“Help Fight Childhood Cancer”的版本间差异

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{{Infobox Project
| name =Help Fight Childhood Cancer
| logo =[[Image:Hfcc_dots_inset.jpg]]
| screenshot =[[Image:WCG.Help_Fight_Childhood_Cancer.png|230px]]
| caption =Help Fight Childhood Cancer 运行中的图形界面
| developer =[http://www.chiba-u.jp/ 日本千叶大学] [[Image:Japan.gif]]
| released =2009 年 3 月 16 日
| operating system =[[Image:Windows.png]][[Image:64bits.png]] / [[Image:Linux.png]][[Image:64bits.png]] / [[Image:Macos.png]][[Image:64bits.png]]
| platform =[[BOINC]]
| program info =
| work unit info =10日任务期限
| status =运行中 / 开放注册
| genre =生命科学类
| optimization =无
| website =http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/
本项目是 IBM 公司主持的 [[World Community Grid]] 项目的子项目。
本项目是 IBM 公司主持的 [[World Community Grid]] 项目的子项目。
Information on the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project may be found on these pages, on the [http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/bioinfor/wcg/e/hfcc_e/index.html Chiba University Help Fight Childhood Cancer website] ([http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/bioinfor/wcg/hfcc/index.html Japanese here]) and on [http://www.chiba-cc.jp/test/inst/eng/project/ibm_wcg.html Chiba Cancer Center's Help Fight Childhood Cancer website] ([http://www.chiba-cc.jp/test/inst/jp/project/ibm_wcg.html Japanese here]). The latest status updates may also be found at this site. To discuss or ask questions about this project, please visit the [http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/listthreads?forum=400 Help Fight Childhood Cancer Forum].
“对抗儿童癌症”项目的相关信息可以在以下页面中找到:[http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/bioinfor/wcg/e/hfcc_e/index.html 千叶大学“对抗儿童癌症”Web 站点] [http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/bioinfor/wcg/hfcc/index.html 在此查看日语版本]),以及[http://www.chiba-cc.jp/test/inst/eng/project/ibm_wcg.html 千叶癌症中心的“对抗儿童癌症”网站][http://www.chiba-cc.jp/test/inst/jp/project/ibm_wcg.html 在此查看日语版本])。您还可以在该站点找到最新状态更新。要对该项目进行讨论或提出问题,请访问[http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/listthreads?forum=400 “对抗儿童癌症”论坛]
The mission of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project is to find drugs that can disable three particular proteins associated with neuroblastoma, one of the most frequently occurring solid tumors in children. Identifying these drugs could potentially make the disease much more curable when combined with chemotherapy treatment.
Neuroblastoma is one of the most common tumors occuring in early childhood and is the most common cause of death in children with solid cancer tumors. If this project is successful, it could dramatically increase the cure rate for neuroblastoma, providing the breakthrough for this disease that has eluded scientists thus far.
Proteins (molecules which are a bound collection of atoms) are the building blocks of all life processes. They also play an important role in the progress of diseases such as cancer.
Scientists have identified three particular proteins involved with neuroblastoma, which if disabled, could make the disease much more curable by conventional methods such as chemotherapy. This project is performing virtual chemistry experiments between these proteins and each of the three million drug candidates that scientists believe could potentially block the proteins involved. A computer program called AutoDock will test if the shape of the protein and shape of each drug candidate fit together and bond in a suitable way to disable the protein.
This work consists of 9 million virtual chemistry experiments, each of which would take hours to perform on a single computer, totaling over 8,000 years of computer time. World Community Grid is performing these computations in parallel and is thus speeding up the effort dramatically. The project is expected to be completed in two years or less.
科学家们已确定成神经细胞瘤涉及三种特殊蛋白质,如果抑制这三种蛋白质的活动,那么这种疾病就更容易通过传统的疗法(例如化疗)治愈。该项目将这三种蛋白质与科学家们认为可以抑制这些蛋白质活性的约三百万种候选药物之间进行虚拟化学实验。名为 AutoDock 的计算机程序将测试蛋白质的形状是否与每种药物的形状吻合,是否能够以适当的方式结合以抑制蛋白质。
这项工作需要进行约 900 万次虚拟化学实验,而单台计算机执行每次实验需要花上几个小时,因此计算机总时间超过 8000 年。World Community Grid 以并行方式执行这些计算,因而显著加快了工作速度。预计完成该项目的时间不会超过两年。
<em>World Community Grid 与千叶癌症中心研究所以及千叶大学的科学家们合作,开发用于治疗成神经细胞瘤(一种儿童中常见的实体瘤)的新药物。</em>
成神经细胞瘤是一种儿童中常见的实体瘤,两岁以内的儿童发病率尤其高,占到同龄儿童所有肿瘤的 50%。所有儿童癌症中,6-10% 是成神经细胞瘤,而 15% 的癌症导致儿童死亡。成神经细胞瘤是造成肿瘤患儿死亡的最常见原因。成神经细胞瘤的病因还不得而知,尽管大多数医生认为它是在肾上腺和交感神经节正常发育过程中发生的细胞异常增生。
成神经细胞瘤的临床特点是治疗的基础,而治疗方法又由于确诊年龄、发病程度以及肿瘤生物学而各不相同。肿瘤的某些部分可能在其他部分不断增大的时候自发萎缩。大约一半的病例目前归为具有复发高风险,尽管采取彻底的多重模型疗法,存活率也不超过 40%。尽管在过去 30 年中取得了许多进步,但是成神经细胞瘤仍然是临床科学家和基础科学家面临的难以捉摸的难题。
===World Community Grid 和“对抗儿童癌症”项目===
World Community Grid、千叶癌症中心研究所和千叶大学正通过“对抗儿童癌症”项目进行合作,开发有助于治疗这种复杂的小儿肿瘤的新药物。
World Community Grid and scientists at Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute and Chiba University are working together to develop novel drugs to treat neuroblastoma, one of the most frequently occurring solid tumors in children.
Neuroblastoma is one of the most frequently occurring solid tumors in children, especially in the first two years of life, when it accounts for 50% of all tumors. Neuroblastoma comprises 6-10% of all childhood cancers, and 15% of cancer deaths in children. It is the most common cause of death in children with solid cancer tumors. The cause of neuroblastoma is unknown, though most physicians believe that it is an accidental cell growth that occurs during normal development of the adrenal glands and sympathetic ganglia.
为此,该项目的研究人员正在使用计算方法来确定具有适合分子外形和化学性质的新候选药物,以用于抑制以下三种蛋白质 - TrkB、ALK 和 SCxx,这些蛋白质在侵犯性成神经细胞瘤中表现为高级别或变异。科学家们认为,如果这些蛋白质受到抑制,那么使用化疗就可能实现较高的治愈率。
The clinical hallmark of neuroblastoma is the prospect for cure varying widely depending on age at diagnosis, extent of disease, and tumor biology. A subset of tumors will undergo spontaneous regression while others show relentless progression. Around half of all cases are currently classified as high-risk for disease relapse, with overall survival rates less than 40% despite intensive multimodal therapy. Despite many advances in the past three decades, neuroblastoma has remained an enigmatic challenge to clinical and basic scientists.
研究人员准备了由约 300 万种化合物组成的库,也就是潜在的候选药物(称为配体),并使用 World Community Grid 进行实验室实验模拟,以测试哪些化合物可以抑制这些蛋白质。模拟通过 AutoDock 进行,AutoDock 是一套工具,也应用于 World Community Grid 的 [https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/projects_showcase/viewFaahResearch.do FightAIDS@Home] 和[https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/projects_showcase/dddt/viewDddtMain.do “发现治疗登革热的药物 - 齐心协力”]项目,可预测大量不同的药物小分子如何与 TrkB、ALK 和 SCxx 结合,从而可以通过计算方法找到最合适的分子,然后在实验室中进行挑选和测试,以更有效地对抗成神经细胞瘤。
The rapid advancement in genetic research on cancer holds great promise for treating neuroblastoma. Genes linked to various cancers have been found, and scientists are currently developing effective therapeutic drugs aimed at some of the important molecular targets.
如果没有 World Community Grid,研究人员必须通过逐个的对接模拟来开展研究,而这需要花费大约 8000 年才能完成。有了 World Community Grid,就可以并行分析数千种药物,从而能执行高吞吐量的筛选。研究人员估计这样可使所需时间减少到约 2 年。
World Community Grid and The Help Fight Childhood Cancer Project
World Community Grid, the Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute, and Chiba University are working together through the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project to develop novel drugs to treat this complex pediatric tumor.
It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the function of a protein molecule - a substance made up of many atoms – is related to its three-dimensional shape. Scientists are able to determine by experiment the shapes of a protein and of a drug separately, but not always for the two together. If scientists knew how a drug molecule interacts with a target protein, chemists could design even better drugs that would be more potent than existing drugs.
To that end, the project's researchers are using computational methods to identify new candidate drugs that have the right shape and chemical characteristics to block three proteins - TrkB, ALK and SCxx, which are expressed at high levels or abnormally mutated in aggressive neuroblastomas. If these proteins are disabled, scientists believe there should be a high cure rate using chemotherapy.
“对抗儿童癌症”项目团队由[http://www.chiba-cc.jp/kenkyu/index.html 千叶癌症中心研究所](位于日本千叶)的 Akira Nakagawara 博士(医学博士和哲学博士)领导。Nakagawara 博士的助手是[http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/ 千叶大学]的 Hoshino 博士和 Tamura 博士。
The researchers have prepared a library of three million compounds - or potential drug candidates (called ligands) - and will use World Community Grid to simulate laboratory experiments to test which of these compounds block these proteins. Simulations will be conducted using AutoDock (also used in World Community Grid's [http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/projects_showcase/viewFaahResearch.do FightAIDS@Home] and [http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/projects_showcase/dddt/viewDddtMain.do Discovering Dengue Druges – Together] projects), a suite of tools that predict how large numbers of different small drug molecules might bind to TrkB, ALK and SCxx, so the best molecules can be found computationally, before they are selected and tested in the laboratory for efficacy against neuroblastoma.
In the absence of World Community Grid, researchers would have to undertake their investigation through individual docking simulations, which would take approximately 8,000 years to complete. With World Community Grid, analysis can be carried out for thousands of drug candidates in parallel, allowing high throughput screening to be conducted. Researchers estimate this will reduce the time required to about 2 years.
* Akira Nakagawara 医学博士和哲学博士,,千叶癌症中心研究所主管(个人履历 - [https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_Akira_JPN_comp.pdf 日语]和[https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_Akira_ENG_comp.pdf 英语])
* Tyuji Hoshino 哲学博士,千叶大学药学研究生院副教授(个人履历 - [https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_hoshino_JPN.pdf 日语]和[https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_hoshino_ENG.pdf 英语])
* Yutaka Tamura 哲学博士,,千叶大学医学研究生院副教授(个人履历 - [https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_Tamura_JPN.pdf 日语]和[https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/bg/hfcc/WCG_profile_Tamura_ENG.pdf 英语])
This added level of speed and sophistication could potentially enable researchers to identify new drug candidates for neuroblastoma, thereby facilitating discovery of prognostic clues, which are not apparent by human inspection or traditional analysis alone and could advance the fields of cancer biology, drug discovery and therapy planning.
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* 本站论坛的 [http://www.equn.com/forum/forum-14-1.html World Community Grid 项目讨论区]
* 本站论坛的 [http://www.equn.com/forum/forum-14-1.html World Community Grid 项目讨论区]
[[Category:Help Fight Childhood Cancer]][[Category:World Community Grid]][[Category:待翻译]]
[[Category:Help Fight Childhood Cancer]][[Category:World Community Grid]]

2010年9月5日 (日) 14:13的版本

Help Fight Childhood Cancer

Hfcc dots inset.jpg
Help Fight Childhood Cancer logo
WCG.Help Fight Childhood Cancer.png
Help Fight Childhood Cancer 运行中的图形界面
开发者 日本千叶大学 Japan.gif
版本历史 2009 年 3 月 16 日
运算平台 Windows.png64bits.png / Linux.png64bits.png / Macos.png64bits.png
项目平台 BOINC
任务情况 10日任务期限
项目状态 运行中 / 开放注册
项目类别 生命科学类
计算特点 CPU密集:



官方网址 Help Fight Childhood Cancer
{{{rss}}} [{{{rss}}} 通过 RSS 获取项目新闻]

本项目是 IBM 公司主持的 World Community Grid 项目的子项目。



Hfcc lion inset.jpg

“对抗儿童癌症”项目的相关信息可以在以下页面中找到:千叶大学“对抗儿童癌症”Web 站点在此查看日语版本),以及千叶癌症中心的“对抗儿童癌症”网站在此查看日语版本)。您还可以在该站点找到最新状态更新。要对该项目进行讨论或提出问题,请访问“对抗儿童癌症”论坛






Hfcc TrKB 4 inset.jpg


科学家们已确定成神经细胞瘤涉及三种特殊蛋白质,如果抑制这三种蛋白质的活动,那么这种疾病就更容易通过传统的疗法(例如化疗)治愈。该项目将这三种蛋白质与科学家们认为可以抑制这些蛋白质活性的约三百万种候选药物之间进行虚拟化学实验。名为 AutoDock 的计算机程序将测试蛋白质的形状是否与每种药物的形状吻合,是否能够以适当的方式结合以抑制蛋白质。

这项工作需要进行约 900 万次虚拟化学实验,而单台计算机执行每次实验需要花上几个小时,因此计算机总时间超过 8000 年。World Community Grid 以并行方式执行这些计算,因而显著加快了工作速度。预计完成该项目的时间不会超过两年。


Hfcc dots inset.jpg

World Community Grid 与千叶癌症中心研究所以及千叶大学的科学家们合作,开发用于治疗成神经细胞瘤(一种儿童中常见的实体瘤)的新药物。

成神经细胞瘤是一种儿童中常见的实体瘤,两岁以内的儿童发病率尤其高,占到同龄儿童所有肿瘤的 50%。所有儿童癌症中,6-10% 是成神经细胞瘤,而 15% 的癌症导致儿童死亡。成神经细胞瘤是造成肿瘤患儿死亡的最常见原因。成神经细胞瘤的病因还不得而知,尽管大多数医生认为它是在肾上腺和交感神经节正常发育过程中发生的细胞异常增生。

成神经细胞瘤的临床特点是治疗的基础,而治疗方法又由于确诊年龄、发病程度以及肿瘤生物学而各不相同。肿瘤的某些部分可能在其他部分不断增大的时候自发萎缩。大约一半的病例目前归为具有复发高风险,尽管采取彻底的多重模型疗法,存活率也不超过 40%。尽管在过去 30 年中取得了许多进步,但是成神经细胞瘤仍然是临床科学家和基础科学家面临的难以捉摸的难题。


World Community Grid 和“对抗儿童癌症”项目

Hfcc radio inset.jpg

World Community Grid、千叶癌症中心研究所和千叶大学正通过“对抗儿童癌症”项目进行合作,开发有助于治疗这种复杂的小儿肿瘤的新药物。


Hfcc ALK 2 inset.jpg

为此,该项目的研究人员正在使用计算方法来确定具有适合分子外形和化学性质的新候选药物,以用于抑制以下三种蛋白质 - TrkB、ALK 和 SCxx,这些蛋白质在侵犯性成神经细胞瘤中表现为高级别或变异。科学家们认为,如果这些蛋白质受到抑制,那么使用化疗就可能实现较高的治愈率。

研究人员准备了由约 300 万种化合物组成的库,也就是潜在的候选药物(称为配体),并使用 World Community Grid 进行实验室实验模拟,以测试哪些化合物可以抑制这些蛋白质。模拟通过 AutoDock 进行,AutoDock 是一套工具,也应用于 World Community Grid 的 FightAIDS@Home“发现治疗登革热的药物 - 齐心协力”项目,可预测大量不同的药物小分子如何与 TrkB、ALK 和 SCxx 结合,从而可以通过计算方法找到最合适的分子,然后在实验室中进行挑选和测试,以更有效地对抗成神经细胞瘤。

如果没有 World Community Grid,研究人员必须通过逐个的对接模拟来开展研究,而这需要花费大约 8000 年才能完成。有了 World Community Grid,就可以并行分析数千种药物,从而能执行高吞吐量的筛选。研究人员估计这样可使所需时间减少到约 2 年。



“对抗儿童癌症”项目团队由千叶癌症中心研究所(位于日本千叶)的 Akira Nakagawara 博士(医学博士和哲学博士)领导。Nakagawara 博士的助手是千叶大学的 Hoshino 博士和 Tamura 博士。


  • Akira Nakagawara 医学博士和哲学博士,,千叶癌症中心研究所主管(个人履历 - 日语英语
  • Tyuji Hoshino 哲学博士,千叶大学药学研究生院副教授(个人履历 - 日语英语
  • Yutaka Tamura 哲学博士,,千叶大学医学研究生院副教授(个人履历 - 日语英语
