAM选项),BAM能够协助您管理项目账户,是BOINC用户常用的一个辅助工具。如果您使用BAM的话,建议选择第二项。

An Adding project by the standard 'Add project' is easy. Simply, choose project from list of the supported projects (this is next screen) and choose 'Create account' or 'Lookup account' when you have now project account (yet another screen), and fulfill fields. Finally click on the 'Add project' button.
使用“添加项目”选项来添加项目是十分简单的:只需从列表中选择nativeboinc所支持的项目,然后在下一个页面中新建一个账户(create account),或者如果您已经拥有该项目的账号的话,选择查找账户(lookup account)。最后点“添加项目”按钮就行了。

List of the supported projects        

The Adding project screen

An Adding project via BAM is also easy. Fulfill two fields (username, and password) and click on the 'OK' button. Next, you can speedup an adding project by using 'Synchronize with BAM' (in Manage Client menu) option after installation. BOINC doesnt automatically synchronizes with BAM and this this operation will be needed.
通过bam添加项目同样十分简单。填上用户名与密码然后点OK即可。接下来,你就可以简单地通过“与bam同步(synchronize with bam)“(首次运行后在管理客户端菜单manage client menu中可以找到)。一定要点一下这个,因为程序是不会自动同步的。

Synchronizing with BAM during installation        

Waiting for benchmark finish...

NOTICE: Before installing a project application, BOINC will run benchmark, which will take over 30 seconds.
After successful installation you should see last installation screen. Just click on 'Finish'.

Finished, click on the 'Next'        

Main NativeBOINC screen

Congratulations. BOINC is works!

For Users


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-6-29 10:24:26 | 显示全部楼层
This category contains informations for developers. Installing the binaries from SDCard.
  • Added by: matszpk , 2013-01-03 20:24
  • This is option designed especially for developers for the testing in the real enviroment. This option is available in 'Native client' screen as 'Update from SDCard'. After the selecting this option will appear the dialog with entry, in which you should enter directory name with binaries (inside SDCard memory).
    该选项是专为开发人员设计的,能为开发人员实现在真实环境下的测试。在“Native client”界面选择“Update from SDCard”后,在弹出对话框内输入Binaries二进制资源文件在SD卡上的存储目录名称。

    The directory should contain the BOINC client binaries and/or the BOINC project applications. The binaries can be provided as standalone file (or directory, in the case project apps) or the zipped file.

    BOINC client file should be named 'boinc_client' (or 'boinc_client.zip' if will be zipped). A zipped file should have name 'boinc_client'.

    BOINC project applications file or directory should have name of the project name. If BOINC project is already installed from official repository (my repository) name should be the name of distribution name (it can be get it from 'Installed binaries'). If BOINC project is not supported by me (or not installed) name of the binaries should be name of the project name (appeared in the Project tabs). For zip file name will be 'name.zip' or for directory only same name ('name'). A zipped file should contains compressed directory with project applications binaries including 'app_info.xml' file. Name of the compressed directory doesn't matter (can be random).
    BOINC项目应用程序文件或文件夹应以项目名称命名。如果某BOINC项目已通过官方库(my repository)安装,那么SD卡上资源文件应与“Installed binaries”中该项目的分发名称同名。如果某BOINC项目不支持以自有的名字安装,那么必须命名为项目选项卡中显示的名字。Zip文件必须以“.zip”结尾,名称必须与压缩包内文件夹名称一致。压缩包内应包含项目的应用程序二进制资源文、“app_info.xml文件。压缩包所在的上级目录名称可以任意。

    The BOINC applications directory should contains 'app_info.xml' file and binaries of the applications.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Because the Android doesn't support SYSV IPC, we recommended to set up ALWAYS boinc api version inside 'app_info.xml' file. For earlier BOINC API versions than 5.0, the BOINC client assumes, that applications supports only SYSV IPC shared memory mechanism and applications won't work with BOINC client for Android.
    重要注意事项:由于Android不支持SYSV IPC,我们建议在ALWAYS BOINC API版本内置“app_info.xml”文件。对于BOINC API 5.0以前的版本,APP只能使用SYSV IPC共享内存机制,所有旧版的APP将无法在Android BOINC客户端上运行。

    Example BOINC applications directory:

    Primegrid - unzipped binaries
    Primegrid - 解压后的Binaries二进制资源文件

    • app_info.xml - app_info for boinc client
    • BOINC客户端配置信息文件
    • primegrid_gcwsieve_1.12_arm-android-linux-gnu - application's executable
    • 应用程序执行文件


参与人数 1维基拼图 +6 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 6 哦哦!碧大出手了~~



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-14 19:52:03 | 显示全部楼层
…… 这怎么弄。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-14 22:33:37 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于  2 小时前
…… 这怎么弄。

基本就是翻译下,最后wiki到一堆前缀NativeBOINC:的页面喵来自: iPhone客户端

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-14 23:07:10 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于 2013-2-14 19:52
…… 这怎么弄。
如果要翻译特定内 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-17 17:26:49 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1基本分 +6 收起 理由
arthur200000 + 6 好吧



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-3 07:37:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-12 11:03:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-4-28 08:46:21
Welcome to NativeBOINC!Added by: matszpk

统计在官网上有,无非是些机型和CPU信息,类似于某些项目网站统计里面的TOP GPUs之类的。
又:统计也可能是指NB自带的网络流量统计。。。来自: Android客户端


参与人数 1维基拼图 +3 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 3 一不留神就坑了。。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-25 23:54:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 arthur200000 于 2013-7-13 04:13 编辑

For Users
Useful Tips and Tricks

Useful Tips and Tricks (for Users):
•to control projects, tasks, transfer, please long click at item and select option from menu.
•to view host info, you can go to Manage client and select from menu (by press 'menu' button) option 'Host Info'.
如果你想看主机信息,你可以进入“客户端管理(Manage client)”并且从菜单(按下菜单键打开)里面选择“主机信息(host info)”
•you can send finished tasks with using 'do communication network' button on the large widget (the last button on the right bottom corner).
你可以通过按大桌面小工具右下角最后一个的“进行网络连接(do communication network)”按钮来上传完成的任务。(好奇怪的翻译,我从来都没见过这个有widget)
•news available in 'Native client' screen (after selecting from menu 'Native client' option).
在“原生客户端(Native client)”界面中可以找到新闻。(按菜单键进入~)
•I removed in the main menu 'Refresh' option (available in original AndroBOINC). You can refresh content of the tab by clicking on a tab.
•You can use two widget to overseeing progress of the tasks. Large widget also displays progress for particular tasks.
•In the Local preferences (Manage Client->Local preferences) I introduced extra options for battery state.
在本地选项( Local preferences)中(通过管理客户端(Manage Client)进入),开发者增加了电量控制选项。
•you can use Screen Locker (button with the lock on the widget) to lock the screen. This screen lock do not enter to sleeping mode.你可以用widget上面的锁屏按钮(一把锁的形状)锁屏。这样不会进入睡眠模式(也不会导致CPU降频~
•option 'Power saving' in the Preferences screen allow you to enable power saving mode.
偏好设置( Preferences)里面的省电选项(Power saving)可以让你启动省电模式。(允许自动锁屏+CPU降频
•you can use NativeBOINC as normal BOINC manager (likes original AndroBOINC). You can add new remote hosts on the hosts list (available on 'Connect' option).
你可以像正常的BOINC管理器那么用NativeBOINC,就像原先的  AndroBOINC 那样。你可以在主机(Hosts)列表中添加远程主机(使用连接/Connect 选项)。
请阅读:BOINC远程管理•To connect with BOINC client in your smartphone (by using other managers) you should set access password before it. You can do it during installation or by choose Native Client->Access password
要用别的BOINC 管理器(Manager)软件连接你的手机客户端,你应该先设置密码。当你安装时你可以设置一次;你也可以按下菜单按钮->原生客户端(Native Client)->访问密码(Access password)
•You can add project via BAM synchronization. NativeBOINC automatically installs an appropriate application.
你可以和BAM连接。 NativeBOINC将自动安装合适的计算程序。

@昂宿星团人 我翻译很坑的,说不定半路不干了。。。。
@昂宿星团人 完成


参与人数 1维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 5



使用道具 举报

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