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发表于 2005-2-14 23:17:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1988- Members Arjen K. Lenstra and Mark S. Manasse of the DEC System Research Center write software that distributes factoring tasks among workstations within and outside of their laboratory in Palo Alto. Both tasks and results are sent via electronic mail.

1990- Lenstra and Manasse with a group of one hundred other people factor numbers of 100 decimal digits.

1993- 600 volunteers join the Lenstra-Manasse factoring effort to factor a 129-digit number, or RSA-129, as a challenge issued by RSA Security. They win a $100 prize.

1995- Another factoring effort is attempted and successful as another RSA challenge, RSA-130 - a 130-digit number - is factored via email as well as a World Wide Web interface.

1995- A group at Duke University use a dozen workstations to prove that there isn’t a 19-mark Golomb ruler shorter than 246 units.

1996- David Vanderschel and Mark Garry create a software program called GVANT to check the 19-mark optimal Golomb ruler for optimality. After confirming the existing ruler is optimal, they look to the internet for more collaborators, and later become known as the “original OGR project.”

January, 1996- GIMPS launches, and within a month gains 40 users and 50 computers.

November, 1996- GIMPS has its first victory, as user Joel Armengaud finds the world record prime.

November, 1996- With seven users, the original OGR begins its search for an new optimal Golomb ruler of 20 marks.

1997- Distributed computing organization Entropia is formed.

Spring, 1997- The original OGR group discovers that the existing 20-mark Golomb ruler is optimal and begins the search for a new 21-mark optimal Golomb ruler.

March 20, 1997- distributed.net joins the RSA Security Labs’ challenge to break the 56-bit encryption code as their first project.

June, 1997- An internet collaboration called DESCHALL cracks the DES 56-bit encryption and wins a challenge issued by RSA Security.

August 24, 1997- GIMPS user Gordon Spence finds the new record breaking prime.

August 26, 1997- Fabrice Bellard launches the PI Challenge, in which he and others will use distributed computing to find the 1000 billionth binary digit of pi.

September 22, 1997- Fabrice Bellard and his PI Challenge group with 20 computers discover the 1000 billionth binary digit of pi- ‘1.’

October 19, 1997- After 250 days of searching, RC5-56 comes to an end as distributed.net client users find the secret key to unlock the 56-bit encryption code. The feat causes many people to doubt the security of 56-bit encryption. The message: “It’s time to move to a longer keylength.”

January 13 1998- distributed.net joins another effort to break 56-bit encryption, DES-II-1, again sponsored by RSA Security Labs.

January 27, 1998- GIMPS sets another record as user Roland Clarson finds the new world record prime.

February 23, 1998- distributed.net breaks the DES 56-bit encryption after only 39 days of searching for the key. The message: “Many hands make light work.”

March 21, 1998- College student Colin Perceival launches PiHex, an effort to calculate the five-trillionth bit of pi.

April 19, 1998- PiHex launches its second project- to calculate the forty trillionth bit of pi.

May 8, 1998- The last stub is returned to the original OGR project, and the group of 100 finds that the existing 21-mark ruler is optimal.

August 21, 1998- PiHex has its first victory- the five trillionth bit of pi is found to be ‘0.’

September 6, 1998- PiHex begins calculations of the quadrillionth bit of pi.

January 19, 1999- distributed.net, in conjunction with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), finds the key to decrypt another DES encrypted message in less than 24 hours. The message: “See you in Rome.”

February 9, 1999- PiHex has its second victory- 126 computers are used to discover that the forty trillionth bit of pi is ‘0.’

April, 1999- Akamai launches a commercial website to advertise their service to alleviate internet congestion problems.

May 17, 1999- SETI@home officially launches with clients available for UNIX, Mac, and Windows users

June 1, 1999- GIMPS user Nayan Hajratwala finds the current world record prime.

November 17, 1999- distributed.net releases clients for the CSC challenge, another challenge to show the weakness of 56-bit encryption, issued by CS Communications and Systems.

December 29, 1999- Digital Island and Sand Piper complete their merge, making Digital Island an even more powerful player in the content delivery market.

January, 2000- Marc Hedlund and Nelson Minar found Popular Power, a commercial and non-commercial distributed computing venture.

January 16, 2000- distributed.net fulfills the CS Communications and Systems CSCs encryption
challenge after checking 98.7% of the keyspace. The message: “CS-Cipher a ete presente en mars 97 a 'Fast Software Encryption'. Congratulations to the winner!”

February 15, 2000- distributed.net begins their search for OGR, but must quit a week later when buffering between files becomes corrupted.

April 12, 2000- ProcessTree and DCypher.net merge under Distributed Science.

April 20, 2000- 20,000 people register their interest in RAL’s Climate Dynamics project, Casino-21, which will simulate the earth’s climate in the 20th and 21st centuries.

May 4, 2000- SETI@home enhances their screensaver client by adding a pulse detection feature that can search for both strong and weak pulses that regularly occur.

May 16, 2000- The two millionth user signs up for SETI@home.

June 13, 2000- SETI@home scientists begin to compile returned data and find that interesting spikes occur January 17-21. They are somewhat disappointed upon learning that those results were the effect of an Arecibo malfunction.

July 8, 2000- Evolutionary-research goes online with hopes of releasing a client later this year.

July 13, 2000- distributed.net’s OGR project is relaunched with a better client and smaller work-units.

July 24, 2000- Digital Island releases Footprints Secure, software that allows e-Business content delivery

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-15 20:24:22 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-16 13:12:59 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-16 19:22:26 | 显示全部楼层



看来我们今年暑假又有翻译任务了........今年暑假参与翻译的应该比去年多,因为大部分主力人员都已经顺利通过高考,在此谨预祝所有现读高三或初三的同学都能将自己的 CPU 燃烧到极致!都能考入自己理想中的学校!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-18 21:42:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-23 13:58:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-29 04:06:09 | 显示全部楼层

1988- Members Arjen K. Lenstra and Mark S. Manasse of the DEC System Research Center write software that distributes factoring tasks among workstations within and outside of their laboratory in Palo Alto.Both tasks and results are sent via electronic mail.

1988年- DEC系统研究中心的成员 Arjen K. Lenstra 和 Mark S. Manasse 编写了一个软件,用以对他们实验室内外的工作站进行任务分配的代理试验。所要执行的任务包和计算结果通过电子邮件的方式传送。该实验室位于 Palo Alto。

1990- Lenstra and Manasse with a group of one hundred other people factor numbers of 100 decimal digits.

1990年- Lenstra 和 Manasse 与他们的一百个合作伙伴共同对一个位数达到100位的大合数进行了分解。

1993- 600 volunteers join the Lenstra-Manasse factoring effort to factor a 129-digit number, or RSA-129, as a challenge issued by RSA Security. They win a $100 prize.

1993年- 600名志愿者的参与到利用 Lenstra-Manasse 分布式计算方法破译美国 RSA 研究所发起的 RSA-129 密码破译的活动,并成功破译出这个有着129位密码长度的密钥。RSA 是一个以研究加密算法著称的科研机构。这些参与者们共同赢得了一个 $100 的奖励。

1995- Another factoring effort is attempted and successful as another RSA challenge, RSA-130 -a 130-digit number - is factored via email as well as a World Wide Web interface.

1995年- 分布式计算成功的向其他的 RSA 进行挑战,RSA-130,一个长度为130位的密码。此次分布式计算通过电子邮件完美的在全球互联网络上传递计算任务和计算结果。

1995- A group at Duke University use a dozen workstations to prove that there isn’t a 19-mark Golomb ruler shorter than 246 units.

1995年- 一个在 Duke 大学的研究小组使用12台工作站来证明如果设计出一个有着19根刻度线的最简优化尺其长度不会短于246个单位长度。

1996- David Vanderschel and Mark Garry create a software program called GVANT to check the 19-mark optimal Golomb ruler for optimality.
After confirming the existing ruler is optimal, they look to the internet for more collaborators, and later become known as the “original OGR project.”

1996年- David Vanderschel 和 Mark Garry 编写了一个叫做 GUANT 的软件来检测现有的有着119根刻度线的最简优化尺是否确实是最优化的值。在确定这个已经发现的“尺子”的确已经是最简优化的“尺子”之后,他们开始更多的关注网络,那就促使后来所形成的最初的 OGR 计划。

January, 1996- GIMPS launches, and within a month gains 40 users and 50 computers.

1996年一月- GIMPS(互联网梅森素数大搜索)项目开始,在该项目刚开始的第一个月内使用者增加到40人,共计动用了50台计算机。

November, 1996- GIMPS has its first victory, as user Joel Armengaud finds the world record prime.

1996年十一月- GIMPS 迎来了它的第一次胜利,如同 Joel Armengaud 得到世界记录一样。

November, 1996- With seven users, the original OGR begins its search for an new optimal Golomb ruler of 20 marks.

1996年十一月- 与七个使用者在一起,用 OGR 的雏形开始对标记20根刻度的 Golomb 开始搜索。

1997- Distributed computing organization Entropia is formed.

1997年- 分布式计算组织 Entropia 成立。

Spring, 1997- The original OGR group discovers that the existing 20-mark Golomb ruler is optimal and begins the search for a new 21-mark optimal Golomb ruler.

1997年春- 最初的 OGR 组织已经完成对标记20根刻度的最简优化尺开始搜索。

March 20, 1997- distributed.net joins the RSA Security Labs’ challenge to break the 56-bit encryption code as their first project.

1997年三月20日- distributed.net 参加 RSA 安全中心的挑战开始破解56位密码。该项目成为 distributed.net 成立后进行的第一个分布式计算项目。

June, 1997- An internet collaboration called DESCHALL cracks the DES 56-bit encryption and wins a challenge issued by RSA Security.

1997年六月- 一个被称为 DESCHALL 的英特网合作小组成功破解了 DES 56位密码,并赢得了 RSA 安全组织发起的挑战。

August 24, 1997- GIMPS user Gordon Spence finds the new record breaking prime.

1997年八月24日- GIMPS 项目的一位参与者 Gordon Spence 发现了一个新的梅森素数,并打破了当时记录。

August 26, 1997- Fabrice Bellard launches the PI Challenge, in which he and others will use distributed computing to find the 1000 billionth binary digit of pi.

1997年八月26日- Fabrice Bellard 发起 PI 挑战, 在哪他和其它将会使用分布计算的找到1000的第十亿个 pi 的二进位的数字。

September 22, 1997- Fabrice Bellard and his PI Challenge group with 20 computers discover the 1000 billionth binary digit of pi-

1997年九月22日- 用20部计算机 Fabrice Bellard 和他的 PI 挑战团体发现 1000 第十亿的 pi 的二进位的数字

October 19, 1997- After 250 days of searching, RC5-56 comes to an end as distributed.net client users find the secret key to unlock the 56-bit encryption code.
The feat causes many people to doubt the security of 56-bit encryption.
The message:“It’s time to move to a longer keylength.

1997年十月19日- 在 250 天的搜索之后,当 distributed.net 破解者找密匙开启 56 位的密码技术密码的时候 , RC5-56 结束。壮举引起许多人怀疑 56 位的密码技术的安全。信息: "现在是该开发较长的 keylength 的时候。

January 13 1998- distributed.net joins another effort to break 56-bit encryption, DES-II-1, again sponsored by RSA Security Labs.

1998年一月13日- distributed.net 参加另外的一个破解 56 位的密码技术, DES-2-1, 被 RSA 安全中心再一次赞助。

January 27, 1998- GIMPS sets another record as user Roland Clarson finds the new world record prime.

1998年一月27日- GIMPS 创造另外的一个记录,使用者罗兰 Clarson 找新的世界纪录精华。

February 23, 1998- distributed.net breaks the DES 56-bit encryption after only 39 days of searching for the key.
The message:
“Many hands make light work.”

1998年二月23日- distributed.net 为秘匙寻找在只有 39 天之后破解 DES 56 位的密码技术。信息:" 人多好干活"

March 21, 1998- College student Colin Perceival launches PiHex, an effort to calculate the five-trillionth bit of pi.

1998年三月21日- 大学学生Colin Perceival 开是 PiHex, 破解计算 pi 的五兆位。

April 19, 1998- PiHex launches its second project-to calculate the forty trillionth bit of pi.

1998年四月19日- PiHex 开始它的第二计画-计算 pi 的40兆位。

May 8, 1998- The last stub is returned to the original OGR project, and the group of 100 finds that the existing 21-mark ruler is optimal.

1998年五月8日- 最后结束了和那群 100个发现已存在的21-mark Golomb ruler最佳值的原始 OGR 计画。

August 21, 1998- PiHex has its first victory-the five trillionth bit of pi is found to be ‘0.

1998年八月21日- PiHex 得到它的第一胜利-pi 的5兆位被发现是‘ 0 。

September 6, 1998- PiHex begins calculations of the quadrillionth bit of pi.

1998年九月6日- PiHex 开始 pi 的 千万亿分之一位的计算。

January 19, 1999- distributed.net, in conjunction with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), finds the key to decrypt another DES encrypted message in less than 24 hours.
The message:“See you in Rome.”

1999年一月19日- distributed.net ,连同电子的边界基础 (EFF) ,在小于 24个小时中找解码语的关键另外的 DES 密码化的信息。
信息: "在罗马等你"。

February 9, 1999- PiHex has its second victory-
126 computers are used to discover that the forty trillionth bit of pi is ‘0.

1999年二月9日- PiHex 有它的第二胜利-用了126部计算机发现 pi 的 40兆位是‘ 0 。

April, 1999- Akamai launches a commercial website to advertise their service to alleviate internet congestion problems.

1999年四月- Akamai 发布一个商业的网站广告他们的服务减轻网络拥挤问题。

May 17, 1999- SETI@home officially launches with clients available for UNIX, Mac, and Windows users.

1999年五月17日- SETI@home 正式运行在 UNIX,Mac 和 WINDOWS 用户平台上。

June 1, 1999- GIMPS user Nayan Hajratwala finds the current world record prime.

1999年六月1日- GIMPS使用者 Nayan Hajratwala 找现在的世界纪录精华。

November 17, 1999- distributed.net releases clients for the CSC challenge, another challenge to show the weakness of 56-bit encryption, issued by CS Communications and Systems.

1999年十一月17日- distributed.net 为 CSC 挑战发行客户端, 另外的挑战 56位密码技术的弱点,被 CS 联合和系统发行。

December 29, 1999- Digital Island and Sand Piper complete their merge, making Digital Island an even more powerful player in the content delivery market.

1999年十二月29日- Digital Island and Sand Piper完成他们的合并,成功的成为了和Digital Island一样满足的递送市场的甚至更有力的竞争者。

January, 2000- Marc Hedlund and Nelson Minar found Popular Power, a commercial and non-commercial distributed computing venture.

2000年一月- Marc Hedlund and Nelson Minar  发现了市场潜力, 一商业的和非商业的分布计算的冒险。

January 16, 2000- distributed.net fulfills the CS Communications and Systems CSCs encryption challenge after checking 98.7% of the keyspace.
The message: Congratulations to the winner!“CS-Cipher a ete presente en mars 97 a 'Fast Software Encryption'.

2000年一月16日- distributed.net 完成 CS 联合和系统 CSCs 密码技术
在检查 98.7% 的 秘匙 之后破解。
信息:“CS-Cipher ete presente N 字损毁 97个个 '快速的软件密码技术'.

February 15, 2000-
distributed.net begins their search for OGR, but must quit a week later when buffering between files becomes corrupted.

2000 年二月 15 日-
distributed.net 为 OGR 开始他们的搜寻, 但是必须在文件在缓冲区受到破坏之前也就是一周内结束工作

April 12, 2000-
ProcessTree and DCypher.net merge under Distributed Science.

2000 年四月 12 日-
分布计算 ProcessTree 和 DCypher.net 合并。

April 20, 2000-

20,000 people register their interest in RAL’s Climate Dynamics project, Casino-21, which will simulate the earth’s climate in the 20th and 21st centuries.

2000 年四月 20 日-
在 20 和21 世纪中将会模拟地球的气候运行。20,000人登记他们的对 RAL's 的气候动力学计画感兴趣,Casino-21。

May 4, 2000-

SETI@home enhances their screensaver client by adding a pulse detection feature that can search for both strong and weak pulses that regularly occur.

2000 年五月 4 -
SETI@home 藉由增加一个脉冲检波机制使得他们的荧屏保护程序客户能寻找强壮的和有规则地发生的弱脉冲。

May 16, 2000-

The two millionth user signs up for SETI@home.

2000 年五月 16 -
二百万的使用者报名 SETI@home 。

June 13, 2000-

SETI@home scientists begin to compile returned data and find that interesting spikes occur January 17-21.
They are somewhat disappointed upon learning that those results were the effect of an Arecibo malfunction.

2000 年六月 13 日-
SETI@home 科学家开始编译被送回的数据和在一月17-21里出现的引起注意的钉状物。
他们的那些结果是在 Arecibo 故障效果学上被放弃的部分。

July 8, 2000-

Evolutionary-research goes online with hopes of releasing a client later this year.

2000 年七月 8 日-

July 13, 2000-
distributed.net’s OGR project is relaunched with a better client and smaller work-units.

2000 年七月 13 日-
distributed.net 的OGR 计化与一个条件较号的小工作单位一起再开发。

July 24, 2000-
Digital Island releases Footprints Secure, software that allows e-Business content delivery

2000 年七月 24 日-
Digital Island开发通信安全程序,完成通信电子商务内容的软件

终于全部完成了。在此要感谢  **の雪(25740***) 给予的帮助(为了对她本人的尊重隐藏了一部分)

[ Last edited by youzi on 2005-3-30 at 03:16 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-29 12:05:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-29 21:53:41 | 显示全部楼层
继续看..........希望 vmzy 和其他斑竹和其他对分布式历史有些了解的朋友都能进来帮忙看看.......

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-30 12:13:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-3-31 18:55:29 | 显示全部楼层

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