楼主: 碧城仙

[已完成翻译] [WCG]为世界创造更好的大米 A Better Rice For The World

发表于 2013-1-27 15:31:46 | 显示全部楼层
回复 15# CCCP0081


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 01:19:39 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1基本分 +6 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 6 不是。。新年快乐~



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 07:06:26 | 显示全部楼层
回复 17# CCCP0081



参与人数 2基本分 +5 收起 理由
kehq + 3 好凶…恐怖
CCCP0081 + 2 难道你是碧城仙的马甲



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 09:34:13 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-4 21:37:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-4 23:14:10 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于 2013-2-4 21:37


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-5 09:05:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cuihao 于 2013-2-6 11:18 编辑

Have you considered asking the NCSA for computing resources?

Ram: Yep, but it’s a cumbersome process, like applying for a grant, and again, porting software to work on different architectures. The barrier is that we get grant money to do research and not develop software. I have used NIST supercomputing resources in the past.

You said you would need 200 years of computing time using your available resources. Besides voluntary distributed computing and the University of Washington, were there other universities or institutes directly contributing computing-resources to your project?

Ram: Not for this project, no.

You were using algorithms from the Protinfo website. Which one did you actually use, how much effort did you put into customizing it for using it in BOINC? Can you tell us if those algorithms and implementation are released under a free license?

Ram: It’s the Protinfo AB algorithm, which is our ab initio or de novo simulation protocol. IBM spent a fair amount of time porting the code to work with BOINC. The original algorithms/software are all freely available without any claim of copyright (i.e., in the public domain).
Ram:我们采用的是 Protinfo AB 算法,它应用了我们的“从头算”的模拟方法(ab initio or de novo simulation protocol)。IBM花费了不少精力来移植代码到BOINC平台。原始的算法和软件是自由分发的,没有任何版权限制(即属于公有领域)。

Could you explain “de novo” and “ab initio” for non-scientists, please?
您能用通俗的语言解释一下“从头算”(“de novo”或“ab initio”)的意思吗?
Ram: “De novo” and “ab initio” generally are translated to mean “from first principles”. In the old days, this used to mean using pure physics energy potentials for protein folding. These days, to us, it means any set of general principles that is not biased to a particular protein or organism.
Ram:从头算,通常的解释是是“根据第一原理(first principles)”。过去,这意味着应用纯粹物理中的势能进行蛋白质折叠。现在,对于我们而言,这意味着使用一套不针对特定蛋白质或有机体的普遍原理。

If the algorithms you used are under a free license, did you already manage to publish the modifications, if there are any?
Ram: The modifications involving the porting are with IBM and they are unpublished.

(Ed. note: Since the software was released in the public domain there’s no requirement to publish the modifications.)


参与人数 1维基拼图 +37 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 37 个人感觉没问题,请继续~~



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-5 09:06:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-5 18:31:19 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于 2013-2-5 09:05
Have you considered asking the NCSA for computing resources?
您是否考虑过请求NCSA(美国国家超级电脑 ...

另,那行红字,貌似作者也没懂,下一段Ram自己会解释,所以ab initio和de novo原样摆在那里就行了,其他照样翻没问题

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-6 18:03:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cuihao 于 2013-2-24 20:52 编辑

IBM helped you out in customizing the protein-prediction algorithms for various platforms. Can you tell us how much they contributed?

Ram: All the customisation was done by IBM engineers. We just gave them the original software and ran sanity checks on the output. I’m a strong free software and anti IP proponent, to the degree that I encourage commercial use without restrictions on the software (people can always use the public domain versions if they want to).

How much time did you save by using the World Community Grid’s infrastructure compared to if you would’ve set it up all on your own, like other projects do?

Ram: IBM took about six months or so to port our software, so I presume it would’ve required that kind of an investment. Keep in mind that they had a lot of prior experience with BOINC. IBM now maintains the code and does the PR and runs the predictions for us. I’d say this would be a full time programmer/sysadm type of person and if I had that extra money, I’d rather spend it on someone doing the basic research.

If there are flaws about BOINC, which would you like to be addressed first?

Ram: I can’t think of any in the way we did it with IBM, but without IBM, the PR machine has to be powerful to get people on board. It’s more than just recruiting people, but also motivating them as IBM does with badges and giving them a sense of community and providing a support infrastructure. This is hard for a research lab to do on their own (it can be done, but is it really the best use of our talents is the questions).
Ram:在和IBM合作的过程中,我实在想不出什么问题。要是没了IBM,非得找个强大的公关才能吸引人气。公关不仅仅是召集人,还要像IBM那样激发他们的热情,搞点奖励、给大家一种集体荣誉感并提供 support infrastructure。这些事单靠实验室很难完成(其实也能完成,但把我们的智慧耗费在这种事情上大概不怎么值得)。

Programming and debugging is an iterative process. Looking at your sourcecode-repository, how many releases of the software were necessary until you got the cow flying?

Ram: For this case, internally we probably had about 10 or so iterations in total, but the basic science part of the software is something that has evolved over 18 years.

How did you do beta-testing, did you use the publicly available beta-projects at WCG? Or, were you actually just doing it in your lab?
你们是怎么做 beta 测试的?是使用的 WCG 中公开的 beta 测试项目机制,还是自己在实验室里做?

Ram: It was mostly in our group. We just submitted sequences for which we knew the answers and we did a dry run initially with the same sequences.

I’m curious there – were these structures predicted by other algorithms or was that done the hard way, using X-ray crystallography?

Ram: These were done the hard way, at the bench. These are our gold standard for when we know we’re right or wrong, so we benchmark our methods against all this. When we did the rice project, we did sequences with known answers to see how well things would work and that there was no chance of anything going wrong.

How was is like getting in touch with the community? Was the feedback helpful? How many people from your team were actually dealing with the community?

Ram: At its peak, we had 3 people dealing with the community, our sysadm and project lead Michal Guerquin, our programmer and scientist Ling-Hong Hung, and myself. Opening our software to the Grid and the community definitely presented some challenges, which I believe will be the focus of our first paper. An interesting tangent of that is that we’ve had to port some of our analysis software to work on GPUs so we could handle all this data. So some good technological developments here that we’ll be writing about shortly.
Ram:最多的时候,我们有三个人负责和志愿者团体打交道:系统管理员兼项目领导 Michal Guerquin,程序员和科学家 Ling-Hong Hung,以及我本人。向 WCG 和志愿者团体公开我们的软件确实带来了一些挑战,我认为这会成为我们第一份论文的重点。扯点有趣的题外话,我们曾不得不移植一些分析软件,使其在GPU上工作,这样我们就能处理所有这样的数据。所以还会简要写一些有关这里的优秀技术开发的内容。

A lot of people are concerned about “Frankenfood”. Your project’s website explicitly states that this is not about genetic engineering, but about finding the most nutritious rice-strains for interbreeding with other rice-crops. Is there anything you’d like to explain to people who are still concerned?

Ram: We’re simply extending what farmers have been doing for millenia in a more rational way, and also what has been going on in nature for billions of years. The problem to us is scientific and all knowledge that is produced (which from our end will be completely free and transparent) can be used in various ways according to the will of the people. But we have governments and politicians to handle the deeper societal implications. What I mean by this is that people should petition their representatives, as they are doing successfully in many parts of the world, to decide where to go with genetically modified organisms, which I see as ultimately having a socioeconomic/political solution.


参与人数 1维基拼图 +60 收起 理由
昂宿星团人 + 60 呐呐,原文词数除以5,力度是不是太大了?.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-7 21:18:43 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于 2013-2-5 09:05
Have you considered asking the NCSA for computing resources?
您是否考虑过请求NCSA(美国国家超级电脑 ...

ab initio or de novo simulation protocol:

first principles我查到的中文释义是第一性原理

using pure physics energy potentials for protein folding:
结合维基百科条目first principles 下in physics 度娘百科中条目第一性原理的相关解释得到如下翻译:

are with IBM:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-7 22:04:13 | 显示全部楼层
昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-2-7 21:18
ab initio or de novo simulation protocol:
http://www.i ...

protocol 这个词在计算机术语里也很常见,虽然一般翻译做“协议”,但其实意思也很广,就是指某种方法、标准。我觉得他的意思就是:用了 ab initio 这种计算机模拟的方法。

first principles 我也查了,两种翻译都有,感觉差不多就选了个短的 = =

using pure physics energy potentials for protein folding:我也挺DT的,因为实在不懂。

are with IBM:当时我还真翻字典查with(囧,算个啥事儿),也找不到相同句式。你那么说也有可能……

……说到术语,我挺羡慕日语,直接音译完事儿:protocol -> purotokoru。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-8 00:06:58 | 显示全部楼层
cuihao 发表于 2013-2-7 22:04
protocol 这个词在计算机术语里也很常见,虽然一般翻译做“协议”,但其实意思也很广,就是指某种方法、 ...


using pure physics energy potentials for protein folding,
那么 Rosetta 是怎么试图解决这个问题的?         

        Rosetta 的理论基础,一是不同类型氨基酸间相互作用的物理及化学属性,二是对于每段氨基酸分支来说怎样的局部构造是可以接受的。如此就可以限制搜寻的范围,并评估各种可能构造的能量。只要对足够多的构造进行采样,Rosetta 就能找到蛋白质的能量最低、最稳定的自然结构


所以你的解释确实是比较靠谱,这些都是ram之前的预测蛋白质结构的方法与理念,不过残念的是他们都没有提及first principles。。所以我还是不敢肯定啊魂淡。。。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-8 17:39:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cuihao 于 2013-2-8 17:47 编辑

Your project is one of the very few with a fixed end, almost all other projects are handing out work-units for new phases. How comes that you’re finished now? Is everything from the rice-genome now analyzed from a computational point-of-view and nothing else left to do?

Ram: Not at all. We obtained a huge amount of data and we’re now pressed to analyse it. I honestly can say that we were overwhelmed with this data. My goal as a scientist though is not just to develop technical tools and produce large tables and graphs but try to come up with something tangible that is prioritised and can be tested at the bench that really changes the make up of rice in a desired manner. The computations and the Grid are the means by which we arrived at this step, but our job now is to figure out where the best low hanging fruit is (好像是个谚语,找不来等价翻译) in collaboration with rice researchers (which we are doing with researchers around the world including IRRI, Phillipines). [Ed. note: IRRI, International Rice Research Institute]
Ram:并不是这样。我们已经得到了海量的数据,现在正要着手分析。说实话,我们都要淹死在这数据海洋里了。作为一名科学家,我的目标并不仅仅是开发技术工具和制做大量的图表和数据,而且还得得到有形的成果:这些成果能够经得起实践检验、能真正向着有益的方向改进水稻的生产——这才是最重要的。网格计算只是我们达到目前阶段的一种手段,而接下来我们的任务是和水稻研究者(我们的合作者来自全球各地,包括菲律宾的IRRI)一同又好又快地实现目标。[编者注:IRRI,International Rice Research Institute,国际水稻研究所]

Focussing on the data: Now that you know how those proteins really look like, where do you draw a line and say “this protein is more nutritious than others”? My basic understanding is that the nutritious parts in rice is actually carbohydrates (starch), proteins and some fat. How do I have to imagine this analysis?

Ram: So the proteins we’re talking about are gene products, that carry out almost all the functions in rice (or any other organism). So we use
the protein to refer to a molecule that does this, rather than the nutrition use of the word “protein” which refers to these biological molecules broken down and aggregrated (see “Protein” and “Protein (nutrient)” in Wikipedia).
Ram:我们这里提及的蛋白质是基因的产物,是水稻(及其他一切有机体)体内几乎所有生命活动的承担者。所以这里说的蛋白质代表的是具有上述功能的分子,而非营养学里所说的“蛋白质”,后者指的是上述分子分解和聚集后的产物(详见英文维基百科的“Protein”和“Protein (nutrient)”条目)。

By nutrition we mean anything that leads to higher range of bioavailable substances like dietary minerals and vitamins. In rice, examples include elements like iron or organics like vitamin A. Incidentally the “golden rice” GMO is a product of Monsanto that has higher beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A (“Golden Rice” at Wikipedia). We’d like to get to something like that by crossbreeding without the use of genetic engineering, working on both micro and macronutrients.

So in the end, we need to be able to create a rice strain that does have enriched nutrients and is perhaps better than current strains in terms of yield and/or hardiness. Before we go off and start crossing rice, there are a number of molecule biology bench experiments that can be done to say whether predictions we make about the activity of certain proteins will be correct so we’d do them first.

Do you plan to publish all your results in an Open Access Journal?
您是否打算把全部实验结果发布到某个开放存取期刊(Open Access Journal)上?

Ram: Yep, that would be the ideal. Publishing in Open Access Journals also sometimes costs money. I’m not a big fan of the “pay to publish” model—it’s not a lot of money and some scientists have grants to do this, but it’s not a good principle.

Thank you very much for this interview!

Ram: Thanks; I enjoyed the questions!

Dr. Ram Samudrala is a tenured Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle. He’s head of the Nutritious Rice For The World project and one of the inventors of protein prediction algorithms. He’s a notorious contributor of scientific papers and generally a very nice guy I’d like to buy a drink.
Ram Samudrala 博士是西雅图华盛顿大学的终身教授。他是全球营养水稻项目的领导者,也是蛋白质预测算法的开发者之一。他是个臭名远扬的科学论文投稿者,还算是个不错的家伙啦,我愿意请他喝上一杯。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-8 17:49:03 | 显示全部楼层

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