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[已完成翻译] 为科学服务的志愿计算机 Volunteering Computers for Science

发表于 2009-12-10 09:22:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 83481567116994.html

OCTOBER 20, 2009
Volunteering Computers for Science
Users Make Their Home PCs Available to Chase Medical Breakthroughs


The next cure for a major disease is as likely to be discovered on a computer as on a laboratory bench—and scientists are enlisting ordinary citizens to volunteer to help crunch the data.


Advances in computer science have enabled medical researchers to test how proteins fold, genes interact and pandemics spread in complex digital simulations of natural environments. As these simulations become more intensive and widely used, however, computers at academic institutions and other research facilities can't keep up with the demand for medical processing power.


Instead, scientists are tapping into a vast network that allows the research to be parceled out in tiny workloads that can be performed on anyone's household computer when it's not otherwise being used. So far, hundreds of thousands of people in countries around the world have volunteered their computers' processing power to help advance the cause of medical research.


Here's how it works: Volunteers download an application onto their home computer that links them into a network that includes other citizen volunteers and research scientists. The network assigns each computer a small bit of a project's puzzle to solve. The process, which continues as long as the computer is turned on but idle, typically takes several hours, but can vary depending on the project and the individual computer's power. When complete, the results are automatically sent back to the network's server.


In 2003, epidemiology researcher Nicolas Maire and his colleagues at the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel began simulating how potential malaria vaccines would affect populations where the disease is most prevalent. They ran the program on a network of several dozen of their institute's computers. But as the research team graduated to the second phase of their project in 2006, adding more variables, complex interactions and data to their model, it became clear that they needed more processing power.

2003年,位于巴塞尔的瑞士热带研究所的传染病学研究者Nicolas Marie和他的同事开始模拟潜在疟疾疫苗会如何影响疾病盛行地区的人口数量。起初,他们使用研究所的数十台计算机,搭建了一个网络进行模拟运算。但当研究小组在2006年进入项目的第二阶段,加入更多变量、数据和复杂的交互效应到模型中后,很显然他们需要更强大的计算能力。

The new simulations could take months or years to complete on their network, and other local computing facilities had long waits or were too expensive, the team concluded. Instead they bet that, given the project's humanitarian appeal, they could recruit volunteers to crunch the data. The wager paid off: Today, nearly 35,000 users run malariacontrol.net's calculations while their computers are idle, allowing the team to complete simulations far more quickly than would otherwise have been possible. Some of the research group's findings, based on its network of home-computer users in the U.S., Europe, South America, Australia and elsewhere, have been reported in leading journals like Parasitology and Malaria Journal.


Volunteer computing, as it's known, dates back to 1996, when a group of researchers enlisted participants in a search for ever-larger prime numbers, an effort that continues to break world records. Several years later, volunteers flocked to SETI@home, a project to sift through the static in radio telescope data for signs of extraterrestrial life.


In the last five years, biomedical researchers have caught on to the possibilities of volunteer computing, and so too have the volunteers. James Whitus, who describes himself as "just an average Joe helping out," had been contributing his home computer's processing power to SETI@home until late 2004. Then he heard about the World Community Grid, a not-for-profit IBM project that provides research support to a number of different medical and humanitarian studies.

在过去的5年里,生物医学研究者和志愿者们都逐渐理解志愿计算的可能性问题。James Whitus形容自己“只是一个普通的帮手”,他截止到2004年末都将他电脑的计算能力贡献给SETI@home。然后,他听说了World Community Grid,一个致力于为许多不同的医学和人道研究提供支持的非盈利性IBM项目。

"I figured why search for extraterrestrials when you can help with research?" Mr. Whitus says. "Something that could actually make a difference here on this planet."


Today, the 28-year-old car inspector in Lafayette, Ind., and his fiancee support the grid's projects—which range from cancer-drug research to improving crop yields in developing countries—on their two desktop computers and on an old laptop that they devote solely to the cause.


Such volunteer computing projects are generally based on open-source software called the Berkeley Open Infrastructure of Network Computing, or Boinc. Volunteers download the simple application from boinc.berkeley.edu, and sign up for the projects they want to support. (Not all projects have lofty goals: One searches for the Sudoku puzzle with the fewest initial entries.)


Security Risks

An open network of so many computers might seem a security risk, and it is. But David Anderson, the Berkeley scientist who founded Boinc in 2004, says he has taken two key precautions. The first uses a system of digital signatures so that hackers cannot hijack an existing project's network. The second cordons off, or "sandboxes," all Boinc activity from the rest of a host computer, so that even if a bug or malicious code did slip into a project, it would cause minimal damage.

一个有如此多电脑的开放式网络可能是一个安全风险,而BOINC的确也有安全风险。但是,在2004年创建了BOINC的伯克利科学家David Anderson博士说他当时已经考虑了两个关键的预防措施。第一个措施是使用数字签名系统,这样骇客就不能劫持已经存在的项目网络。第二个措施是将所有BOINC活动和主机的其他活动隔离开,即“沙盒化”,这样即使有漏洞或者恶意代码溜进了项目数据中,也能最小化引起的损害。

Still, volunteers should learn more about projects before joining them, Dr. Anderson suggests. Several sites, including Boinc's official page, host message boards where volunteers can discuss projects. After five years and more than 300,000,000 tasks performed by volunteers' computers, "there have been zero security incidents," according to Dr. Anderson.


There's also the cost to volunteers, in a higher energy bill, from keeping a computer running at all times. According to an estimate on Boinc's community-edited Web page (from the Boinc home page, search Heat and Energy Considerations), running Boinc costs about $3 a month more than leaving a computer on but idle, and about $8.80 a month more than leaving it off all the time, based on typical U.S. energy costs. The typical cost in Europe is about 200% higher, the site says.


Downloading, setting up and running Boinc is no more difficult than for most other software, although it lacks the polished interface and technical support of many higher-end applications. Users with older computers should be prepared for certain frustrations, as one reporter learned by trial. A few projects refused to send any work to this volunteer's 2004 mid-range laptop, for lack of computing power. What parcels of work that were received took up to 18 hours of idle time to complete. (System requirements for individual projects are usually available on their Web sites.) After upgrading to a newer laptop, work parcels flowed where they had previously been blocked, and each took closer to four hours to complete.


Advances in personal-computer and Internet speeds have helped to triple the combined power of the volunteer computing efforts over the past two years, according to data from the site boincstats.com. Today the approximately 60 projects using Boinc harness in total about 2,500 teraflops—or twice the operations per second of the world's most powerful computer—from four million computers owned by nearly two million users. About 20 of those projects are related to medical research, to which more than 300,000 volunteers contribute. That includes the various efforts that comprise the World Community Grid.

boincstats.com的数据显示,个人电脑和因特网速度的进步在过去的两年中使得志愿计算总能力增长了3倍。现在从近200万用户拥有的400万台电脑中,使用BOINC的近60个项目总共利用了约2500点/每秒的浮点计算能力,这是世界上最强大的计算机计算能力的两倍。其中大约20个项目和医学研究有关,有超过30万志愿者为此做出贡献。这里包括了World Community Grid。

Any scientist with the skills to set up a server can become part of the Boinc network. Researchers in most cases must pay for the servers that dispatch, gather and analyze the volunteers' data. But those costs are a small fraction of the roughly $1 million a year it costs to run a low-end supercomputer. (IBM's World Community Grid is free of cost to researchers, but the projects must be approved by an external advisory board.)

任何科学家只要能搭建一个服务器,就能成为BOINC网络的一员。大多数情况下,研究者必须支付发送、收集和分析志愿者数据的服务器费用。但是那些费用比起使用低端超级计算机每年要耗费的约100万美元来说只是很小的一笔钱。(IBM的World Community Grid对于研究者是免费的,但项目必须经由外部顾问委员会批准。)

The top-supported biomedical project on Boinc is Rosetta@home, which simulates how proteins fold and could lead to novel treatments for a range of diseases. The sequence of the amino acids that comprise a protein—what may look like a whirling, intertwined, chaotic mess—precisely determines its structure and biological function. But exactly how these proteins bend along each amino acid is a vastly complex problem, one that the project's 80,000 volunteered computers help to solve by testing various permutations looking, essentially, for the most stable structure.


Don't Exist in Nature

The findings allow the Rosetta lab, run by David Baker at the University of Washington, to design proteins that don't exist in nature. Some new proteins could deactivate viruses such as the flu—as Dr. Baker's lab is trying to do for this year's H1N1 strain—by attaching to and smothering the sections of the pathogens that harm human cells. The project's biggest breakthroughs in the last couple of years have been in creating catalysts, which selectively speed up chemical reactions and which regulate almost every biological process, Dr. Baker said. One catalyst in development, for instance, is an enzyme that could slice apart genes in female mosquitoes, potentially preventing malaria transmission without using toxic chemicals.

项目的结果能让华盛顿大学David Baker博士主持的Rosetta实验室得以设计出自然界中并不存在的蛋白质。某些新的蛋白质,通过连接和覆盖一些危害人体细胞的病原部分,能够使诸如流感病毒之类的病毒失效。Baker博士的实验室今年就试图针对H1N1流感设计新蛋白质。这个项目近几年的最大突破是创造催化剂,这些催化剂能选择性地加快化学反应并规范几乎所有生物进程,Baker博士这样说道。比如说,现在正在研究的一种催化剂是能切割雌性蚊子基因的酶,这样就能在不使用有毒化学品的情况下防止疟疾传播。

Scientific studies that make use of the Boinc network have shown some promise, but no breakthroughs, researchers say. Findings from Rosetta@home have been published in the journals Science and Nature. But "what we haven't done yet is create enzymes that cure diseases," Dr. Baker said.


Similarly, projects associated with World Community Grid have generated dozens of research papers published in highly regarded journals. But, said Joseph Jasinski, an IBM engineer who works closely with the projects: "Have we discovered a new drug for curing AIDS? No. But we've found some great candidates."

同样的,与World Community Grid合作的项目已经在高端期刊中发表了许多研究成果。但是和这些项目紧密共事的IBM工程师Joseph Jasinski说道,“我们发现治疗艾滋病的新药了吗?没有。可我们发现了一些很棒的候选药物。”

[ 本帖最后由 Nye 于 2009-12-10 19:07 编辑 ]


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