发表于 2024-2-6 14:14:38
本帖最后由 panda7456 于 2024-2-6 14:19 编辑
项目状态更新|Project status update
Dear volunteers,
I am writing to update you on how the different experiments we had launched have been going and the next steps we will take.
On the one hand, we have finished (at least temporarily) the optimization of our model. As we had already told you, with the results that you have sent us, we managed to greatly improve how our model represented different physiological markers, but a problem that we thought we had solved had reappeared. We have tried different options but it reappeared in all of them. That forces us to stop and take steps back in the definition of the model, so, for the moment, we will not be launching new simulations in NHuVe.
一方面,我们已经(至少暂时)完成了模型的优化。 正如我们已经说过的那样,根据您发送给我们的结果,我们设法极大地提升了我们的模型表示不同生理标记的能力,但我们认为已经解决的一个问题又出现了。 我们尝试了不同的选项,但问题在所有选项中都会出现。 这迫使我们停下来并在模型的定义中后退一步,因此,目前我们不会在 NHuVe 中启动新的模拟。
*(译者注1:新型人类心室细胞模型(New human ventricular cell model, NHuVe):开发 Carro 等人于2011年所提出模型的新版本,请参见:https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/projects.php#NHuVe)
On the other hand, as we had told you, we are trying to use our optimization algorithm in another existing model. The results seem to be very good, but we have to work in parallel on their validation.
另一方面,正如我们告诉您的,我们正在尝试在另一个现有模型中使用我们的优化算法。 结果似乎非常好,但我们必须同时进行验证。
In the coming weeks we will be working on requesting funding from the Government of Aragon for a new research project that will use DENIS as a computing platform, so you may have noticed that our activity has decreased a little. If this goes well (hopefully!) we will keep you informed, but keep in mind that these things are slow so the answer will take months to arrive.
在接下来的几周内,我们将努力向阿拉贡政府申请资金用于一个新的研究项目,该项目将使用 DENIS 作为计算平台,因此您可能已经注意到我们的活动有所减少。 如果进展顺利(希望如此!),我们会随时通知您,但请记住,这些事情进展缓慢,因此需要几个月的时间才能得到答案。
*(译者注2:阿拉贡Aragon是西班牙东北部的一个自治区,项目主办方Universidad San Jorge位于该区域的萨拉戈萨Zaragoza省)
Thank you all very much for staying there and for your support.
12 Jan 2024