发表于 2007-8-27 23:19:56
日蝕級超級滅星者﹝Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer﹞
- 名稱:奎特造船廠 日蝕級超級滅星者
- 類型:超級驅逐艦│指揮艦
- 長度:17500公尺
- 速度:超空間等級x2,備用x6,次空間速度8 MGLT
- 乘員:708470人,炮手417,士兵150000 ﹝包括皇家禁衛軍和COMP突擊團各一﹞,AT-AT 100,鈦戰機中隊50,武裝基地5,600000公噸貨物
- 武器:單軸超級雷射炮x1重雷射炮x500﹝200前,150左、右,50後﹞,增壓雷射炮塔x500﹝150前,125左、右,100後﹞,離子炮x75﹝25前、左、右﹞,牽引光束x100﹝55前,20左、右,5後﹞,重力產生器x10 ﹝3前、後,2左、右﹞
- 防護:護盾 17040 SBD,艦體強度 12607 RU
- In combat, the Eclipse's hull and shields were so strong that it couldram enemy vessels without hesitation. The ship was equipped with tengravity-well projectors to prevent enemy vessels from escaping tohyperspace. Five hundred heavy laser cannons and 550 turbolasers madethe ship capable of engaging entire New Republic fleets. The Eclipsecarried fifty squadrons of TIE interceptors (600 ships) and eightsquadrons of TIE bombers.
The Eclipse was also intended to devastate entire worlds. Its mainweapon was a superlaser weapon, although its power was only two-thirdsthat of the main weapon aboard the first Death Star - it was "merely"powerful enough to crack the crust of a planet rather than destroy itoutright.
