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[已翻译,待校对] [Rosetta@home]采访两位创造未来抗癌药物的科学家

发表于 2013-11-14 09:17:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原载:The Globe and Mail - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/meet-two-pioneers-of-immune-research/article15101089/
标题:Meet the two scientists creating the cancer drugs of the future - 采访两位创造未来抗癌药物的科学家
概要:《环球邮报》对 Sir Gregory 和 David Baker 两位科学家的采访。

本站新闻贴:http://equn.com/forum/thread-25064-16-1.html 第 261 楼。


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-15 12:32:50 | 显示全部楼层
Sir Gregory Winter has spent the past quarter of a century at his Cambridge University lab working with existing antibodies, adapting nature’s immune mechanism to produce a new generation of innovative drugs.
Sir Gregory Winter 在过去的二十余年中一直在英国剑桥大学的实验室里研究目前已知的抗体,为的是调整自然的免疫机制,使其能够生成某种新一代的革新性药物

Working at the other end of the design spectrum, David Baker, a biochemist at the University of Washington, has been using computer models and crowdsourcing to create protein structures from scratch, hoping they will become future vaccines and diagnostic tools.
在设计谱的另一端,美国华盛顿大学的生物化学家 David Baker 正在利用计算机模型和众包计算,从零开始生成蛋白质结构,希望它们能成为未来生产疫苗、诊断疾病的工具。

Both research pioneers were in Toronto this week, where they spoke at a symposium of the Gairdner Foundation about the promises of genetic engineering.
这两位研究先驱,这周都在多伦多参加盖尔德纳基金会(Gairdner Foundation)举办的座谈会,他们谈到了关于基因工程的承诺。

Sir Gregory, 62, is one of this year’s recipients of the Canada Gairdner International Awards, which have a record for predicting future Nobel Prize winners.
Sir Gregory,今年 62 岁,是 2013 年加拿大盖尔德纳国际奖(Canada Gairdner International Awards)的得主。盖尔德纳国际奖是生物医学界最具声望的大奖,被誉为诺贝尔奖的预备奖,用于奖励在改善人类生活品质领域做出重大贡献的科学家,该奖项有“小诺贝尔奖”之称,至今313名获奖者中已经有80名后来获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。[插一句备注:后面一句未按原文翻译,网上搜了一下,然后抄过来的介绍,这句备注不要贴到 Wiki 去哦~~~]

His career has been a steady pursuit of ever smaller, more efficient ways to harness the antibody mechanism to fight illnesses. He was a pioneer in engineering humanized antibodies, then focused on domain antibodies, the active parts of antibodies. He now focuses on bicycle peptides, even tinier protein rings that can travel where larger antibodies can’t.
他在职业生涯里一直在持续的追求更小巧的、更高效的方式利用抗体来对抗疾病的机制。他曾是人源化抗体工程的先驱,专注于域抗体、抗体的活性部位。他现在专注于自行车肽(bicycle peptides),这是一种无法让大抗体通过的更细小的蛋白质环(protein rings)。

In an interview about new advances in antibody-based biologic drugs, Sir Gregory mentioned the great potential of new drugs that deal with a body mechanism known as the programmed death receptor 1.
在一次有关基于抗体的生物药物的新进展的采访中,Sir Gregory 提到新药物的巨大潜力,该药物用于处理一种被称为程序化死亡受体(Programmed Death receptor 1,简称 PD-1)的蛋白质。

The PD-1 acts as a checkpoint on the immune system to prevent it from overwhelming healthy cells. Scientists believe that tumours co-opt the PD-1 to protect themselves. A new class of drugs called checkpoint inhibitors is now revolutionizing cancer therapy by disabling the tumour’s hold on the PD-1.
PD-1 在免疫系统中,作为免疫检查点(checkpoint),防止健康细胞来压倒肿瘤细胞。科学家们相信,肿瘤细胞会扩散 PD-1 蛋白质,用于自我保护。一类新的被称为免疫检查点抑制剂(checkpoint inhibitors)的药物,通过禁止肿瘤产生 PD-1 蛋白质,使得癌症治疗取得了革新性的进步。

“It’s like souping up your immune system and your immune system now starts attacking the tumour … It’s going to be very exciting,” Sir Gregory said.
Sir Gregory 说,“这就像是增强了你的免疫系统,你的免疫系统开始对肿瘤发起攻击了……这是多么令人兴奋的事情!”

His previous work has been credited with creating the techniques used for cancer drugs such as Avastin and Herceptin. He then helped develop Humira, a drug for rheumatoid arthritis that is becoming one of the biggest-selling medications ever.

Those drugs don’t come cheap, however, and there have been controversies when governments balked at footing the bills for therapies like Herceptin. At the same time, the industry may be at a crossroads because many patents on biologic drugs are now expiring. Because of those drugs’ complex nature, U.S. and Canadian regulators have imposed tougher guidelines for generic drug makers. Health Canada uses the term “subsequent-entry biologic” to indicate that it does not consider biosimilars a generic drug that can be quickly approved without clinical trials.
这些药物并不便宜,但是,当政府拒绝为赫赛汀(Herceptin)之类的治疗账单买单的时候,有过很多争议。与此同时,该产业可能正面临着一个十字路口,因为很多生物药物的专利即将到期。因为这些药物的复杂性,美国和加拿大监管机构已对仿制药生产厂商指定了更严格的指导方针。加拿大卫生部(Health Canada)使用术语“仿制药或生物仿制药 (Subsequent-Entry Biologic,简称 SEB)”,以表明加拿大卫生部不考虑将生物仿制药在缺乏临床试验的情况下快速审批通过。

“If the regulators were more sensible and allowed generics to come in rather than putting up all sorts of hurdles, then in fact you’d have cheaper antibodies,” Sir Gregory said.
Sir Gregory 说,“如果监管者更加明智,并允许生物仿制药进入临床使用,而不是设置种种障碍,那么实际上,厂家生产药物的抗体就会不得不便宜下来。”

While Sir Gregory worries about the patents on the engineering of existing antibodies, Dr. Baker, 51, is still at the experimental phase, designing synthetic proteins from scratch.
在 Sir Gregory 担心现有抗体工程的专利的同时,51 岁的 Dr. Baker,仍在试验阶段从零开始设计合成蛋白质结构。

Instead of “waiting a billion years for natural selection to solve” today’s medical problems, he hopes that “if you build from the bottom up, you can build a protein structure that’s perfectly tailored to solving your problem.”
与其“等待千百万年的自然选择”来解决今天的医疗问题,Dr. Baker 更希望“能够从底层开始,通过构建一个蛋白质的结构,来更贴合的解决问题”。

His research team has designed a protein that latches onto the flu virus and keeps it from infecting cells. Other projects are looking at ways to fight cancer, malaria and Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr. Baker 的研究团队已经设计出一种能够将流感病毒锁定在感染细胞内的蛋白质。还有其他几个研究项目,正在寻找对抗癌症、疟疾、老年痴呆症的方法。

Since Dr. Baker’s work involves computer design, the public has been enlisted with two crowdsourcing initiatives. The first, Rosetta@home, is a program that 350,000 volunteers have downloaded on their home computers. It calculates possible protein structure permutations, using moments when the volunteers’ computers are idle.
Dr. Baker 的蛋白质设计工作通过电脑来开展,公众可以通过两个众包程序来参加。第一个就是  Rosetta@home,已有超过 35 万志愿者在他们的家用电脑上下载了该程序,它可以在志愿者的电脑闲置的时候,计算可能的蛋白质结构排列。

Rosetta gave birth to FoldIt, a computer game where volunteers can try to suggest their own protein structures. About 200 people are regular players and some designs have made it into academic studies, Dr. Baker said.
第二个是 Rosetta 创建的 FoldIt 电脑游戏,志愿者可以在游戏中试着随心所欲搭建蛋白质结构。Dr. Baker 说,现有大约 200 名普通玩家,他们设计的一些蛋白质已进入学术研究阶段。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +14 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 14 辛苦啦~~



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发表于 2013-11-15 17:12:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-11-15 20:04:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-16 23:04:03 | 显示全部楼层
Sir Gregory Winter has spent the past quarter of a century at his Cambridge University lab working with existing antibodies, adapting nature’s immune mechanism to produce a new generation of innovative drugs.
Sir Gregory Winter 在过往的四分之一个世纪里,一直在英国剑桥大学的实验室里,研究现有的抗体、适应自然免疫机制,研发设计新一代的创新药物。
Sir Gregory Winter 在过去的二十余年中一直在英国剑桥大学的实验室里研究目前已知的抗体,为的是调整自然的免疫机制,使其能够生成某种新一代的革新性药物

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-23 15:30:07 | 显示全部楼层
昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-11-16 23:04

这篇文章专业名词还是很多的,搜资料的时候,发现有个“丁香园论坛”,有个论坛版块“医药生命科学动态跟踪” http://news.dxy.cn/bbs/board/116 ,看了些帖子,例如 http://news.dxy.cn/bbs/topic/26916838,看了他们的翻译规则 http://news.dxy.cn/bbs/topic/8600034 和参与程度,搞得真是好啊,值得我们好好学习啊……PS. 他们的翻译版块有 1903 页,每页有 35 个帖子,每天都有新的翻译贴,每天都有人在参与翻译和校对……我们人少,只好膜拜别人的精彩啦

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-23 17:23:55 | 显示全部楼层
昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-11-16 23:04

今天努力了一把,这篇已经翻译完毕了,麻烦 @DrEason7-11@昂宿星团人 校对。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-23 21:15:34 | 显示全部楼层

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