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[已完成翻译] Galaxy Zoo 项目介绍

发表于 2009-7-28 12:17:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Galaxy Zoo is an online astronomy project which invites members of the public to assist in classifying over a million galaxies. It is an example of Citizen science as it enlists the help of members of the public to help in scientific research. An improved version - Galaxy Zoo 2 - went live on the 17th February 2009.

Galaxy Zoo 是一个邀请大众参与,帮助分类超过100万星系的在线天文学项目。这是一个人工协作的项目,在大众的帮助下可以加快科学研究进程。
Galaxy Zoo 2 于2009年2月17日开始运行。


The project is inspired by Stardust@home, where the public was asked by NASA to search images obtained from a mission to a comet for interstellar dust impacts. Galaxy Zoo is a collaboration between researchers at many institutions, including Oxford University, Portsmouth University, Nottingham University, Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, University of California, Berkeley and Fingerprint Digital Media, Belfast.

这个项目是受到了Stardust@home项目(一个由NASA发起,号召公众帮助搜寻怀尔特2号收集到的星尘的项目)的启发。Galaxy Zoo由许多来自各个机构研究者合作,这些机构包括:牛津大学、朴次茅斯大学、诺丁汉大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、耶鲁大学、加州大学伯克利分校 和 Fingerprint Digital Media of Belfast

Importance of volunteers

Computer programs have been unable to reliably classify the galaxies. According to a member of the team behind the project, Kevin Schawinski, "The human brainis actually much better than a computer at these pattern-recognitiontasks."Without human volunteers, it would take researchers years toprocess the photographs, but it is estimated that with as few as 10,000to 20,000 people giving up time to classify the galaxies, the processcould be complete in one month.

计算机程序已经不能可靠地将星系分类。如项目团队成员Kevin Schawinski所说:“实际上,在执行这种图案识别任务时,人脑比起电脑有着更多的优势。”“如果没有志愿者,研究人员将花上数年时间来处理那些图像,但是估计最少有10,000 到 20,000名志愿者已经将自己的时间投入到了分类星系的工作中,这样处理时间将会缩小到一个月。

No knowledge of astronomy is required. In the site's tutorial,would-be volunteers are shown spirals, ellipticals etc., and can tryguessing before being shown the correct answer. Also shown are picturesof stars and satellite trails, which the robot telescope would haverecorded without being able to classify them. Volunteers are thentested on some additional pictures and signed up if they get areasonable number of correct results.


Previously unseen images

Chris Lintott,another member of the team behind the project commented that, "Oneadvantage is that you get to see parts of space that have never beenseen before. These images were taken by a robotic telescopeand processed automatically, so the odds are that when you log on, thatfirst galaxy you see will be one that no human has seen before."This was confirmed by Schawinski, "Most of these galaxies have beenphotographed by a robotic telescope, and then processed by computer. Sothis is the first time they will have been seen by human eyes."

另一位项目小组成员Chris Lintott 评论说:“有一个好处是你可以看到宇宙中一些从未被观测到的部分。这些图像都是由robotictelescope 自动记录下来并处理过的。所以有一种可能:当你登陆后,你看到的第一个星系就是一个其他人从来都没有见过的。”Schawinski 也同意这一观点,“大部分的星系都图像是由robotictelescope拍摄并在计算机上处理过的,所以这是它们第一次被肉眼看到。”

Original purpose

Galaxy Zoo volunteers were asked to judge from the images whether the galaxies are elliptical or spiraland, if spiral, whether they are rotating in a clockwise oranti-clockwise direction. The images were taken automatically by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using a digital camera mounted on a telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States.It is hoped this census will provide valuable information about howdifferent kinds of galaxies are distributed, allowing scientists todetermine whether existing galactic models are correct
. It is an example of citizen science.

希望志愿者判定图像中的星系是椭圆星系还是螺旋星系,如果是螺旋星系,还要继续判定旋转方向。图像是由Sloan Digital SkySurvey用装在一个望远镜上的数字相机自动拍摄的。这个望远镜位于美国新墨西哥州的Apache Point天文台。人们希望这个调查能够提供关于各种星系分布情况的有价值的信息,以帮助科学家们确定现有银河系模型的正确性。这是一个大众科学的例子。

Theorists believe that spiral galaxies can merge and becomeellipticals, and also that ellipticals can become spirals if theyreceive more gas or stars. In addition, Professor Michael Longo of the University of Michiganhas claimed that the rotation of spiral galaxies is not random, whichwould force a major rethink of cosmology if it were correct. This isbased on a survey of 1,660 galaxies: a much larger sample could supportor disprove it.

理论家认为,螺旋星系可以合并然后演变成为椭圆星系;而当椭圆星系得到更多的气体或恒星后会变成螺旋星系。另外,来自密歇根州大学的教授MichaelLongo 称:“螺旋星系的运动轨迹不是随机的”,如果这一理论属实,现有的宇宙学理论就必须被大幅度地重新考虑。目前这一观点的论据基于对1,660个星系的研究为基础的:一个更大的样本可以被用来支持或推翻它。


On August 2, 2007, Galaxy Zoo issued its first newsletterwhich explained that 80,000 volunteers had already classified more than10 million images of galaxies, meeting the goals for the first phase ofthe project. The aim now is

2007年8月2日,Galaxy Zoo发布了第一封项目新闻说80,000名志愿者已经完成了对超过10,000,000个星系图像的分类,达成了项目在第一阶段的预期目标。现在的目标是:

To have "each and every galaxy classified by 20 separate users. Theimportance of multiple classifications is that it will enable us tobuild an accurate and reliable database, that will meet the highstandards of the scientific community. For the first time, we'll beable to separate not only spirals from ellipticals, but obvious spiralsfrom fainter, fuzzier things. No-one has ever been able to do thisbefore. (Newsletter).


This target was later raised to 30, in light of the continuing enthusiasm of the volunteers. The final datasets contain 34,617,406 clicks done by 82,931 users. Work was then done to test for bias, by presenting images in black-and-white and / or photographically reversed. This is needed to check whether the apparent surplus of anti-clockwise spirals was actually a bias of the human eye (as seems to be the case).

由于众多志愿者参与的热情,这个目标后来升高到了每个星系被分类30次。最后的统计数据表明有82,931名用户完成了34,617,406次操作。 接下来,项目花费了一定的时间来测试偏差,将图像转换成黑白模式,或将图片完全反转。这主要是为了了解项目所获得的显著的反时针星系提交过量究竟是否仅是肉眼辨别所造成的误差(事实证明的确如此)。

Forums and Blogs

There is also an active forum

attached to Galaxy Zoo, where volunteers post the more striking images and discuss what they are. There are already some interesting (unofficial) results. Ring galaxies turn out to be much more common than was believed. Only two known galaxies were 'three legged' - possessing three well-defined spiral arms. A lot more have now been found. There are many pictures of merging, colliding or interacting galaxies.

There is also now a 'science blog', an official summary of what the 'zoo' has achieved so far. There is a current project seeking volunteers to review a set of possible merging galaxies.

Galaxy Zoo也有一个活跃的论坛,志愿者们可以在这里讨论一些更具震撼力的图像。论坛中已经出现了一些有趣的结果(非官方)。环状星系的普遍程度大大超过人们之前所认识到的。过去只有两个星系被发现是具有“三旋臂”,即有着三条可显著分辨的螺旋臂)。而现在,我们已经发现了大量这样的星系。这里还有不少关于星系碰撞、合并和相互作用的照片。

Galaxy Zoo 2
Galaxy Zoo 2

After several months 'beta-testing', this is now live and offers amuch more detailed classification system. The sample consists of some250,000 of the brightest galaxies from the Galaxy Zoo. Galaxy Zoo 2allows for a much more detailed classification, by shape and by theintensity or dimness of the galactic core, and with a special sectionfor oddities like mergers or ring galaxies. The sample also containsfewer optical oddities and orange blobs.

在完成了数月的"beta测试"后,Galaxy Zoo2正式开始运行,并且提供了更加详细的分类系统。样本中包括了250,000个从Galaxy Zoo中选出的最亮的星系。Galaxy Zoo2可以通过星系的形状、星系内核的密度、明暗程度和一些特殊的奇异现象(比如星系合并或者环状星系)来更加详细的进行分类。样本中也包含了更少的光学异常和橘色光斑。

An object known as Hanny's Voorwerp,Dutch for Hanny's object,was spotted by a member called Hanny van Arkel and has attracted some scientific interest.This discovery was featured as NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day on June 25, 2008.It is now thought to be a portion of a gas-cloud, heated by the jet from a black hole.

Eleven scientific papers based on the overall data classificationsare now completed and five have already been published, with more tofollow. One of these concerns the evolution of 'red and dead' spiralgalaxies into ellipticals.

一个被称为 Hanny's Voorwerp 的对象, Dutch for Hanny's object, 被一位叫 Hanny vanArkel 的志愿者所指出,这同时也吸引了一些科学家的目光。 这项发现入选了NASA08年6月25日的天文特色图片。有人推测它是一团气云中被黑洞的喷射流加热的一部分。
有十一部以总体数据分类为基础的科学著作现已完成,并且其中的五部已经出版,更多的著作将陆续出版. 其中有一部对'red and dead'从螺旋星云到椭圆星系的演变给予了关注。


It has recently been confirmed that "spiral galaxies which share aneighbourhood (a region defined as 65 million light years across) arelikely to rotate in the same direction – but only if they formed thevast majority of their stars more than 10 billion years ago."  (This is distinct from the idea of a bias in the much vaster area of the entire survey, which does not seem to be true.)A number of telescopes are being used to follow up on Galaxy Zoo object discoveries, including Kitt Peak in Arizona and the IRAM millimeter dish in Spain.

这现在已经被确认为“共享临星(一个跨度为65光年的区域)的螺旋星系有可能周期性的出现在同一位置-但这是仅当它们在十亿年前形成了其中大多数星星时才成立的。 (这与a bias in the much vaster area of the entire survey, which does not seem to be true.的观点截然不同)
大量的望远镜正跟随Galaxy Zoo 项目运作着,包括 位于亚利桑那州的Kitt Peak和 位于西班牙的IRAM millimeter dish

See also另见Crowdsourcing


External links

[ 本帖最后由 昂宿星团人 于 2009-10-11 16:36 编辑 ]


参与人数 3基本分 +95 维基拼图 +60 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 80 + 10
霊烏路 空 + 50
cicikml + 15 由于你们的辛勤翻译,参与分



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发表于 2009-7-28 13:39:06 | 显示全部楼层
citizen science:大众科学~~?

理论家认为,螺旋星系可以合并然后演变成为椭圆星系;而当椭圆星系得到更多的气体或恒星后会变成螺旋星系。另外,来自密歇根州大学的教授MichaelLongo 已经断言(称,claim不是断言)螺旋星系的运动轨迹不是随机的,which would force a major rethink of cosmologyif it were correct(如果这一理论属实,现有的宇宙学理论就必须被大幅度地重新考虑。)。这是以(目前这一观点的论据基于)对1,660个星系的研究为基础的:a much larger sample couldsupport or disprove it(一个更大的样本可以被用来支持或推翻它。)。

2007年8月2日,Galaxy Zoo发布了第一封项目新闻说80,000名志愿者已经完成了对超过10,000,000个星系图像的分类,这符合(达成了)项目在第一阶段的预期目标。现在的目标是:

准。这是第一次,我们将不只是分开螺旋星系和椭圆星系,but obvious spirals from fainter, fuzzier things.(更能够将明显的螺旋星系与昏暗的、模糊的东西分开。)这在之前没有一个

由于众多志愿者参与的热情,这个目标后来升高到了每个星系被分类30次。最后的统计数据表明有82,931名用户完成了34,617,406次操作。 Work was then done to test for bias, by presenting images in black-and-white and / or photographically reversed. This is needed to check whether the apparent surplus of anti-clockwise spirals was actually a bias of the human eye (as seems to be the case). (接下来,项目花费了一定的时间来测试偏差,将图像转换成黑白模式,或将图片完全反转。这主要是为了了解项目所获得的显著的反时针星系提交过量究竟是否仅是肉眼辨别所造成的误差(事实证明的确如此)。

Galaxy Zoo也有一个活跃的论坛,志愿者们可以在这里讨论一些有趣的(更具震撼力的)图像。论坛中已经出现了一些有趣的结果(非官方)。环状星系的普遍程度大大超过人们之前所认识到的。Only two known galaxies were 'three legged' - possessing three well-defined spiral arms.(three legged:"三旋臂",well defined:可显著分辨的 过去只有两个星系被发现是具有“三旋臂”,即有着三条可显著分辨的螺旋臂)现在更多的事实正在被发现(而现在,我们已经发现了大量这样的星系)。这里有不少关于星系碰撞、合并和相互作用的照片。
There is also now a 'science blog',[10], an official summary of what the 'zoo' has achieved so far. There is a current project seeking volunteers to review a set of possible merging galaxies.

在完成了历时两个月(几个月吧...)的"beta测试"后,Galaxy Zoo2正式开始运行,并且提供了更加详细的分类系统。样品(样本,样品是商业用语吧... )中包括了250,000个从Galaxy Zoo中选出的最亮的星系。Galaxy Zoo2可以通过星系的形状、星系内核的(密度、)明暗程度和一些特殊的奇异现象(比如星系合并或者环状星系)来更加详细的进行分类。The sample alsocontains fewer optical oddities and orange blobs.(optical:光学,orange blob:橘色光斑 样本中也包含了更少的光学异常和橘色光斑。


参与人数 3基本分 +45 维基拼图 +30 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 30 + 10
霊烏路 空 + 20
cicikml + 15 辛苦了,我只能加点分表示感



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-29 09:43:14 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 yuan234yuan 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 昂宿星团人 于 2009-9-30 12:17 编辑 ]

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