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[原创] Prime95 FAQ

发表于 2004-6-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Will the program interfere with my normal work?


Highly unlikely. The program runs at the lowest possible priority. This means it runs only when you are not using your computer for other purposes. However, the program will use about 8MB of memory. If your computer is low on memory, running the program could increase thrashing and cause other programs to run a bit slower. For more information, see the case studies that have been done.


Will my computer have to be on all the time? What if my computer crashes?


You can stop the program at any time. When you restart the program it will pick up right where it left off. However, if your computer is not on most of the time, progress could be painfully slow. The program also writes save files every half hour. Thus, if your computer crashes you will lose no more than a half hour's work.

没必要,你想停就停,只是计算进度会慢。程序默认30分钟(可以改:option--preferences--minites between disk write,最小是10)保存进度在qKXXXXXX,pKXXXXXX,死机最多损失30分钟的进度,重起从30分钟前算。

Will running my computer 24 hours a day shorten its lifespan?


While I don't know of any serious studies on the subject, there is plenty of evidence that today's PCs are able to run all the time. Your computer is apt to become obsolete before individual parts wear out. This is not a uarantee! You are proceeding at your own risk. Running all the time will increase your electric bill. You should keep an eye on the results.txt file for any error messages. They can indicate failing memory or an overheating CPU.


What are Mersenne primes? How are they useful?


A Mersenne prime is a prime number of the form 2P-1. There are 41 known Mersenne primes. The first few values of P which yield a Mersenne prime are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 (the corresponding primes are 3, 7, 31, 127, 8191). A Lucas-Lehmer primality test is used to determine if 2P-1 is prime. For further information, visit Chris Caldwell's superb web page on Mersenne primes.

Mersenne素数是形如(2^p)-1的素数,目前发现了41个,前几个为P=2,3,5,7,13(对应素数为3, 7, 31, 127, 8191)。Lucas-Lehmer测试决定是否素数。

Finding new Mersenne primes is not likely to be of any immediate practical value. This search is primarily a recreational pursuit. However, the search for Mersenne primes has proved useful in development of new algorithms, testing computer hardware, and interesting young students in math.


How long will it take? What are my chances of finding a prime?


The time it takes to run a Lucas-Lehmer primality test depends on the speed of your computer and the size of the exponent you are testing. Today's typical computer, say a 2 GHz P4, takes two to three weeks of 24 hours a day operation to complete a single primality test. The forms on the benchmark page can give you a more accurate estimate.

LL测试时间依照你机器性能而定,2 GHz P4花2、3周在一个指数,具体看:http://mersenne.org/bench.htm

Your chance of finding a new Mersenne prime is about 1 in 150,000.


How does the program use the Internet to get work and report results?


The program connects to a central server on the Internet (called PrimeNet) to get exponents to test and to report your results. These messages are quite small and should only be necessary a couple of times a month.

程序自动链接(在option--preferences--minites between network retries设链接时间)得到指数和汇报工作也可以手动链接(advanced--manual connection--do not contact primenet automatically),要链接时勾下面两个,按确定。数据量很小可以每个月链接一次。

You do not need a permanent Internet connection. If you use a modem, the program waits in the background until you connect to the Internet. While you are browsing or reading your email, the program will send its small messages to the server. Properly configured, the program will not dial up your ISP on its own. Furthermore, you can override this automatic behavior and completely control when the program contacts the server.


The program supports either RPC or HTTP protocols. It is also possible to use a proxy server. See the PrimeNet server's FAQ for more details.

能用RPC 和 HTTP协议,代理服务器。

Can I participate if my computer doesn't have an Internet connection?


Yes. The PrimeNet server has manual web pages to get exponents to test and report your results. Be sure to report your results in a timely manner or your exponents may be reassigned to someone else for testing.


Alternatively, but more work for me, you can download a database of untested exponents, select a range of exponents to test, and send me email.


What does the screen output mean?


The output you see on screen and in the results file is described in the readme.txt file.


What is the difference between factoring, double-checking, and Lucas-Lehmer testing?

三个factoring, double-checking,  Lucas-Lehmer testing区别?

Trial factoring is an effort to prove a Mersenne number composite (not prime) by finding a small factor. We do this in the hopes that a few hours of factoring will eliminate the need to run weeks of Lucas-Lehmer testing. Trial factoring cannot be used to find a new Mersenne prime. The Lucas-Lehmer primality test is the only way to prove these large numbers prime. Double-checking is the re-running of a Lucas-Lehmer primality test. Computers are not perfect and sometimes the original Lucas-Lehmer test was incorrect. If the original Lucas-Lehmer test was in error, then double-checking could find a new Mersenne prime.

Trial factoring用小因子试除找因子,用时间少,不能检测素性Lucas-Lehmer测试是目前仅有的测试Mersenne素性的算法

I was assigned factoring work. How can I get primality testing work instead?


By default, the program assigns Lucas-Lehmer tests to 900 MHz or faster Pentium computers. Double-checking is assigned to PCs faster than 200 MHz. A 200MHz Pentium running 6 hours a day is considered a 50 MHz Pentium.

默认900 MHz 以上可以得到LL test ,200MHz得到Double-checking200MHz一天跑6小时只认为是50MHz。

You can override this default behavior in the Test/Primenet dialog box. However, be aware that a Cyrix, K5, or 486 will take years of non-stop work to complete a single Lucas-Lehmer test. Visit the benchmark page to make sure you have the patience to run primality tests. I recommend making sure you have the correct options set in the Options/CPU dialog box and not overriding the default behavior.

在Test/Primenet改你要得到的测试项目,但注意慢机器可能要花几年跑一个指数(Cyrix, K5, or 486),要知道你机器性能,具体看:http://mersenne.org/bench.htm

Why does this utility I have say the program is running at normal priority?
The program has two "threads". One thread draws the main window and waits for you to select a menu choice. This thread takes virtually no CPU time and does run at normal priority. The second thread does the real work and really does run at the lowest possible priority. To further complicate matters, Windows priorities are controlled by both a "process priority" and "thread priority".

Your utility is either displaying the priority of the first thread or the process priority rather than the priority of the worker thread.


Will the program run faster if I raise the priority?


No. The operating system does an excellent job of giving all spare CPU cycles to the program. The only thing that raising the priority will do is make your other jobs less responsive. For example, lets say during the next minute your spreadsheet needs 10 seconds to recalculate. If your spreadsheet is running at a higher priority, then it will take 10 elapsed seconds to display its results. Prime95 will then get the remaining 50 seconds of the minute. If they run at equal priority, then the spreadsheet will get 10 of the next 20 elapsed seconds before it displays its results. Prime95 also gets 10 of the first 20 seconds as well as the remaining 40 seconds. In both cases prime95 got 50 CPU seconds, but in the first case you saw your spreadsheet results faster.



Must I exit the program prior to a system shutdown?


No. Using the normal orderly shutdown procedure (from the Start menu in Windows) will create the proper save files for the program to pick up where it left off when you restart your machine.


What is the password to activate the Advanced menu?

Advanced menu的密码是什么?

The password is in the readme.txt file along with a description of what each entry in the Advanced menu does. Note that some of the menu items will remain grey until you choose Test/Stop.


I run both Linux and Windows. Are the two versions compatible?


Yes. Load both mprime and prime95 in a directory that can be accessed by both Linux and Windows. The two programs can then share the INI files, save files, result files, etc. Make sure you start the program automatically when you boot either operating system.

是。mprime和prime95能放在一个文件夹里,这样他们能共享INI 文件, 进度文件, 结果文件。注意让程序随系统自启动。

I own a dual-CPU computer or several computers networked together. Can these CPUs work together on the same exponent to get results faster?


No. It is not uncommon for the program to read and write nearly 100MB of data every second. This is far too much data to transfer around the network in a timely manner.


Although, a program could be written for dual-CPU systems (it would be quite time-consuming), the machine will still get more throughput by working on separate exponents.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
PrimeNet人工汇报网页: http://www.mersenne.org/ips/manualtests.html

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
辛苦了,“大概意思的翻译帮助理解”,经过消化了的FAQ,的确像梅森素数本身一样“简洁和完美”  :)

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发表于 2005-3-17 09:53:00 | 显示全部楼层

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