参加 PiHex
关于 PiHex

Pi Symbol 致谢


  • David Bailey, Peter Borwein, and Simon Plouffe, for publishing their landmark paper, On the Rapid Computation of Various Polylogarithmic Constants, in which they derived the BBP formula and algorithm, which made it possible for the first time to compute a specific bit in Pi, without computing all the previous bits.

  • Fabrice Bellard, for finding Bellard's formula, which is 43% faster than the BBP formula.

  • George Woltman,因特网梅森素数大搜索(GIMPS)项目的主持人,for both inspiring me to start this project, and for collaborating with me in writing the binary powering code which is the center of both PiHex and the trial factoring code of GIMPS.

  • Graham Percival,对项目进行了大量的前期测试。

  • Academic Computing Services of Simon Fraser University for a) providing all students with computing accounts, including web space, and b) deleting all our files at the end of each semester.

  • Peter Borwein, Loki Jorgenson, and the CECM for hosting the PiHex web pages (and not deleting them), and letting me set up an automated server for PiHex on one of their computers (as soon as I write some code for it).

  • Jay Urbanski,对 SMP 代码进行前期测试。

  • David Boud and Davinder Singh of Intel developer support for helping me work out the nuances of the P6.

  • Simon Fraser University's Media and Public Relations Office, for putting together a completely non-technical (ie, somewhat comprehensible to the average person) press release about the calculation of the five trillionth bit of Pi.

  • Rob Simmons of TBS Communications, who voluntered to give PiHex a "New Look" shortly after I announced finishing the 5 trillionth bit of Pi.

  • Luigi Morelli, for rendering the PiHex icon in povray.

  • Kimmo Herranen,对 PiHex 5.0 版客户端进行前期测试。

  • 《纽约时报》对我们计算出 π 的第五万亿位数值这一突破进行了报道,当天参与 PiHex 项目的计算机总数爆增至前一天的 120% 。

  • 温哥华省政府允许我在网站上发布他们为我拍摄的相片。

  • Bob O'Ham for helping me out at the end of the forty trillionth bit computation by processing all the 'holes' created when computers crashed, people deleted outputs accidentally, etc.

  • 所有为 PiHex 项目无偿贡献处理器时钟周期的人们!