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[已完成翻译] [BOINC 开发文档]Developing a BOINC application 部分

发表于 2006-4-1 13:52:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Developing a BOINC application 部分


Developing a BOINC application

    Basic API                     ——>感谢 Youth 翻译!
    Diagnostics API                     ——>感谢 Youth 翻译!
    Graphics API                    ——>感谢 bonny95 翻译!
    Trickle messages API                     ——>感谢 bonny95 翻译!
    Intermediate upload API                     ——>感谢 bonny95 翻译!
  ·Application development
    Application development tips                     ——>感谢 dogcatdog 翻译!
    Application debugging                      ——>感谢 dogcatdog 翻译!
            App development cookbook                    ——>感谢 Firenet 翻译!
  ·FORTRAN applications
  ·Compound applications                    ——>感谢 fwjmath 翻译!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-6 10:58:18 | 显示全部楼层


The BOINC application programming interface (API)
Last modified 7:24 PM UTC, March 15 2006

BOINC 应用程序编程接口 (API)

The BOINC API is a set of C++ functions. Most of the functions have a C interface, so that they can be used from programs written in C and other languages. Unless otherwise specified, the functions return an integer error code; zero indicates success.

BOINC 的 API 是一套 C++ 的函数。大多数函数也有 C 的接口,因此可以在用 C 或其它编程写的程序中使用。除非特别说明,函数均返回一个整型的错误码;如果是零就表示操作成功。

BOINC applications may generate graphics, allowing them to provide a screensaver. This API is described here.

BOINC 的计算程序可以生成图形,允许它们提供一个屏保。相关的 API 请看这里

BOINC applications may consist of several programs that are executed in sequence; these are called compound applications. This API is described here.

BOINC 的计算程序可以包含几个依次执行的程序;这种被称之为复合计算程序。相关的 API 请看这里

Initialization and termination


Applications should initialize diagnostics before any other BOINC calls.

计算程序应该在使用所有其它的 BOINC 调用前,首先初始化诊断接口

Initialization for graphical and compound applications are described elsewhere (see links above). Other applications must call

    int boinc_init();

before calling other BOINC functions or doing I/O.

图形和复合计算程序的初始化在其它页面进行说明(请看上文的链接)。而其它类型的计算程序必须在调用其它 BOINC 函数前调用:

When the application has completed it must call

    int boinc_finish(int status);

status is nonzero if an error was encountered. This call does not return.



Is your application running under the control of the BOINC client?

您的计算程序正在 BOINC 客户端的控制下运行吗?

BOINC applications can be run in "standalone" mode for testing, or under the control of the BOINC client. You might want your application to behave differently in the two cases. For example you might want to output debugging information if the application is running standalone. To determine if the application is running in standalone mode or under the control of the BOINC client, call

    int boinc_is_standalone(void);

This returns non-zero (True) if the application is running standalone, and zero (False) if the application is running under the control of the BOINC client.

BOINC 的计算程序可独立模式运行以进行测试,或者在 BOINC 客户端控制下运行。您也许希望您的计算程序在两种模式下的执行情况有所不同。比如,你可能会想在独立模式运行时输出一些调试信息。要检测计算程序是运行在独立模式还是在 BOINC 客户端控制下,调用

如果计算程序运行在独立模式下,函数将返回非零值(逻辑真),否则将返回零(逻辑假),这时计算程序是在 BOINC 客户端控制下的。

Resolving file names


Applications that use named input or output files must call

    int boinc_resolve_filename(char *logical_name, char *physical_name, int len);


    int boinc_resolve_filename_s(char *logical_name, std::string& physical_name);

to convert logical file names to physical names. For example, instead of

    f = fopen("my_file", "r");

the application might use

    string resolved_name;
    retval = boinc_resolve_filename("my_file", resolved_name);
    if (retval) fail("can't resolve filename");
    f = fopen(resolved_name.c_str(), "r");

boinc_resolve_filename() doesn't need to be used for temporary files.




如果要使用临时文件不需要调用 boinc_resolve_filename()。
I/O wrappers

I/O 封装

Applications should replace fopen() calls with

boinc_fopen(char* path, char* mode);

This deals with platform-specific problems. On Windows, where security and indexing programs can briefly lock files, boinc_fopen() does several retries at 1-second intervals. On Unix, where signals can cause fopen() to fail with EINTR, boinc_fopen checks for this and does a few retries; it also sets the 'close-on-exec' flag.

计算程序应该将对 fopen() 的调用替换成:

该函数用来处理一些平台相关的问题。在 Windows 平台上,系统中的安全或索引程序可能会锁定文件,boinc_fopen() 将以1秒的间隔重试若干次。在 Unix 平台上,一些信号可能导致 fopen() 操作失败并返回 EINTR,boinc_fopen() 将对其进行检查并重试若干次;它也会设置 'close-on-exec' 标志位。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +25 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-6 15:35:52 | 显示全部楼层

http://boinc.berkeley.edu/api.php part2



Computations that use a significant amount of time per work unit may want to periodically write the current state of the computation to disk. This is known as checkpointing. The state file must include everything required to start the computation again at the same place it was checkpointed. On startup, the application reads the state file to determine where to begin computation. If the BOINC client quits or exits, the computation can be restarted from the most recent checkpoint.

对于那些需要很长时间才能完成的任务包,计算程序可能想要定期地将当前的计算状态写入到磁盘。这就是所谓的进度保存。状态文件中必须包含从计算被保存的进度再次启动计算所需的一切信息。启动计算时,计算程序将读取状态文件以决定从何处开始计算。如果 BOINC 客户端退出,下一次计算将从最近一次的保存进度开始。

Frequency of checkpointing is a user preference (e.g. laptop users might want to checkpoint infrequently). An application must call

    int boinc_time_to_checkpoint();

whenever it reaches a point where it is able to checkpoint. If this returns nonzero (True) then the application should checkpoint immediately (i.e., write the state file and flush all output files), then call

    void boinc_checkpoint_completed();

boinc_time_to_checkpoint() is fast, so it can be called frequently (hundreds or thousands of times a second).



boinc_time_to_checkpoint() 执行很快,因此它可以被频繁地调用(比如每秒钟成百上千次)。

Critical sections


void boinc_begin_critical_section();
void boinc_end_critical_section();

Call these around code segments during which you don't want to be suspended or killed by the core client. NOTE: this is done automatically while checkpointing.


Atomic file update


To facilitate atomic checkpoint, an application can write to output and state files using the MFILE class.

为达到原子级的进度保存,计算程序可以使用 MFILE 类来写输出文件和状态文件。

class MFILE {
    int open(char* path, char* mode);
    int _putchar(char);
    int puts(char*);
    int printf(char* format, ...);
    size_t write(const void* buf, size_t size, size_t nitems);
    int close();
    int flush();

MFILE buffers data in memory and writes to disk only on flush() or close(). This lets you write output files and state files more or less atomically.

MFILE 将数据缓存在内存中,在 flush() 或 close() 被调用时才写入到磁盘。这或多或少使得您可以原子级地写输出文件和状态文件。

Credit reporting


By default, the claimed credit of a result is based on the product of its total CPU time and the benchmark values obtained by the core client. This can produce results that are too low if the application uses processor-specific optimizations not present in the core client, is compiled with different compiler settings, or uses a GPU or other non-CPU computing resource. To handle such cases, the following functions can be used.

缺省情况下,一个计算结果的申请积分是基于总计算时间和客户端基准测结果的乘积。如果计算程序使用了客户端没有使用的处理器优化技术,或者使用了不同的编译器设置,或者利用了 GPU 或其它非 CPU 的处理资源,都可能导致申请分大幅降低。在这种情况下,可以使用如下的函数:

void boinc_ops_per_cpu_second(double floating_point_ops, double integer_ops);

This reports the results of an application-specific benchmark, expressed as number of floating-point and integer operations per CPU second.

该函数将上报应用程序指定的基准测试值,参数分别为每 CPU 秒可执行的浮点和整数操作数。

void boinc_ops_cumulative(double floating_point_ops, double integer_ops);

This reports the total number of floating-point and integer operations since the start of the result. It must be called just before boinc_finish(), and optionally at intermediate points.

该函数将上报从结果开始计算后总的浮点操作数和整数操作数。必须在每次调用 boinc_finish() 前被调用,也可以在保存进度时调用。

Communicating with the core client


The core client GUI displays the percent done of workunits in progress. To keep this display current, an application should periodically call

   boinc_fraction_done(double fraction_done);

The fraction_done argument is an estimate of the workunit fraction complete (0 to 1). This function is fast and can be called frequently. The sequence of arguments in successive calls should be non-decreasing. An application should never 'reset' and start over if an error occurs; it should exit with an error code.

参数 fraction_done 是对任务完成进度的估计(0到1之间)。这个函数执行很快,可以频繁地调用。如果多次调用该函数,该参数的值不应该变小。如果碰到错误,计算程序不能“重置”并重新开始;它应该返回一个错误码。

   double boinc_get_fraction_done();

returns the last value set, or -1 if none has been set (this would typically be called from graphics code).



参与人数 1维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-6 16:50:32 | 显示全部楼层

http://boinc.berkeley.edu/api.php part3

The following functions get information from the core client; this information may be useful for graphics.


    int boinc_get_init_data(APP_INIT_DATA&);

    struct APP_INIT_DATA {
        int core_version;
        char app_name[256];
        char project_preferences[65536];
        char user_name[256];
        char team_name[256];
        char project_dir[256];
        char boinc_dir[256];
        char wu_name[256];
        char authenticator[256];
        int slot;
        double user_total_credit;
        double user_expavg_credit;
        double team_total_credit;
        double team_expavg_credit;
        HOST_INFO host_info;

to get the following information:


core version         The version number of the core client
app_name         The application name (from the server's DB)
project_preferences         An XML string containing the user's project-specific preferences.
user_name         the user's 'screen name' on this project.
team_name         the user's team name, if any.
project_dir         absolute path of project directory
boinc_dir         absolute path of BOINC root directory
wu_name         name of workunit being processed
authenticator         user's authenticator for this project
slot         The number of the app's 'slot' (0, 1, ...)
user_total_credit         user's total work for this project.
user_expavg_credit         user's recent average work per day.
team_total_credit         team's total work for this project.
team_expavg_credit         team's recent average work per day.
host_info         A structure describing the host hardware and OS

core version         客户端的版本
app_name         计算程序在服务端数据库中的名称
project_preferences         XML 字符串,包含用户的项目相关参数。
user_name         用户在当前项目的显示名称。
team_name         用户所在的团队名称,前提是用户加入了某个团队。
project_dir         项目文件夹的绝对路径。
boinc_dir         BOINC 根文件夹的绝对路径。
wu_name         正在处理的任务包名称。
authenticator         用户在当前项目的验证码。
slot         当前总的计算槽位(0, 1, ...)。
user_total_credit         用户在当前项目的总积分。
user_expavg_credit         用户的近期日平均积分。
team_total_credit         用户所在团队在当前项目的所有任务。
team_expavg_credit         用户所在团队的近期日平均积分。
host_info         用来描述主机硬件和操作系统的一个数据结构。

An application may call

    int boinc_wu_cpu_time(double &cpu_time);

to get its total CPU time (from the beginning of the work unit, not just since the last restart). This excludes CPU time used to render graphics.


以得到它的总 CPU 时间(从任务包最初开始时计时,而不是上次重启后)。这个值不包括用于渲染图形所耗费的 CPU 时间。

Non-CPU-intensive periods


Some applications may have periods when they don't use much CPU time (e.g. because they're doing network communication). Call the following functions at the start and end of these periods.

void boinc_not_using_cpu();
void boinc_using_cpu();

This allows the BOINC client to schedule other applications during these periods.

一些计算程序可能会在某些时间不需要使用太多的 CPU 时间(比如他们在进行网络通讯的时候)。请在这期间的开始和结束时分别调用如下的函数:

这将允许 BOINC 客户端在这期间将处理器调度给其它的计算程序。

Requesting network connection


If it appears that there is no physical network connection (e.g. gethostbyname() fails for a valid name) then

    * Call boinc_need_network(). This will alert the user that a network connection is needed.
    * Periodically call boinc_network_poll() until it returns zero.
    * Do whatever communication is needed.
    * When done, call boinc_network_done(). This enables that hangup of a modem connection, if needed.

void boinc_need_network();
int boinc_network_poll();
void boinc_network_done();

Note: this should be enclosed in boinc_not_using_cpu() ... boinc_using_cpu().

如果碰到没有物理网络连接的时候(比如 gethostbyname() 不能返回一个合法的名称时),就进行如下操作:

* 调用 boinc_need_network()。这将通知用户建立一个网络连接。
* 定期地调用 boinc_network_poll() 直到它返回零。
* 进行所有需要的网络通讯。
* 完成通讯后,调用 boinc_network_done()。以允许在需要的时候挂断调制解调器的连接。

注意:这些操作应该被包含在 boinc_not_using_cpu() 和 boinc_using_cpu() 之间。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +12 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-8 13:55:28 | 显示全部楼层

The BOINC diagnostics API  
Last modified 6:18 AM UTC, October 19 2004  


BOINC applications can call
int boinc_init_diagnostics(int flags)
to initialize various diagnostic functions. This call should be made early in the program - before boinc_init() - so that error info is routed appropriately. flags is formed by or'ing together a subset of the following flags:

BOINC 的计算程序可以如下函数来初始化各种类型的诊断函数:

该函数应该在程序中尽早调用 - 在 boinc_init() 之前 - 以便可以正确地找到错误信息。错误标志由下列标志位的子集所组成:

#define BOINC_DIAG_HEAPCHECKENABLED         0x00000002L
#define BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDERR            0x00000008L
#define BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDOUT            0x00000010L
#define BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR           0x00000020L
#define BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUT           0x00000040L
#define BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDERR            0x00000200L
#define BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDOUT            0x00000400L

The flags are as follows. Applications are advised to use at least BOINC_DIAG_DUMPCALLSTACKENABLED, BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR, and BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDERR.


BOINC_DIAG_DUMPCALLSTACKENABLED If the application crashes, write a symbolic call stack to stderr. If you use this in a Windows app, you must include lib/stackwalker_win.cpp in the compile, and you must include the .pdb (symbol) file in your app version bundle.
BOINC_DIAG_HEAPCHECKENABLED Check the integrity of the malloc heap every N allocations. (N is line 120 in diagnostics.C; default 1024).
BOINC_DIAG_MEMORYLEAKCHECKENABLED When process exits, write descriptions of any outstanding memory allocations to stderr.
BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDERR Rename stderr.txt to stderr.old on startup.
BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDOUT Rename stdout.txt to stdout.old on startup.
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR Redirect stderr to stderr.txt.
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUT Redirect stdout to stdout.txt.
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERROVERWRITE Overwrite stderr.txt (default is to append).
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUTOVERWRITE Overwrite stdout.txt (default is to append).
BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDERR Write TRACE macros to stderr (Windows specific).
BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDOUT Write TRACE macros to stdout (Windows specific).

BOINC_DIAG_DUMPCALLSTACKENABLED 如果计算程序崩溃,将符号形式的调用栈定到标准错误输出。如果你是在 Windows 程序中使用,你必须在编译时包含 lib/stackwalker_win.cpp,你也必须在计算程序版本的发行包中包含对应的 .pdb (符号)文件。
BOINC_DIAG_HEAPCHECKENABLED 每 N 次内存分配时检查内存分配堆的完整性。(N 在 diagnostics.C 的第120行;缺少值是1024。)
BOINC_DIAG_MEMORYLEAKCHECKENABLED 当进程退出时,将未解决的内存分配信息写入到标准错误输出(stderr)。
BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDERR 在启动时将 stderr.txt 重命名为 stderr.old。
BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDOUT 在启动时将 stdout.txt 重命名为 stdout.old。
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR 将标准错误输出(stderr)重定向到 stderr.txt。
BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUT 将标准输出(stdout)重定向到 stdout.txt。
BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDERR 将 TRACE 宏写到标准错误输出 (仅适用于 Windows 平台)。
BOINC_DIAG_TRACETOSTDOUT 将 TRACE 宏写到标准输出 (仅适用于 Windows 平台)。


参与人数 2基本分 +200 维基拼图 +100 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 200 + 90
霊烏路 空 + 10



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-9 22:19:59 | 显示全部楼层
2~4 楼已转至:http://boinc.equn.com/dev/api.html ,5 楼已转:http://boinc.equn.com/dev/diagnostics.html

请 Youth 斑竹略微检查一下,其他已经翻译好的页面我再一个一个转。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-10 07:39:59 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-5 15:44:37 | 显示全部楼层

BOINC applications can optionally provide graphics, which are displayed either in an application window or in a full-screen window (when the BOINC screensaver is selected).

You are encouraged to implement graphics using OpenGL. This makes it easy for your application to show graphics on all platforms.

Integrated graphics
Graphics can either be integrated in your main application or generated by a separate program. The integrated approach is recommended, and we'll describe it first. In this approach, instead of boinc_init(), an application calls

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)
    retval = boinc_init_graphics(worker);
    retval = boinc_init_graphics_lib(worker, argv[0]);

where worker() is the main function of your application. Your application must supply rendering and input-handling functions (see below).
These functions creates a worker thread that runs the main application function. The original thread becomes the graphics thread, which handles GUI events and does rendering.

On Unix, your graphics code must be put in a separate shared library (.so) file. This is because Unix hosts may not have the needed libraries (OpenGL, GLUT, X11). If an application is linked dynamically to these libraries, it will fail on startup if the libraries are not present. On the other hand, if an application is linked statically to these libraries, graphics will be done very inefficiently on most hosts.

The shared library must have the same name as the executable followed by '.so'. It must be linked with libboinc_graphics_impl.a, with your rendering and input-handling functions, and (dynamically) with glut and opengl. You must bundle the main program and the shared library together as a multi-file application version. Unix/Linux applications that use graphics should compile all files with -D_REENTRANT, since graphics uses multiple threads.

The BOINC example application uses this technique, and shows the Makefile command that are needed to produce the shared library on Unix.

Rendering and input-handling functions
Programs that use integrated graphics must supply the following functions:

    void app_graphics_render(int xs, ys, double time_of_day);

This will be called periodically in the graphics thread. It should generate the current graphic. xs and ys are the X and Y sizes of the window, and time_of_day is the relative time in seconds. Applications that don't do graphics must also supply a dummy app_graphics_render() to link with the API.
    void app_graphics_init();

This is called in the graphics thread when a window is created. It must make any calls needed to initialize graphics in the window.
    void app_graphics_resize(int x, int y);

Called when the window size changes.
    void app_graphics_reread_prefs();

This is called, in the graphics thread, whenever the user's project preferences change. It can call

to get the new preferences.
The application must supply the following input-handling functions:

void boinc_app_mouse_move(
    int x, int y,       // new coords of cursor
    bool left,          // whether left mouse button is down
    bool middle,
    bool right

void boinc_app_mouse_button(
    int x, int y,       // coords of cursor
    int which,          // which button (0/1/2)
    bool is_down        // true iff button is now down

void boinc_app_key_press(
    int, int            // system-specific key encodings

void boinc_app_key_release(
    int, int            // system-specific key encodings

Limiting frame rate
The following global variables control frame rate:

boinc_max_fps is an upper bound on the number of frames per second (default 30).

boinc_max_gfx_cpu_frac is an upper bound on the fraction of CPU time used for graphics (default 0.5).

Support classes
Several graphics-related classes were developed for SETI@home. They may be of general utility.

Represents a two-dimensional array of data, which is reduced to a smaller dimension by averaging or taking extrema. Includes member functions for drawing the reduced data as a 3D graph in several ways (lines, rectangles, connected surface).
Represent progress bars, depicted in 3 or 2 dimensions.
Represents of 3D graph of a function of 1 variable.
Represents a flanged 3D panel, moving cyclically in 3 dimentions, on which text is displayed.
Represents a set of randomly-generated stars that move forwards or backwards in 3 dimensions.
Represents an image (JPEG, Targa, BMP, PNG, or RGB) displayed in 3 dimensions.
The file api/txf_util.C has support functions from drawing nice-looking 3D text.

Static graphics
An application can display a pre-existing image file (JPEG, GIFF, BMP or Targa) as its graphic. This is the simplest approach since you don't need to develop any code. You must include the image file with each workunit. To do this, link the application with api/static_graphics.C (edit this file to use your filename). You can change the image over time, but you must change the (physical, not logical) name of the file each time.

Graphics in a separate program
In this approach, an application bundles a 'main program' and a 'graphics program'. The main program executes the graphics program, and kills it when done. The main and graphics programs typically communicate using shared memory; you can use the functions in boinc/lib/shmem.C for this.

The main program should initialize using

    int boinc_init_options_graphics(BOINC_OPTIONS&, WORKER_FUNC_PTR worker);

The graphics application can be implemented using the BOINC framework, in which case it must initialize with

    int boinc_init_options_graphics(BOINC_OPTIONS&, NULL);

and supply rendering and input-handling functions.
Either the graphics or the main program can handle graphics messages from the core client. It's easiest to have the graphics program handle them; if the main program handles them, it must convey them to the graphics program.


图形算法既可以集成在主程序中,又可以由一个独立的程序产生。我们推荐使用集成算法,并将首先介绍该用法。在该方法中,一个程序并不调用boinc_init(), 而是调用
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (__APPLE__)
    retval = boinc_init_graphics(worker);
    retval = boinc_init_graphics_lib (worker, argv[0]);
在Unix上,你的图形代码必须放入一个独立的共享库(.so)文件中。这是因为Unix主机不一定有需要的库(OpenGL, GLUT, X11)。如果一个程序动态链接到这些库,若库不存在它不能开始运行。另外,如果一个程序静态链接到这些库,在大多主机上图形处理将非常缓慢。

void app_graphics_render(int xs, ys, double time_of_day);
void app_graphics_init();
void app_graphics_resize(int x, int y);
void app_graphics_reread_prefs();
void boinc_app_mouse_move(
    int x, int y,               // 新鼠标指针坐标
    bool left,          // 鼠标左键是否按下
    bool middle,
    bool right
void boinc_app_mouse_button(
    int x, int y,       // 新鼠标指针坐标
    int which,          //哪一个键(0/1/2)
    bool is_down        // 如果现在鼠标键按下为真

void boinc_app_key_press(
    int, int            // 某系统键编码

void boinc_app_key_release(
int, int            //某系统键编码

boinc_max_fps        是每秒帧数的上界(默认30)。
boinc_max_gfx_cpu_frac        是执行图形算法的CPU时间片的上界(默认0.5)。

        表示一个二维数据向量,这些数据平均或取极值后变成更小的维。该向量包含用不同方法(直线,矩形, 连接面)将简化的数据绘制为3D图形的成员函数。
        表示一个3维显示的图像(JPEG, Targa, BMP, PNG, or RGB)。

一个程序可以显示一个先于图像文件(JPEG, Targa, BMP, PNG, or RGB)而存在的图形。这是最简单的应用,因为你不需要编写任何代码。你必须在每个工作单元中包含图像文件。为了做到这一点,可以把应用程序链接到api/static_graphics.C(用你自己的文件名编辑这个文件)。随着时间的推移,你可以改变这个图像,但你必须每次改变(物理,而不是逻辑)文件名。
int boinc_init_options_graphics(BOINC_OPTIONS&, WORKER_FUNC_PTR worker);
int boinc_init_options_graphics(BOINC_OPTIONS&, NULL);



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-6 21:41:29 | 显示全部楼层
Trickle message API

API (application)
int boinc_send_trickle_up(char* variety, char* text)

sends a trickle message of the given variety. Returns zero if success.

int boinc_receive_trickle_down(char* buf, int len)

receives a trickle message. Returns true (nonzero) if there was a message. Messages are delivered in order.
API (server)
To handle trickle messages, use the daemon process 'trickle_handler'. You must supply the following function:
int handle_trickle(TRICKLE_UP&);

You may send trickle-down messages, from this function or elsewhere, as follows:
// ... populate the tdown object


int boinc_send_trickle_up(char* variety, char* text)
int boinc_receive_trickle_down(char* buf, int len)
int handle_trickle(TRICKLE_UP&);
// ... populate the tdown object


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-7 09:08:52 | 显示全部楼层
Intermediate upload

Long-running applications can upload particular output files before the result as a whole is finished. To initiate the upload of an output file, call
   extern int boinc_upload_file(std::string& name);

where 'name' is the logical name of the file. The application cannot modify the file after making this call.
To check on the status of a file being uploaded, call

   extern int boinc_upload_status(std::string& name);

This will return zero if the upload of the file is finished successfully.


extern int boinc_upload_file(std::string& name);
extern int boinc_upload_status(std::string& name);


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-7 11:19:07 | 显示全部楼层
“Trickle message”翻译成“涓流消息”恐怕还是难以理解。

网上搜索了一下,有一个相关词汇,叫做 涓流经济学,trickle-down economics,还有一个经济学术语叫做“涓流效应”。

继续搜索,搜到“ticker”的解释:a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number 。意思是:某些 DVD 播放过程中,在屏幕下方滚动的消息,包含版权和反盗版电话号码。




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发表于 2006-5-7 11:35:35 | 显示全部楼层
我就是看到trickle-down economics的翻译才把Trickle message翻译成“涓流消息”的。这个术语从没见过,所以我就自作主张了。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-7 11:56:10 | 显示全部楼层

的确,翻译成“滚动”也不妥当。“滚动字幕”是 roller caption 或者 rolling title 。

Google 的自动翻译将“Trickle message”翻译成“信息流”,将“滚动消息”翻译成“Rolling news”,将“滚动字幕”翻译成“Rolling subtitles”。

trickle: [ 'trikl ]  
n. 滴,细流
v. 滴流,细细地流

1. The stream is reduced to a mere trickle in summer.
2. She trickles oil into the mixture.
3. Blood trickled from the wound.
4. The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle.


名词 trickle:
1. flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid
同义词:drip, dribble

动词 trickle:
1. run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
同义词:dribble, filter


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-7 22:11:30 | 显示全部楼层
下面是转载自 非官方的 BOINC Wiki 上的解释,英文的,该站点已经无法访问了,通过 Google 快照转出:http://boinc-doc.net/boinc-wiki/index.php?title=Trickle ,可以参考参考。

Trickle Message
From BOINC-Wiki


Large Work Units obviously take a long time to process into a Result. Those Projects with these long Work Units may want to give you the opportunity to get Credit more frequently. Mostly so you do not have to wait years for the processing to complete, like with the more common Work Unit that only takes hours to process. Therefore Projects can build their Science Applications so that these Work Units can report how much processing the Participant has gotten done. These intermediate reports are called Trickle Messages.

Expanded Explanation

Trickle Messages let Science Applications communicate with the Scheduling Server during the execution of a Work Unit. They are intended for Science Applications that have long Work Units (multiple days). Trickle Messages may go in either direction: 'trickle up' messages go from Science Application to the Scheduling Server, 'trickle down' messages go from the Scheduling Server to the Science Application. Typical uses of this mechanism:

·The Science Application sends a trickle-up message containing its current CPU usage, so that users can be granted incremental credit (rather than waiting until the end of the Work Unit).
·The Science Application sends a trickle-up message containing a summary of the computational state, so that Scheduling Server logic can decide if the computation should be aborted.
·The Scheduling Server sends a trickle-down message telling the application to abort.
·The Scheduling Server sends a trickle-down message containing the user's current Total Credit.

Trickle Messages are asynchronous and reliable. Trickle Messages are conveyed in Scheduler Request Messages, so they may not be delivered immediately after being generated.

To handle trickle-down messages, a project must include a line, in the configuration (config.xml) file:


In the BOINC Client Software, the function boinc_send_trickle_up() creates a file 'trickle_up' in the slot directory and signals the BOINC Daemon via shared memory. When the BOINC Daemon gets this signal, or when the Science Application exits, it moves the file from 'slot/trickle' to 'project/trickle_up_resultid_time'.

When the BOINC Daemon sends an RPC to a server, it scans the project directory for these trickle-up files includes them in the request, and appends '.sent' to their filenames. On successful RPC completion it deletes trickle-up files that were sent earlier.

On the server, messages are stored in database tables 'trickle_up' and 'trickle_down'. The Scheduling Server extracts trickle messages from the request message and inserts them in the trickle_up table. If the 'trickle_down' flag in the configuration is set, it scans the database for trickle-down messages for this host and includes them in the reply message, setting the 'handled' flag in the DB record.

The BOINC Daemon parses trickle-down messages in the Scheduler Reply Message, creates files of the form trickle_down_createtime_id in the slot directory, and signals the Science Application via shared memory that a message is available.

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发表于 2006-5-8 10:39:16 | 显示全部楼层

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