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[已完成翻译] 公民科学家越来越多啦

发表于 2010-3-14 16:21:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原载:TheTyee.ca - http://thetyee.ca/News/2010/03/02/CitizenScientists/
标题:Rise of the Citizen Scientists - 公民科学家越来越多啦
作者:Carrie Simmons, Maria Ionova and Jess Brady



参与人数 1基本分 +7 收起 理由
refla + 7 辛苦了!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-14 17:30:32 | 显示全部楼层
Citizen science 如果翻译成“全民大搞好科研”,那就把东方文化喜欢的“大”、“好”、“全”,都包进去了,但就是一点都不科学。。。。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-23 20:05:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-23 20:08:08 | 显示全部楼层
When his wife was diagnosed with a hereditary disease, Peter Johnson wanted to help. Using a program called Folding @ Home, he found a way to make a difference -- by doing genetic research on his home computer. Due to the sensitive nature of his wife's illness, Peter requested that his last name is changed for the purpose of this story to protect his family's privacy.
当他的妻子被诊断出患有遗传病时,彼得•约翰森想到了求助。通过一种名为 Folding@Home 的程序,他找到了一条改变命运(make a difference)的途径 —— 利用家里的计算机做基因研究。由于妻子的病是个敏感话题,彼得要求不用真名,以保护家庭隐私。

"I remember just going into a fix-it mode like most people do," he said. "You try to look for things you can do to contribute or to help in some way. I couldn't throw money at the problem, so I thought I'd look at this, see what it does."
彼得回忆道:“记得刚开始治疗她的病(a fix-it mode)时,我用尽法子去试着找到一些自己能做的事情,以促进(contribute)或者帮助(病情好转)。就像大多数人所做的一样。我没钱直接投入问题,所以,我最好关注这事,看看它会发生什么。”

What Folding @ Home does is simulate protein folding. Problematic folding is known to play a role in diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Cystic Fibrosis. With this software, which can be installed on a personal computer or Playstation 3 console, users are helping the scientific community understand the things that can go wrong in the body. For people like Johnson, it's meant that making a difference as a citizen scientist is as easy as running the software overnight. Johnson doesn't have a laboratory, or a degree -- but nonetheless, he is a scientist. He's part of a growing movement of citizens taking an active interest in science, and often making it themselves. Given the right tools, one science maker starts making a difference, and soon, he may be joined by others: his fellow citizen scientists.  
Folding@Home 所做的,就是模拟蛋白质折叠。有问题的折叠,被认为是老年痴呆症、帕金森症,以及囊性纤维化(属遗传性胰腺病)这类病症的病因(play a role)。Folding@Home 可被安装在个人电脑或者 PS3 上,借助这个软件, 志愿者正在帮助科学界认识人体如何病变。想成为一名业余科学家(citizen scientist)被认为是很容易实现的。比如,像约翰森他们一样,通宵达旦地运行软件。约翰森没有实验室,也没有学位,但他确实是一名科学家!他是一种新生团体(growing movement)中的一分子。参与团体的人,都对科学有着浓厚的兴趣,并且热衷于搞科研。给他一件利索的工具,让他成为一名科学(进程的)推手,他就能展开科研活动了。也许,受他的业余科学家朋友(fellow)(影响),他很快又转入其它科研项目。(我本来想这样:给他一个支点,他就开始撬地球了。撬完之后。。。受到火星人的召唤。。。他又去撬火星了。。。。)

"I'm trying to encourage other people to get involved. Just sending the word quietly can do a lot of good," he explains.

Citizen scientists like Peter do, in fact, do a lot of good. Vijay Pande is a professor at Stanford University and the creator of Folding @ Home. According to Pande, average people are more than willing to use their computer power to assemble proteins -- with or without a background in science.
实际上,业余科学家们(为科研事业)做出了巨大贡献,就如彼得所做的一样。维杰•潘德是一名斯坦福大学的教授,同时也是 Folding@Home 的创建者。据潘德说,普通人不管有没有科研背景,都心甘情愿地用他们的计算机去拼装蛋白质。



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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-23 20:38:24 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# refla

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发表于 2010-3-24 19:09:08 | 显示全部楼层

斯坦福教授维杰•潘德,Folding@Home 的创建者。

According to Pande, four million computers working together to create the world's largest supercomputer are pulling in mass amounts of data for the scientific community. But it's not just the scientists who are benefiting from this project -- the people who are getting involved are also getting a lot out of their contributions.

"So the [citizen] scientists who helped us really had a huge contribution in terms of the donations they made in computer time," Pande said. "Along the way, I think we've been able to reach them and teach them a bit about protein folding."

Many scientists agree that citizen involvement is important for both the scientific community and the public. Dr. Micheal Shermer is a proponent of open source science -- the basis on which software like Folding @ Home works.  For scientists, Shermer says opening up has many advantages.
很多科学家同意,公众参与(科研活动)对于科学界与普通民众来说,都是很重要的。迈克尔·谢默(Micheal Shermer)博士是开源科学(如同 Folding@Home 一样,基于开源软件的科研活动)的拥护者,他认为全面开放有很多好处。

"The more access more scientists can have to analyzing data, the closer to truth we're likely to get," he said. Conducting science in an open, transparent way can help the public learn to place more trust in science.

"Basic research in physics, chemistry and biology -- I think it's better the better to have it open for anyone to examine," said Shermer. "It takes the secrecy away from it."
他还说:“在物理、化学,以及生物领域内的基础研究 —— 我认为(如果)这些学科能让任何人都参与进来,那就更好了。这将带走这些学科的神秘面纱。”



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BiscuiT + 30 + 8
霊烏路 空 + 12



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发表于 2010-3-25 20:06:56 | 显示全部楼层
Studying the stars

Another example of citizen science is Galaxy Zoo. It's citizen-friendly astronomy research, where the only equipment required is an Internet connection and a mouse. Hanny Van Arkel never studied astronomy in school. But in 2007, the 25-year old teacher from the Netherlands spotted an astronomical object that had never been seen before.
另一个大众科研的例子是星系公园(Galaxy Zoo)。这是一个广受欢迎的天文类科研项目,它唯一需要的装备,就是一台能上网的电脑外加一只鼠标。哈尼•范•阿克尔(Hanny Van Arkel)在学校的时候,从未学习过任何天文知识。但在 2007 年,这位来自荷兰的 25 岁教师,发现了一个以前从未被观测到的天体。

"In the first week I was classifying, I saw something I didn't recognize. I was curious about what it was, and I sent an email to the astronomers asking what it was. They said, 'We don't know either.'"

Now, the object known as Hanny's Voorwerp is the subject of much research. Since her discovery, Van Arkel has gotten more involved with science. Now she teaches others about the wonders of space.

"There are new things I can do because of [my discovery]," she said. "I go to schools and show pictures of it and I tell people about the science we are doing. It's very exciting." Van Arkel credits her inexperience for helping her find something others might have missed. "I wasn't the first person who saw the picture, but I was the first person to ask the question, 'What is this?' And there are other pictures out there -- you could still discover something."
哈尼说:“我可以向人们介绍我的发现。我回学校把它的照片放出来,告诉大家我们正在做的科研内容。这真让人兴奋。”范•阿克尔认为,没有经验反而帮助她找到了一些可能被其他人忽略的东西。“我不是第一个看到这张照片的人,但我是第一个问‘这是什么?’的人。那里还有其它照片 —— 你仍可以发现新东西。”


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BiscuiT + 30 + 10
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-26 19:31:46 | 显示全部楼层
Since the Galaxy Zoo website launched in 2007, discoveries have been made by people looking at images freshly captured by satellites. Volunteers judge these images based on the shape the galaxies form. In the first year alone, 50 million classifications were made by a group of users 150,000 strong. Alice Sheppard from the U.K., now a Galaxy Zoo forum moderator, has been involved since the very beginning.
自从星系公园网站在 2007 年启动以来,人们聚精会神地观察着卫星拍摄的照片,并从中发现一些新东西。志愿者审视着照片中的星系结构形状。单单在头一年里,15 万用户完成了对 5000 万张照片的分类。 艾丽斯•谢泼德(Alice Sheppard)来自英国,现已在一个星系公园的论坛中,担当主持人(这好像让我想起什么人)。从星系公园一开始上线,她就加入进来了。

"Most days I am glued to the screen for a couple of hours. I am quite an addict." Sheppard said contributing to Galaxy Zoo changed her life. "It's something, I don't know, deep down in my mind, as if I've been longing for it and I've suddenly been granted a wish I didn't even know I had," said Sheppard.

"It's something, I don't know, deep down in my mind, as if I've been longing for it and I've suddenly been granted a wish I didn't even know I had,"
她说:“在我脑海深处,有种朦胧的感觉。它好像一直在召唤着我、引领着我不断探寻。在某一刹那,我突然领悟到了(been granted a wish)。”

插入语:下面这段话应该是谢泼德对她刚才说的 something、wish 的解释。
"I always thought there was something missing and what was missing was the talking about it, the actual scientific method, the right way to ask questions, the joy of it and how important it is to get things right. We are the first people treading this boundary. We are not just memorizing somebody else's work -- we are doing it."

Pauline Barmby, an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario in physics and astronomy, said Galaxy Zoo works by capitalizing on the skills of people like Sheppard.
宝琳•巴姆比(Pauline Barmby)是西安大略大学(Western Ontario)物理学和天文学的副教授。她认为,正是由于得到像谢泼德他们的无私帮助,星系公园才得以运行。

"It's easy to program a computer to find the galaxies in an image, but it's very hard to program a computer to tell you what kind of galaxy, what shape it is and whether there are any other interesting features. So I think it's a fantastic idea to train a bunch of volunteers to do this."

She said astronomy has traditionally been more receptive to everyday people getting involved. Galaxy Zoo is furthering this.
她还说,我们(astronomy)一般(traditionally )都很乐意看到每天有(很多)人参与进来。星系公园比这更进一步。

"Astronomy, compared to a lot of other fields, has had a fairly long tradition of being open source. Galaxy Zoo pushes the envelope a little bit because it's not just making data available and letting them look at the pictures, but actually asking them to contribute."


参与人数 2基本分 +50 维基拼图 +30 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-27 00:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
Citizen science 如果翻译成“全民大搞好科研”,那就把东方文化喜欢的“大”、“好”、“全”,都包进去了 ...
refla 发表于 2010-3-14 17:30

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发表于 2010-3-27 20:18:06 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-27 20:18:34 | 显示全部楼层
Equations and extra-sensory perception

Examples of citizen science abound -- Galaxy Zoo, Galaxy Zoo2, Folding @ Home and World Community Grid, to name a just a few. On the other side of the equation is science itself. One example of science itself changing from the inside out is mathoverflow.net -- a website where research mathematicians can ask each other math questions. David Brown, mathoverflow creator, said the site is an open approach to information.
业余科研的例子多得是:Galaxy Zoo、Galaxy Zoo2、Folding@Home、WCG 等等,这些都还只是其中的一小部分而已。业余科研(equation)的另一边是科学本身。有一个关于科学自身由内而外改变的例子 —— mathoverflow.net —— 一个研究数学的站点,大家能在那儿相互问答数学问题。戴维•布朗(David Brown)是网站的创建人,他认为网站是条通往知识的开放通道。

"The problem we were trying to solve with this website was: how can we access mathematical knowledge in an efficient way?"

As a PhD student in California, Brown tried using email lists and math forums. But he was disappointed, finding more arguments than answers. Mathoverflow was his solution to this problem, and the site was brought online earlier this year.
布朗是加里福利亚州的一名哲学博士研究生,他曾试用过电邮列表和数学论坛。结果他失望了,因为(网上的)争论多于答复。Mathoverflow 网站是他对这个问题的解决方案,该站也于今年早些时候正式上线了。

"It's not a discussion forum. People are supposed to post complete, self-contained answers. Then the best answers get voted to the top and the worst ones are voted to the bottom. And it turns out this solves a lot of the problems that other sites had."

Anton Geraschenko, another moderator and math graduate student, explained that another reason the site works so well is that it is perfectly suited to asking and answering math questions.
安东•格拉斯琴科(Anton Geraschenko)是一名数学研究生,也是网站的另一位管理员。他解释说,网站能有效运作的另外一个原因是,它非常适合问答数学问题。

"A very successful strategy for doing mathematics is to take any problem you have and break it down into a series of smaller steps that you can complete," he said. "It's very common for researchers to chat with other people about those questions at the department tea, for instance."
他说:“一个非常成功的数学解题策略是,不管什么问题,都把它分解成一系列较小的步骤,以便你能完成(每一步)。比如,研究员在?茶水间(department tea)?与其他人交流问题时,通常都是这么干的。”

But Brown and Geraschenko know that not everyone is as interested in sharing as they are. Brown said there are still many researchers who prefer private research over public collaboration.

"We're definitely not going to have the entire math community using this, because there are a lot of mathematicians that don't like having such public information. They never volunteer any information unless they are absolutely sure it's correct. On the other hand, there are a lot of mathematicians who operate best by going to tea and asking others about the questions that they have. The people who gravitate towards doing that type of research gravitate towards mathoverflow."
“我们确实不打算让整个数学界都用这个网站,因为还有相当多的数学家并不喜欢知道这类公开信息。他们从不轻易说什么,除非他们绝对相信那是对的。另一方面,也有不少数学家通过交谈(tea)以及向同行提问自己的问题,充分利用了网站。那些对这类研究有兴趣的人,将会被吸引到 mathoverflow。”

What works in mathematics also works in parapsychology research. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is based in London, U.K., and he conducts most of his experiments online. For his work in studying psychic phenomena, he uses the Internet to find participants -- who contribute to his research from their desktops.
数学方面怎么干,灵学研究也怎么干。鲁伯特•谢德瑞克(Rupert Sheldrake)博士住在英国伦敦,他的大部分实验都是在线管理(conduct)的。由于他的工作是研究物理现象,所以,他通过互联网寻找一些愿意参与他的研究工作的志愿者(只要坐在电脑桌前就行了)。

"I realized to get the maximum participation in telepathy tests -- the Internet provided a remarkable opportunity."

Sheldrake believes in the idea of sharing between scientists and citizens. In fact, he's not concerned about other people copying his research because it's online.

"I suppose other researchers could copy my experiments and do rival versions of what I'm doing," he said. "Actually, in my case, I rather wish they would."

Of course, not all science can be done on the web. To tackle that problem, another one of Sheldrake's ideas involves a major change in the way funding is distributed in areas of scientific research. He thinks citizen science should go beyond getting individuals to subscribe to new hobbies -- he believes scientific research ought to be directed, at least in part, by the public.
当然,并非所有科学研究都能搬到网上去做。为了解决这个问题,谢德瑞克有另外一个想法。这会涉及到一个重要改变,科研基金的分配将被重新洗牌。他认为大众科研项目应该超越(当前的模式)—— 仅仅是召集一帮人处理数据。谢德瑞克相信,科学研究应该由公众说了算,至少有一部分应该如此。

"You can't really do any chemistry with the public. Or quantum physics. There's only certain areas of science where you can engage people. I think areas like bird spotting, natural history -- these are certain areas where public participation really can play a major part. One per cent of science funding should go to fund research that ordinary people find interesting."
“你不能要求大众帮你做化学实验。量子物理也是。只有在某些科学领域里,你才可以召集大众帮你干些事情。我想,比如(观察)鸟的斑点、自然历史等 —— 只有这些区域,才适合公众参与。百分之一的科学基金应该用于大众感兴趣的研究领域。”



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-28 15:22:31 | 显示全部楼层
The history of helping out

Groundbreaking science pioneers did just that -- conduct experiments that people found interesting. Nikola Tesla and Douglas Engelbart weren't secretive white-coats experimenting for corporate interests. They were ordinary men -- made extraordinary by their passion for science and their determination to bring science to the public.
奠定基础的科学先锋就干了一件事 —— 管理大众感兴趣的实验。尼古拉•特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)和道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特(Douglas Engelbart)并非为了公司的利益,在搞神秘的科研(white-coats,就像 Intel 广告里的人)实验。他俩只是普通人而已 —— 突破常规(made extraordinary)的动力来自于他们不但自己对科学热爱有加,还决定把科学带到公众面前。

Another man who's spent his life advancing that cause is Don Nielson. Nielson, a historian at the Stanford Research Institute in California, was on the inside track of some of the big events in computer history -- including the Internet. He's worked alongside Douglas Engelbart, the man who invented the computer mouse, since the late '50s. He says Engelbart, now 84, ran a lab that encouraged collaboration between scientists when they developed the mouse.
丹•尼尔森(Don Nielson)是另一个一直都在推动(科学与科研大众化)进程的人。尼尔森是加州斯坦福研究院的一名历史学家,他见证了(was on the inside track)一些计算机发展史上的重大事件 —— 包括互联网(的诞生)。自从 20 世纪 50 年代后期开始,他就与道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特(鼠标的发明者)一起工作。他回忆起恩格尔巴特(现年84岁)管理着一间实验室,在他们研发鼠标那会,恩格尔巴特鼓励科学家之间相互合作。

"It was a free flow of people in and out, all with whatever they had to contribute," Nielson said.

However, when it comes to the public collaborating on science projects, Nielson isn't ready to put his trust in the results.  

"Sometimes the product that might come out of [open source science] may well be better than a few people collaborating on it, but it also may be worse," Nielson said. "I think those kinds of open collaborative efforts are still to prove themselves as a universal or uniform way to approach problems.


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-28 15:23:55 | 显示全部楼层


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zglloo + 10
Youth + 50 辛苦啦~~:)



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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-28 19:56:21 | 显示全部楼层
panzerkiller 发表于 2010-3-27 00:03


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发表于 2010-3-29 16:31:11 | 显示全部楼层
我想问问,“department tea”是什么意思?

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