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Serious SETI addict

注册日期: Sep 2002
来自: USA
发帖数: 636

叙述 SETI@Home Phrase 1 & 2 timeline

it seems like berkeley is extending the seti1 project and we'll have quite some more time left.....

sooooooo..........Crunch On everyone!!!


Have you Benchmarked your killer rig yet?! Do our SETI Benchie & see who's Faster??!!
How many GHz of crunching power? Dunno! Lost count......

SETIQueue Server Administrator

向版主反映这个帖子 | IP: 已记录

旧帖子 02-05-2003 03:47
LandShark 离线 点这里查看 LandShark 的个人资料 点这里给 LandShark 发送一条悄悄话 访问 LandShark 的主页! 查找 LandShark 的更多帖子 将 LandShark 添加到你的好友列表 编辑/删除 引用/回复

注册日期: Oct 2002
发帖数: 96

heading for 3000WU


向版主反映这个帖子 | IP: 已记录

旧帖子 02-06-2003 18:26
nVidia 离线 点这里查看 nVidia 的个人资料 点这里给 nVidia 发送一条悄悄话 访问 nVidia 的主页! 查找 nVidia 的更多帖子 将 nVidia 添加到你的好友列表 nVidia 的QQ号码:2028505 编辑/删除 引用/回复

注册日期: Jun 2002
来自: 上海
发帖数: 1422

Re: SETI@Home Phrase 1 & 2 timeline

最初由 LandShark 发布
it seems like berkeley is extending the seti1 project and we'll have quite some more time left.....

sooooooo..........Crunch On everyone!!!


I try to register in that forum, but it refuse because he said we cannot use .hotmail.com msn.com or yahoo.com... why??

EQUN.com Administrator here

向版主反映这个帖子 | IP: 已记录

旧帖子 02-14-2003 00:38
equn 离线 点这里查看 equn 的个人资料 点这里给 equn 发送一条悄悄话 访问 equn 的主页! 查找 equn 的更多帖子 将 equn 添加到你的好友列表 equn 的QQ号码:88229326 编辑/删除 引用/回复
Serious SETI addict

注册日期: Sep 2002
来自: USA
发帖数: 636

Re: Re: SETI@Home Phrase 1 & 2 timeline

最初由 equn 发布

I try to register in that forum, but it refuse because he said we cannot use .hotmail.com msn.com or yahoo.com... why??

yeah, it's mainly b/c we want to prevent any kid/spam/troll for the forum. that's why you'll need a ISP email address (which we could track back to a real person) instead of a webmail that we'll never know who he is.

however, we do make exception too. just let me know your email address & i'll talk to a moderator to let you register the forum.

sorry for the inconvenience, equn!!

Have you Benchmarked your killer rig yet?! Do our SETI Benchie & see who's Faster??!!
How many GHz of crunching power? Dunno! Lost count......

SETIQueue Server Administrator

向版主反映这个帖子 | IP: 已记录

旧帖子 02-14-2003 00:56
LandShark 离线 点这里查看 LandShark 的个人资料 点这里给 LandShark 发送一条悄悄话 访问 LandShark 的主页! 查找 LandShark 的更多帖子 将 LandShark 添加到你的好友列表 编辑/删除 引用/回复

注册日期: Jun 2002
来自: 上海
发帖数: 1422

Re: Re: Re: SETI@Home Phrase 1 & 2 timeline

最初由 LandShark 发布

yeah, it's mainly b/c we want to prevent any kid/spam/troll for the forum. that's why you'll need a ISP email address (which we could track back to a real person) instead of a webmail that we'll never know who he is.

however, we do make exception too. just let me know your email address & i'll talk to a moderator to let you register the forum.

sorry for the inconvenience, equn!!

it doesn't matter, these days i am always searching some english french spanish dutch portuguese forums, the others will know chinese people are paying attention in BOINC and SETI.and i can make new friends and practise my languages
my email adress

EQUN.com Administrator here

向版主反映这个帖子 | IP: 已记录

旧帖子 02-14-2003 02:34
equn 离线 点这里查看 equn 的个人资料 点这里给 equn 发送一条悄悄话 访问 equn 的主页! 查找 equn 的更多帖子 将 equn 添加到你的好友列表 equn 的QQ号码:88229326 编辑/删除 引用/回复
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