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[已完成翻译] 开始翻译 WCG 官方帮助页面,Overview 部分

发表于 2005-12-6 21:23:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  What is World Community Grid?
  Explaining the FightAIDS@Home Agent
  ]Human Proteome Folding
  Windows Points Calculation
  Linux Points Calculation
  Returning Results ——> 感谢 Nye 帮助翻译!
  Teams ——> 感谢 碧城仙 帮助翻译!
  Agent ——> 感谢 rtm 帮助翻译!

请注意,带有“”符号的页面和该页面下面的无该符号的页面的部分内容是一摸一样的,即带符号的页面包含有不带符号的页面的所有内容,所以翻译的时候请注意,尽量不要重复翻译,依据分布式计算的宗旨,重复劳动是最大的浪费 :)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-19 22:33:02 | 显示全部楼层

What are teams all about?
Can I join more than one team?
How do I join a team?
How do I quit a team?
How do I create a new team?
How can I tell how much my team is contributing?
How do I contact my team members?
How can I change my team name, description, or URL?
我如何修改我的小组名称、描述和 URL 地址?

What are teams all about?
Once you become a member, you can participate in teams by going to the My Grid page and then selecting My Team. You can either join a team or Create a New Team. When you are on a team, you can compete with other teams for number of members on a team, total run time, points, and results returned. Joining a team does not affect your individual member statistics.
当您成为我们的成员以后,您就可以通过“My Grid”页面选择一个小组(团队)加入其中。您也可以自行创建一个新的小组(团队)。当您加入某一小组后,您可以与组内的其他成员一起在总运行时间、个人积分以及返回结果数量上进行竞争。加入小组不会对您的个人统计产生任何影响。

Can I join more than one team?
No. A member may join only one team at a time but may leave a team and join another team at any time. The statistics that you accrue while on a team, remain with that team.

How do I join a team?
Go to the home page and sign in. From the My Grid page, select My Team from the left navigation menu or select "Find a Team to Join" in the middle of the page, From the Find a Team page, under Keyword Search, Next to "Team" select the "Name" drop down and in the text box next to "Contains:", enter all or portions of the team name of the team that you wish to join, Then press search. If there is more than one team name returned, find the one that you wish to join. Then click on the team name and the system will return the team information. Press "join this team" to become a member of the team.
请先到本站首页登陆。通过“My Grid”页面左边的导航栏进入“My Team”页面,或者通过“My Grid”页面中间的“Find a Team to Join”进入小组搜索页面,然后可以输入关键字搜索到自己想加入的小组,关键字可以是小组全称或者小组名称的部分,您可以将关键字输入到“Contains”文本框中,然后点击“search”。搜索结果中可能存在多个与关键字匹配的小组,您可以寻找您愿意加入的那个小组。点击小组名称将链接到该小组的信息统计页面,请点击小组介绍下面的“join this team”,就可以加入该小组了。

How do I quit a team?
Go to the home page and sign in. From the My Grid page, select My Team from the left navigation menu, The system will return the team information for the team that you are a member of. Press "quit this team" and you will no longer be a member of that team. The statistics that you have contributed to this team will stay with that team.
If you are not currently a member of any team, "quit this team" will not be an option.
请先到本站首页登陆。通过“My Grid”页面左边的导航栏进入“My Team”页面,系统将自动返回您当前所在的小组信息,如果您不愿意继续待在当前小组了,您可以通过点击“quit this team”按钮来退出当前小组。请注意,您为当前小组的统计所做的贡献将依然统计在该小组中。
如果您没有加入任何小组,“quit this team”按钮将不会显示在页面中。

How do I create a new team?
Go to the home page and sign in. From the My Grid page, select My Team from the left navigation menu, Then select Create a New Team from the left navigation menu. Follow the instructions on the page for adding a team and then press save.
Please familiarize yourself with what the World Community Grid considers objectionable before creating a new team.
请先到本站首页登陆。通过“My Grid”页面左边的导航栏进入“My Team”页面,然后通过页面左边的导航栏选择“Create a New Team”。请按照页面提示填写表格来新建一个小组,点击“Save”保存设置。
在创建一个新的小组前请先了解一下那些名称是 World Community Grid 所禁止使用的。

How can I tell how much my team is contributing?
There are two ways to do this:
1、Go to the home page and sign in. On the My Grid page, the team that you are a member of will be shown in the center of the page next to My Team. Select that link to view the team statistics.
2、Click Here to search for a team. This section is listed under "Find a Team" in the My Grid section, but will allow you to search through all the teams that have been created for the World Community Grid.
1、请先到本站首页登陆。在“My Grid”页面将显示出您所在的小组名称,点击小组名称可以链接到“My Team”页面,然后您可以通过该页面上的各类统计链接哈看您所在的小组的各类统计数据。
2、点击这里搜索一个小组,这个功能是在“My Grid”页面的“Find a Team”部分列出的,但是该搜索功能仅仅只用来搜索所有 World Community Grid 的计算小组。

How do I contact my team members?
World Community Grid is very concerned about your privacy and security. As such, there is no way to directly access other members. Some teams have a URL pointing to their site where they have created a special forum for team members to chat. As an alternative, you might go to the World Community Grid forums by selecting Forums from the global navigation bar. The forums contain Team forums expressly for team activity. You might consider reaching out to other members from your team in one of these forums. We recommend that you do not divulge any private information in the forums as they are public forums.
World Community Grid 非常重视您的隐私和安全。因此,不存在任何可以直接联系到其他成员的方法。有些小组有一个 URL 地址可以链接到该小组的成员们创立的论坛或者聊天室。另外,您可以通过本站导航栏上的“FORUM”链接到本站内部会员论坛。该论坛包含一个以小组为主题的讨论区。您也许能找到您所在小组的其他成员在我们的论坛里活跃。但是,我们建议您不要泄漏您个人的任何隐私,因为我们的论坛是公开的。

How can I change my team name, description, or URL?
Team name, description, and URL can only be changed by the team captain. To change this information, sign in to My Grid, select My Team from the left menu. From the My Team page, select Edit. On the Edit Your Team page, make the changes and press Save.
我如何修改我的小组名称、描述和 URL 地址?
小组名称、描述和 URL 地址仅仅只能被小组组长修改。如果要更改这些信息,请登陆后进入“My Grid”页面,通过该页面左边的导航栏进入“My Team”页面。在“My Team”页面上点击“Edit”,就可以开始修改了。修改完毕后请点击“Save”保存修改结果。


参与人数 2基本分 +90 维基拼图 +70 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 90 + 40
霊烏路 空 + 30



使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-21 13:33:13 | 显示全部楼层




如何翻译United Devices?

What is the difference between United Devices and BOINC?
United Deviced和BOINC有什么区别?
World Community Grid is running two grid software applications. The first is a software package called United Devices Grid MP 3.0. This software package provides both server side components that allow us to manage the data and application for multiple science projects. It also includes a windows agent that can be run on user computers. This is the software that World Community Grid has been running since November 16th, 2004. More information about United Devices and the United Devices Grid MP software can be found at http://www.ud.com.
World Community Grid正在运行有两个网格应用程序。第一个应用程序名称是United Devices Grid MP 3.0。这个应用程序不仅提供了服务器端组件,允许我们为多个科学研究项目管理数据和应用程序;还包含了视窗版的代理客户端,可以运行在用户计算机上。自2004年11月16日起,这个应用程序就一直在World Community Grid运行。有关United Devices和United Devices Grid MP应用程序的更多信息,参考网页:http://www.ud.coom

BOINC is an open source grid software package. BOINC stands for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. It has been developed under a National Science Foundation grant. The software provides server side components that allow the management of a science project. It also includes agents that run on a variety of platforms including Linux. World Community Grid started using BOINC to support Linux agents on November 1st, 2005. More information about BOINC can be found at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/.
BOINC是一个开源网格应用程序。BOINC是Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing的首字母缩写,在National Science Foundation(国家科学基金)资助下开发。这个应用程序提供服务器端组件,用来管理一个科研项目。同时提供若干代理客户端,运行在不同的平台上,包括Linux平台。World Community Grid自2005年11月1日起,开始用BOINC提供对Linux客户端的支持。有关BOINC更多的信息,参考网页:http://bionc.berkeley.edu

How can I tell which version of the software I am using?
To see which version you are running, click on the Preferences checkmark button in the software's window to see the version listed under About This software. You can also hold the "Shift" key and click on the "v" key to display the current version when the software's window is open in the foreground.

How do I know that my grid agent is doing what it is supposed to?
One way to check is to double-click on the World Community Grid icon in the icon tray in the lower right of your desktop. What pops up is what we call the grid agent home page. Typically there is a message on the bottom of the page that says "Primary task is executing". Don't forget to click on the other buttons on the bottom of the agent. Especially the small "i" with the circle around it.
双击系统托盘区域的World Community Grid图标,打开我们所谓的客户端首页。通常在页面的底部显示一行信息:主任务正在执行。不要忘了点击客户端底部的其他按钮,特别是标记小写“i”的圆形按钮。

How do I move the Agent?
First stop the agent by minimizing it, and then right clicking on the agent icon in the system tray and choosing Exit. Then zip up the WorldCommunityGrid installation directory (by default in "\Program Files" unless you installed it elsewhere) using the -rS parameters on zip. Also, save the file called UD.SCR in your Windows directory (probably c:\winnt\UD.scr). Then save this zip file and do whatever you need to to your disk drive. Afterwards, create the same install directory and unzip the saved contents. Restore the UD.scr file to the windows directory. Place a shortcut to the C:\Program Files\WorldCommunityGrid\UD.EXE program in your Start Menu's Startup folder. You can also place it in the startup folder for "All users" which should make it run for everyone. One way to get to these folders is via: My Computer -> Local disk C: -> Documents and Settings -> All Users -> Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup, for example. Use "My Computer" to locate the icon for the file UD.scr in the windows directory. Right click on this to install this as the screensaver, unless you don't wish to use the screensaver. This should let it resume running where it left off. If this does not work for you or is too much trouble, simply download and install the agent again and use the same member name and password. Your old device installation will remain on the website and be dormant, however.
首先,最小化客户端窗口,在系统托盘区域,鼠标右键点击客户端图标选择“退出”。然后为World Community Grid安装目录(默认在\program files目录下,除非你选择安装在其他目录)压缩打包,zip命令参数使用-rS。同时保存Windows系统目录(默认c:\winnt\UD.scr)下的UD.SCR文件。保存好压缩包文件,对你的磁盘作想要的处理。然后,建立相同的安装目录,解开压缩包文件。把UD.scr拷回到windows系统目录。在开始菜单的启动目录下,为c:\program files\worldcommunitygrid\UD.exe程序建立一个快捷方式。你也同样可以为“All users”的启动目录(My Computer->Local disk C:->Documents and settings->All Users->Start Menu->Programs->Startup)建立快捷方式,让每一个人都可以运行。打开“My Computer”,在windows系统目录下找到UD.scr文件图标,通过鼠标右键点击图标安装屏幕保护,假如你想安装这个屏幕保护。(通过上面的步骤)客户端应该在停止的地方继续开始运行。如果你失败了,或者觉得太麻烦了,你也可以重新下载安装客户端程序,使用相同的用户名和密码。你原来的设备将留在网页上,但是不工作了。

Why is there not a Mac client?
The software that we licensed for World Community Grid came only with a Windows client. The support team has an edict to provide a Linux client in 2005. As soon as the Linux client is launched, we will look at working on a Mac client. If we develop a Mac client, it will be in early 2006. As soon as we have more information, we will update this FAQ.
一开始World Community Grid只有Windows的客户端。维护小组已经宣布2005年要提供Linux客户端。Linux客户端完成后,我们将开始开发Mac的客户端。假如我们开始开发Mac客户端,也要到2006年。我们有更多信息的时候,我们会更新这个“常见问题解答”文档。


参与人数 2基本分 +80 维基拼图 +50 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 80 + 25
霊烏路 空 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-21 22:26:30 | 显示全部楼层

Returning Results


work unit我暂且译为任务单元,还有待商榷。
最后一句Work Units are also referred to as Results.感觉翻不好,大家提些建议?

What is contained in the files I send back to the World Community Grid servers?
我发送回World Community Grid服务器的文件中包含了什么?
Can I download and process multiple work units, then return results altogether?
How does the software return results?
What is a Work Unit?

What is contained in the files I send back to the World Community Grid servers?
我发送回World Community Grid服务器的文件中包含了什么?
When the software has completed processing a work unit, it will create a file containing the results which will be sent back to the World Community Grid servers. If a work unit was aborted due to an error, a report of the occurrence may be submitted in place of the result file.
当软件完成运行一个任务单元,它就会建立一个文件,包含将要发送回World Community Grid服务器的运算结果。 如果一个任务单元由于某个错误而被放弃,一份运行报告会代替计算结果文件被提交至服务器。

Can I download and process multiple work units, then return results altogether?
No, this is not a feature available on World Community Grid.
不行,World Community Grid不提供这样的功能。

How does the software return results?
When the software has completed a work unit, it must send the results to the World Community Grid servers through the Internet. The software will take a few minutes after processing the work unit to compile the results, and will then request an Internet connection from your machine. If your machine is configured to dial-up, Windows will automatically connect to the Internet and the software will return a result, otherwise it will retry until you are next connected.
当软件完成了一个任务单元后,它必须通过因特网向World Community Grid服务器发送计算结果。完成任务单元后,软件将花费几分钟编写计算结果,然后会要求你的电脑有一个因特网连接。如果你的电脑是设置为拨号连接的,Windows将自动连接上网络,软件就发送计算结果。否则的话,它会重试直至你连接上网络。  

What is a Work Unit?
A work unit consists of data that represents a small part of an overall problem that the grid software is trying to solve. Work Units are also referred to as Results.


参与人数 2基本分 +50 维基拼图 +30 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 50 + 15
霊烏路 空 + 15



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-22 13:23:25 | 显示全部楼层
引用 rtm 在 2005-12-21 13:33 时的帖子:
Agent 代理客户端
如何翻译 United Devices?

Agent 翻译成“客户端”比较好,搞不清老外怎么把客户端搞那么多单词干什么?
United Devices 是美国联合设备公司的名称,不用翻译,保留。

work unit 翻译成“任务单元”或“工作单元”都可以的,不过,我们通常都叫他“任务包”。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 5



使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-1 20:02:14 | 显示全部楼层


What is World Community Grid?

[ 本帖最后由 昂宿星团人 于 2008-7-16 12:12 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-16 12:12:43 | 显示全部楼层

# Is World Community Grid a non-profit organization?
# How does World Community Grid get new projects?
# Are the results produced by World Community Grid part of a commercial venture?
# This sounds too good to be true. Am I missing something?

  # WCG是一个非营利性组织吗?
  # WCG是怎样设立新项目的?
  # (*)
  # 这听起来好到不像是真的.我错过什么了吗?(*)

Is World Community Grid a non-profit organization?
World Community Grid is an IBM sponsored philanthropic initiative, started in November of 2004.

Its purpose is to create the world's largest public computing grid for running research projects

that benefit humanity. For more information, go to





How does World Community Grid get new projects?
First, a non-profit organization has to have a research project which benefits humanity for which

they require some serious computer power in order to complete the research. Then someone from the

research organization goes to the World Community Grid website and Submits a Proposal. At World

Community Grid, we review the proposal to ensure it meets all requirements and is technically

feasible to run on the grid. A final approval comes from the World Community Grid Advisory Board.




Are the results produced by World Community Grid part of a commercial venture?
No. This is a philanthropic project, not for profit. The direct results of work done by the World

Community Grid will be in the public domain.


  This sounds too good to be true. Am I missing something?
Everything is on the level. Members who volunteer their unused computer cycles benefit by not

only making their computers more productive, but also by helping make scientific inroads on

humanitarian problems. Research organizations benefit by having Grid computing available to them

at no cost, enabling them to make more effective use of critical funds. The people of the world

benefit because humanitarian research is advanced, and the results are shared

because they are made available in the public domain.



以有效地使用关键的资金.全世界的人们都会受益,因为人道主义研究是 先进(*)的,并且



参与人数 3基本分 +37 维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 30 + 10
霊烏路 空 + 10
Julian_Yuen + 7



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-23 22:48:54 | 显示全部楼层
# Is World Community Grid a non-profit organization?
# How does World Community Grid get new projects?
# Are the results produced by World Community Grid part of a commercial venture?
# This sounds too good to be true. Am I missing something?

  # WCG是一个非营利性组织吗?
  # WCG是怎样设立新项目的?
  # (*) //WCG提供的计算成果是不是某个商业投机的一部分?
  # 这听起来好到不像是真的.我错过什么了吗?(*) //这听起来好得让人难以置信,是不是还有什么我不知道的?

Is World Community Grid a non-profit organization?
World Community Grid is an IBM sponsored philanthropic initiative, started in November of 2004.

Its purpose is to create the world's largest public computing grid for running research projects

that benefit humanity. For more information, go to





How does World Community Grid get new projects?
First, a non-profit organization has to have a research project which benefits humanity for which

they require some serious computer power in order to complete the research. Then someone from the

research organization goes to the World Community Grid website and Submits a Proposal. At World

Community Grid, we review the proposal to ensure it meets all requirements and is technically

feasible to run on the grid. A final approval comes from the World Community Grid Advisory Board.

   首先,一个非盈利性组织必须有一个严格要求来完成的有益于人类的研究项目.然后研究组值得(织的)一个人到WCG //必须有一个研究项目,它对人类有益,然而需要大量的计算资源才能完成研究。

的网站,并提交一份提案.在WCG,我们会考察此提案以确保这些都是必要的,并且从技术上来说在网格平台上运行 //以确保其符合条件

是可行的.最后由WCG顾问团批准. //最终的批准由WCG顾问团负责作出。

Are the results produced by World Community Grid part of a commercial venture?
No. This is a philanthropic project, not for profit. The direct results of work done by the World

Community Grid will be in the public domain.

   不会.这是一个公益项目,不是为了利益.通过WCG结果将会被直接用于公共范围. //WCG项目计算得到的任何直接结果都从属于公有领域。

  This sounds too good to be true. Am I missing something?
Everything is on the level. Members who volunteer their unused computer cycles benefit by not

only making their computers more productive, but also by helping make scientific inroads on

humanitarian problems. Research organizations benefit by having Grid computing available to them

at no cost, enabling them to make more effective use of critical funds. The people of the world

benefit because humanitarian research is advanced, and the results are shared

because they are made available in the public domain.

   很明显(*).志愿把计算机未利用的资源用于有益方面的成员们不仅受益于让他们的PC //这些都是真的。

更加有价值,而且还能通过帮助(*).研究组织得益于使用网格计算时没有任何开销,这就可 //make scientific inroads on humanitarian problems:为人道主义问题的科学研究需求提供一份力量。(也不是很确定)  研究组织获得了分布式计算的能力的益处,而对此不需要花费一分钱,让他们能够将严峻的资金更有效地利用。

以有效地使用关键的资金.全世界的人们都会受益,因为人道主义研究是 先进(*)的,并且 //advanced:被促进了

研究结果会被共享,因为它们能在公共范围内创造价值. //因为它们能够为公有领域所取得。

[ 本帖最后由 yuan234yuan 于 2009-6-23 22:53 编辑 ]


参与人数 2基本分 +6 维基拼图 +10 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 10
Julian_Yuen + 6



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-23 23:02:54 | 显示全部楼层

What is World Community Grid?
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2
Influenza Antiviral Drug Search
Help Fight Childhood Cancer
The Clean Energy Project
Nutritious Rice for the World
Help Conquer Cancer
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy
Genome Comparison
Help Defeat Cancer
Human Proteome Folding
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2
Returning Results
     Team Challenges
World Community Grid Software


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-28 20:23:45 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #9 yuan234yuan 的帖子

有时间的话,作什么都没错,或者考虑到wiki区去发帖,向管理员申请一个wiki帐号  : )

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-28 22:55:29 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #10 Julian_Yuen 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 yuan234yuan 于 2009-6-28 23:04 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 21:25:35 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #11 yuan234yuan 的帖子

原帖由 Julian_Yuen 于 2009-6-28 20:23 发表
有时间的话,作什么都没错,或者考虑到wiki区去发帖,向管理员申请一个wiki帐号 : )


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-8 23:03:23 | 显示全部楼层
因为 FAQ 经常更改,所以 World Community Grid 不提供这些信息的非英语版本。

官方网站 http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org 上中文信息已经算是比较丰富了,唯独 FAQ 页面没有汉化。我们可以套用官方的这句台词:
因为 FAQ 经常更改,所以 equn.com 通过 Wiki 子站提供这些信息的中文翻译版本。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-8 23:08:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #13 碧城仙 的帖子


使用道具 举报

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