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[已完成翻译] 开始翻译 PiHex 官方网站

发表于 2006-2-17 22:46:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

为了配合 JUST 的项目,我们准备对 PiHex 这个早已结束但是知名度很高的项目网站进行翻译。


http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce1q.html  <——感谢 fwjmath 翻译!

http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce40t.html  <——感谢 碧城仙 翻译!

http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce5t.html  <——感谢 碧城仙 翻译!



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-17 23:30:50 | 显示全部楼层
另外,准备在 http://www.equn.com/pihex/ 首页加些相关外文资料的站点链接。更为长远的准备是在 http://www.equn.com/pihex/source.html 源代码页面充实些针对核心代码的注释、分析之类的东东。

Wikipedia - 维基百科上的 PiHex
Answers.com 百科全书上的 PiHex
Absoluteastronomy 知识库中的 PiHex

上面三个知识库里的就简单的几句话介绍,而且三个地方基本上是一样的内容。根本就都是重复信息,和 http://www.equn.com/pihex/en/about.html 内的文字一摸一样。

分布式计算知识库中的 PiHex

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-3-18 20:49:49 | 显示全部楼层

The quadrillionth bit of Pi is '0'

Between September 5, 1998 and September 11, 2000, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-four computers from fifty-six different countries set a new record for calculating specific bits of Pi. The previous record of this type was the calculation of the forty trillionth bit between April 1998 and February 1999, also by PiHex. This will be the final computation performed by PiHex.
在1998年9月5日到2000年9月11日期间,来自五十六个国家的1734台计算机创造了计算pi的特定比特位的最新纪录。前一个类似的纪录是从1998年4月到1999年二月对于pi的小数点后第四十万亿个比特位的计算,这也是 PiHex 创造的纪录。这将会是 PiHex 的最后一次计算。

The calculation took a total of about 1.2 million cpu hours, and was done using 'idle' time slices (cpu time which no other program is using) on systems running windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, and Linux.
这个计算用了大约一百二十万小时的在 Windows 95、98、NT、2000 和 Linux 上的 CPU 空闲时间。

The 'average' computer participating was a 450MHz Pentium II.

The answer, starting at the 999,999,999,999,997th bit of Pi:

1110 0110 0010 0001 0110 1011 0000 0110 1001 1100 1011 0110 1100 0001 1101 0011
   ^ Quadrillionth bit of Pi

1110 0110 0010 0001 0110 1011 0000 0110 1001 1100 1011 0110 1100 0001 1101 0011
   ^ Pi小数点后第一千万亿个比特位

or in hexadecimal, starting at the same point:


Steve Finch has written an article about the BBP formula, (upon which Bellard's formula, is based) and the algorithm of Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe, which we use.
Steve Finch 已经写了一篇关于 BBP 公式(基于 Bellard 公式)和我们用到的各种公式的文章。

A good mathematical reference for this topic is the paper which introduced the world for the first time to this type of calculation, written by Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe. Available in PDF (193K) and Postscript (182K).
一个很好的参考文献就是首次介绍这种计算方法的文献,由 Bailey ,  Borwein , 和 Plouffe 撰写。有PDF版本(193K)和PS版本(182K)。

Due to the size of the output (many megabytes) produced by PiHex, it is not available for download. (It also makes rather dull reading, consisting of what are, for all practical purposes, random numbers). It is however available upon request, by contacting Colin Percival.
由于PiHex的计算结果太大,无法提供下载。需要使用结果(如在随机数方面)的人可以联系 Colin Percival 。


参与人数 2基本分 +80 维基拼图 +50 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 80 + 30
霊烏路 空 + 20



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-19 09:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
感谢 fwjmath 翻译出 http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce1q.html  页面,有了你翻译的这个页面,下面的两个页面我马上就能翻译好了传到服务器上了:

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-19 09:58:14 | 显示全部楼层
翻译 http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce40t.html 页面:

Between April 19, 1998, and February 9, 1999, one hundred and twenty-six computers from eighteen different countries set a new record for calculating specific bits of Pi. The previous record of this type was the calculation of the five trillionth bit between March and August 1998, by PiHex.

在1998年4月19日到1999年2月9日期间,来自十八个国家的 126 台计算机创造了计算 Pi 的特定比特位的最新纪录。前一个类似的纪录是从1998年3月到1998年4月对于 Pi 的小数点后第五万亿个比特位的计算,这也是 PiHex 创造的纪录。

(Note, the 126 computers is only a small subset of the computers running PiHex -- most people arrived after all the ranges were assigned).

(注意:这 126 台计算机仅仅只是所有参加 PiHex 项目的计算机中的一小部分——大部分人都是在这个计算结果出来后才参加进来的。)

The calculation took a total of about 84,500 cpu hours, and was done using 'idle' time slices (time slices which no other program wants to make use of) under Windows 95 and Windows NT.

这个计算用了大约  84,500  个小时的在 Windows 95 和 NT 上的 CPU 空闲时间片(时间片是每个进程运行时被 CPU 分配的一个时间段)。

The 'average' computer participating was a 200MHz Pentium-based system.

参加计算的计算机平均水平是一台 200MHz 的奔腾。

The answer, starting at the 39,999,999,999,997th bit of Pi:

从 Pi 小数点后第 39,999,999,999,997 个比特位开始的结果是:

1010 0000 1111 1001 1111 1111 0011 0111 0001 1101
   ^ Forty trillionth bit of Pi
       Pi 小数点后第四十万亿个比特位
0001 0111 0101 1001 0011 1110 0000

or in hexadecimal, starting at the same point:

或者 用十六进制表示为:


Steve Finch has written an article about the BBP formula, (upon which Bellard's formula, is based) and the algorithm of Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe, which we use.

Steve Finch 已经写了一篇关于 BBP 公式(基于 Bellard 公式)和我们用到的各种公式(如:Bailey、Borwein 和 Plouffe 等等算法公式)的文章。

A good mathematical reference for this topic is the paper which introduced the world for the first time to this type of calculation, written by Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe. Available in PDF (193K) and Postscript (182K).

这里有一篇很好的参考文献就是首次介绍这种计算方法的,由 Bailey、Borwein 和 Plouffe 撰写。您可以点击 PDF (193K) 或者 Postscript (182K) 来获得。

Due to the size of the output (many megabytes) produced by PiHex, it is not available for download. It is however available upon request, by contacting Colin Percival.

由于 PiHex 的计算结果太大,无法提供下载。需要使用结果(如随机数方面)的人可以联系 Colin Percival 。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-19 10:38:07 | 显示全部楼层
翻译 http://www.equn.com/pihex/announce5t.html 页面:

Between March 21, 1998, and August 21, 1998, twenty-five computers from six different countries set a new record for calculating specific bits of Pi. The previous record of this type was the calculation of the trillionth bit in September 1997, by Fabrice Bellard.

在1998年3月21日到1998年8月21日期间,来自六个国家的 25 台计算机创造了计算 Pi 的特定比特位的最新纪录。前一个类似的纪录是1997年9月对于 Pi 的小数点后第一万亿个比特位的计算,该记录是由 Fabrice Bellard 创造的。

(Note, the twenty-five computers is only a small subset of the computers running PiHex -- most people arrived after all the ranges were assigned).

(注意:这 25 台计算机仅仅只是所有参加 PiHex 项目的计算机中的一小部分——大部分人都是在这个计算结果出来后才参加进来的。)

The calculation took a total of about 13,500 cpu hours, and was done using 'idle' time slices (time slices which no other program wants to make use of) under Windows 95 and Windows NT.

这个计算用了大约 13,500 个小时的在 Windows 95 和 NT 上的 CPU 空闲时间片(时间片是每个进程运行时被 CPU 分配的一个时间段)。

The answer, starting at the 4,999,999,999,997th bit of Pi:

从 Pi 小数点后第 4,999,999,999,997 个比特位开始的结果是:

0000 0111 1110 0100 0101 0111 0011 0011 1100 1100
   ^ Five trillionth bit of Pi
       Pi 小数点后第五万亿个比特位
0111 1001 0000 1011 0101 1011 0101 1001 0111 1001

or in hexadecimal, starting at the same point:

或者 用十六进制表示为:


Read the (non-technical) press release, written by Simon Fraser University's Media and Public Relations Office.

您可以阅读由 Simon Fraser University's Media and Public Relations Office 发布的新闻(非技术性的)。

Steve Finch has written an article about the BBP formula, (upon which Bellard's formula, is based) and the algorithm of Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe, which we use.

Steve Finch 已经写了一篇关于 BBP 公式(基于 Bellard 公式)和我们用到的各种公式(如:Bailey、Borwein 和 Plouffe 等等算法公式)的文章。

A good mathematical reference for this topic is the paper which introduced the world for the first time to this type of calculation, written by Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe. Available in PDF (193K) and Postscript (182K).

这里有一篇很好的参考文献就是首次介绍这种计算方法的,由 Bailey、Borwein 和 Plouffe 撰写。您可以点击 PDF (193K) 或者 Postscript (182K) 来获得。

All the output produced by PiHex is available for download in pkzipped format here (230K). Read the included readme file for an explanation of the format of the data.

PiHex 的所有结果输出文件均可通过这里下载(zip 压缩格式,230K)。下载后,请先阅读压缩包内的 readme 文件,该文件对数据格式进行了解释。


参与人数 2基本分 +90 维基拼图 +68 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 90 + 50
霊烏路 空 + 18



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-19 13:48:16 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 00:17:53 | 显示全部楼层
I've updated the Top producers page again. My lonely single Pentium 225 seems to be working rather hard; it is up at the top of the list, while other people who have far more CPU power are further down.
I will update the status page soon (really!), unfortunately I've been busy throwing up for the past few days.

I've just updated the Top producers page. A few new names are on here, and a couple people moved up a bit.
I will be updating the status page soon, but right now I'm concentrating on optimizing the code for K6 and P6 processors. I'm running into a bit of trouble with a lack of support from Intel and AMD, unfortunately, so it may take me a while.

I've added the 'Top producers' page. The names listed are as in my database. When I don't see any real name in the first e-mail I get from someone, I just enter the portion of their e-mail address before the '@' sign; consequently, the names in the 'top producers' list are not always the real names of people.
PiHex's website is now officially http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/projects/pihex/pihex.html. Please update your bookmarks.

I've just finished expanding the PiHex website: I've added this page, as well as a status page. I will have a 'Top producers' page, but I can't put it up yet; I've only gotten results back from six people so far, so I can't really make that page yet.
I'll soon be moving the PiHex webpages over to an account provided for them at the Center for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics here at SFU.
我刚完成了对PiHex网站的拓展 :我增加了该页面和统计页面。我将增加一个Top计算者页面,但我还未完成它;到目前为止我只从6个人那里收到过结果,所以我还不能真的把那个页面做好.此处翻译不出

I've finished assigning ranges for the five trillionth bit calculation. I am now starting to assign ranges for the forty trillionth bit calculation.

[ Last edited by youyancao on 2006-6-26 at 22:19 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-26 09:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
I've updated my biographical information to reflect the fact that I have now officially graduated from high school, and also to mention the entrance scholarship I just won from SFU.
On a more relevant note, congratulations to Kimmo Herranen on being first to break the 0.5 P90 cpu year mark.
在一个更加相关的通告中,祝贺 Kimmo Herranen 成为第一个打破 0.5 P90 cpu 年度记录的人。

Some people have noticed that the 'assigned' lines in the status plots sometimes move downwards between updates -- if you look at the 5 trillionth bit range now, you'll see that there was a range just recently assigned, even though a week ago, it showed that it was 100% assigned.
This is due to my re-assigning ranges after people drop out of PiHex for various reasons.

I've updated the status and top producers pages.

I noticed that the source code for download was only version 4.10. I've replaced it by version 4.11.
I've updated the status and top producers pages.
I've finally managed to find someone at Intel developer support who is willing to help me. Given the continued lack of support from AMD, this means that I'll likely release a version with P6 optimized code first, then release a K6 version later.

The status page is now up to date. I decided to scrap the idea of using Excel, so the plots are now less fancy, but more readable, and also much easier for me to update.

[ Last edited by youyancao on 2006-7-1 at 09:16 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +15 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 15



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-26 22:31:10 | 显示全部楼层
After a week of being constantly short on ranges, I started assigning ranges for calculating the quadrillionth bit of Pi on Sunday, September 6. I have also added a status plot for the quadrillionth bit, although so far it doesn't show very much.
Version 5.00 of PiHex is finished, and is being betatested right now. Unless any new problems are found in the next couple of days, I will make it available by the end of the week. Version 5.00 is about 40% faster on P6 architecture machines (PPro, PII, Celeron, Xeon), and about 60% faster on K6s. I expect it to also be faster on cyrixes, but I don't know by how much.
Rob Simmons has redesigned the PiHex web pages to be clearer, and generally better-looking. After releasing PiHex 5.00, I will be uploading the new pages he made.
Rob Simmons已重新设计了PiHex的网页以使它变得更简洁,整体上看起来好多了。在放出5.0版本后,我将上传他设计的网页。

I've modified the formula I use for calculating the statistics for the top producers page to be slightly more accurate. The old formula ended up underrating work done on the forty trillionth bit, and overrating work done on the five trillionth bit.

We have finished calculating the five trillionth bit of Pi. Read about it here.
Meanwhile, we are starting to run out of ranges for calculating the forty trillionth bit of Pi (even after re-assigning ranges from dropouts). Sometime soon, I will start assigning ranges for calculating the quadrillionth (10^15th) bit of Pi.

I just realized that I haven't said anything here in two months. Well, here's what's going on:
All the ranges for the calculation of the 40 trillionth bit of Pi have been assigned, but quite a few people have dropped out, so I am reassigning their ranges. However, most people don't tell me when they drop out, and it is too difficult to send multiple e-mails to 50+ people asking them if they are still running PiHex, so when it looks like someone has quit, I'll reassign their ranges. Which means, if you're taking a long time, and you haven't communicated with me recently, send me an e-mail telling me that you still exist.
PiHex has almost finished calculating the five trillionth bit of Pi. Expect something within a week. Assuming I can find a good way to do it, I will send an e-mail out to everyone telling them what the answer is. (If anyone knows of a convinient program for sending out a single e-mail to about 200 addresses, please tell me).
The P6-optimized (Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Celeron) version of PiHex is almost ready. (I've managed to work around the problem I was having with the P6 -- it isn't actually a bug, it is simply a very strange feature). I expect to be betatesting it within a week. I do not need any more beta-testers, I already have enough.
Finally, congratualations to Kimmo Herranen on racing ahead, and passing the 2.5 CPU year mark (of course, having 6 computers helps a bit...).
PiHex已经快完成了对Pi的第5兆比特位的运算。期望在一周内完成。如果可以的话,我将把结果用电子邮件发送给所有参与者。(如果有人知道能方便地将一份邮件发送到大概200个邮箱地址的程序,请告诉我)。对P6系列CPU(Pentium Pro,Pentium II,Celeron)进行过优化的PiHex版本已接近完成。(我已试着解决一个与P6有关的问题--它事实上不是一个Bug,仅仅是一个非常奇怪的特性)。我期望能在一周内进行Beta测试。我不需要更多的Beta测试者,我已经有足够的了。最后,祝贺Kimmo Herranen的迎头赶上,超过了2.5CPU年的纪录(当然,拥有6台电脑给了他很多帮助……)

There have been some recent problems with the server on which the PiHex web pages reside, due to some new hardware. As far as I know, the problems have now been resolved.
Work on the P6-optimized version of PiHex has been delayed pending an answer from Intel regarding an issue relating to the P6 core, used in the Pentium Pro and Pentium II. It looks like a bug, it acts like a bug, I'm waiting to get an answer on whether it really is a bug.
Meanwhile. I'm doing some preliminary work on the protocols for an automated version, so my time isn't being completely wasted.

[ Last edited by youyancao on 2006-7-11 at 16:35 ]


参与人数 2基本分 +100 维基拼图 +75 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 100 + 50
霊烏路 空 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-7-11 16:36:45 | 显示全部楼层
Don't worry, I'm still alive ;-). Here's what's been going on in the last two months:
I had hoped to finish calculating the forty trillionth bit by the end of November. Obviously we didn't quite make it, due to several events piling up on top of each other, including three people going on vacation. It looks now like we will finish the forty trillionth bit sometime in the middle of January. After that, of course, all the computers will be working on the quadrillionth bit, so that should go a bit faster.
After a couple months of hacking together communications code for version 6.0 of PiHex, I've decided that actually getting it released is more important than all the features that I wanted to put into it (having one copy of PiHex 'proxy' communications for another, for example). So (assuming that I get my christmas shopping done before I go back to university in the new year) it should come out relatively soon.
Many people have told me that they are running PiHex 'until the SETI project is ready'. Such people will not have to quit PiHex in April because the SETI project will be a screensaver and will therefore not use all the idle cycles during normal use. As long as PiHex's priority level (implemented in version 5.10) is set to something less than four, PiHex will not interfere with the SETI project screensaver, and will still get a large amount of work done.
People have been asking me where we will be going after the quadrillionth bit. Once we finish computing the quadrillionth bit, we will have accomplished everything that we set out to do, and so PiHex will stop there (at least until someone challenges our record!)
However, in my effort to prove to the world that idle-time computing (aka. distributed computing, but I prefer the name idle-time computing because distributed computing is also used to refer to java scripts and the like) is useful, I am planning on challenging Kanada's record for a 'classical' computation of Pi (ie, all the digits up to a point, rather than 'jumping in' as PiHex does). This will require two things, namely a lot of disk space, and fast communication. I think that this is practical, however, since many people now buy 6GB hard drives with the expectation that it will be enough for the next three years, and because cable modems, ADSL, and other high-bandwidth options are becoming increasingly common. The code would, of course, be written to only use network bandwidth in 'quiet' periods, and to make sure it left significant amounts of free disk space (so it shouldn't get in anyone's way).
To determine how much support there would be for something like this, I am conducting an informal survey. Please send me an e-mail and tell me what sort of internet connection you have (and if you expect that to change in the next year), how much disk space you could spare (knowing that you could get it back when you needed to), and any other comments you have.

PiHex version 5.10 is now available for download. As mentioned below, I think that it fixes the 'overheating' bug, at least in some cases. To upgrade to version 5.10, just download it, and unzip it over the old files.
Because of the added features in version 5.10, most people will probably want to download it.

I have (I think) tracked down the problem with version 5.00. It does indeed cause some systems to overheat which don't overheat when running version 4.11, but there is also a bug which can cause PiHex to report that it is overheating when in fact it isn't.
I will be releasing version 5.10 soon, which fixes this bug, and also adds some long-awaited features, including the option of either setting the calculation thread priority, or having PiHex vary it to match any screen saver or other project client which is using a lot of cpu time.
I would also like to make use of this opportunity to congratulate the editors of Science News on publishing the first error-free article on our computation of the five trillionth bit of Pi.

Several people have had trouble with version 5.00 of PiHex on Pentium II systems. It appears that version 5.00 can cause the cpu to overheat, but it might just be a bug in version 5.00. As a result, I have put version 4.11 back up. If you experience problems with version 5.00, you should use version 4.11, but otherwise you should use version 5.00, since it is faster.

Help, I'm buried by e-mails! Well, not quite, but almost. The New York Times published an article about our calculation of the five trillionth bit on Thursday the 17th, which lead to over 50 new participants, and over 100 e-mail messages. As a result, I might take a bit longer than usual to respond to all of them.
I'm pretty much satisfied that PiHex 5.00 is (relatively) bugfree. As a result, it is now available for download. I have also uploaded the PiHex 5.00 source code.
People running PiHex on Pentiums don't need to download version 5.00, since it only faster non-Pentium cpus. Everyone else, however, should download it, since it is 40-60% faster than the Pentium version.

[ Last edited by youyancao on 2006-7-11 at 16:41 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +2 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 2



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-29 11:19:29 | 显示全部楼层
I'll soon be moving the PiHex webpages over to an account provided for them at the Center for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics here at SFU.
我不久会把PiHEX的网站迁移到SFU的Experimental and Constructive Mathematics中心

[ Last edited by JUST on 2006-10-29 at 11:23 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +1 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 1



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-29 11:22:54 | 显示全部楼层
Work on the P6-optimized version of PiHex has been delayed pending an answer from Intel regarding an issue relating to the P6 core, used in the Pentium Pro and Pentium II.

因为需要等待Intel对于“P6核心”问题的答复,Pentium Pro和Pentium II的优化版本将推迟

[ Last edited by JUST on 2006-10-29 at 11:41 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +2 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 2



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-29 11:26:18 | 显示全部楼层

I've just updated the Top producers page. A few new names are on here, and a couple people moved up a bit.
I will be updating the status page soon, but right now I'm concentrating on optimizing the code for K6 and P6 processors. I'm running into a bit of trouble with a lack of support from Intel and AMD, unfortunately, so it may take me a while.



concurrent studies是否应翻译成“协作研究”


当时的Pentium有一些是有浮点错误的,所以各种地方都提到了P6 core issue,包括区别有BUG和没有BUG的CPU。看起来,一开始作者并不确定是Intel的BUG,这个BUG也耽误了他不少时间;后来在源代码中,作者实际上写了两个程序对不同的CPU分别处理

[ Last edited by JUST on 2006-10-29 at 11:39 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +8 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 8



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-3 12:06:36 | 显示全部楼层
第 8 楼翻译中,1998年5月11日
I will update the status page soon (really!), unfortunately I've been busy throwing up for the past few days.


12、13、14 楼 JUST 提出的已做相应修改。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +2 收起 理由
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GMT+8, 2024-7-27 17:17

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