楼主: vmzy

[项目新闻] Drug Design & Optimization Lab (D2OL) [已结束]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-11 16:50:39 | 显示全部楼层
February 10, 2006
2006 Project Goals
My first visit to TRI (February 3 – 6) is now in the books, and I wanted to take a few minutes here to update the community on the activities from this weekend. We were able to accomplish a great deal of knowledge transfer from Charles and Wolfgang to myself, which will be very important as we move forward. Of more immediate concern to the science and community of the project, we established a strong set of goals for the coming year that will help to revitalize the project and give us a firm foundation for future improvements.

First and foremost, this project is about finding drugs that can help fight diseases. You all have done a lot of work over the last few years in crunching the candidates and targets that we have given you, and your efforts have whittled the field down to several top conformers. While we need to keep working on the current libraries and targets in order to find all of the promising conformers that we can, we realize that a large percentage of the solution space has already been visited. It is for this reason that our top priority for this quarter is the release of a new target and new candidate libraries. To that end, we have identified a promising Avian Flu target and two large libraries of commercially-available drug candidates. I am currently working on formatting the associated files for use with our software.

While the science of drug discovery is the central focus of the project, contributor statistics provide tangible, up-to-date metrics for users to gauge their activity and the contributions they have made to the search for drug treatments. To make tracking our progress a better, more meaningful experience for you (and us!), we are planning to update the statistics processing code to improve both accuracy and currency. I am working with Sengent to make sure we have access to a stable, up-to-date code base before I begin my development work.

Finally, this transition period in the project’s life cycle provides a good opportunity to step back and look at where we’ve been and where we would like to go in the future. Fairly soon, I will be releasing Vision and Values statements for the project, which will help guide our actions moving forward. These will be living documents, and I encourage you to participate in shaping the project by giving me your thoughts on these topics. Then, later in the year, we plan to publish a review article detailing D2OL’s accomplishments and our place in the historical and current Distributed Computing landscape for computational chemistry. This will serve as the perfect celebratory capstone on the first phase of the project as we turn the page and move forward.

As you can see, we had a busy weekend, and there is a lot of work to do in the coming year. I’m confident, though, that we’ll be able to make important improvements to the project and continue to do good science, and I look forward to working with the talented people at TRI and all of you in our dedicated user communities. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.




最后, 项目的这次转变给我们提供一个很好的回首过去、展望未来的机会。很快,我将会发布项目的目标和功能说明,这将会我们未来的行动指明方向。它们将会以在线文档的形式发布,而且我鼓励你参我们的项目计划,积极发表您的看法。然后,在年末,我们计划出版一篇回顾文章,详细描述D2OL的成就,和在计算化学领域所作的贡献。这将会为项目的第一阶段画上一个圆满的句号。


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-17 at 14:34 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-11 16:51:20 | 显示全部楼层
February 10, 2006
I have implemented the new tasks with all the structures that DID migrate. We're taking a change here wrt: what will the assignment engine do when it can't find the pdbq file  I was starving y'all and as Adam is working on how to load new libraries, it seemed foolish to sweat the old library so much. Everyone needs WORK!


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-17 at 14:12 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-27 18:57:54 | 显示全部楼层
February 19, 2006
Vision and Values
Vision Statement

D2OL will be a premier distributed-computing platform for conducting drug-discovery research, enabling participants to make meaningful contributions in the fight against human diseases. The combination of the latest, most promising computational technologies and scientific knowledge will form the backbone of a community in which participant ownership and engagement are of paramount importance.

Values and Objectives

Value : The D2OL project is dedicated to fighting human diseases through
the use of the latest drug-discovery knowledge and computer simulation
• Actively search for new and promising target proteins.
• Maintain fresh candidate libraries.
• Evaluate novel simulation techniques, and implement them in project software where appropriate.

Value : The D2OL project recognizes the importance of high-quality software
and hardware systems in the modern drug-discovery landscape.
• Perform routine maintenance and updating of software to ensure its viability and compatibility with industry standards.
• Regularly enhance the software to improve its function and the user experience.
• Continue to monitor the hardware systems to provide a stable computing environment.
• Evaluate other software and hardware options where appropriate.

Value: The D2OL project values the vital contributions of a vibrant, engaged
user community.
• Provide robust day-to-day software and hardware support to the user community.
• Facilitate community involvement and ownership through frequent, honest communication of project goals and status.
• Aggressively seek means of expanding the user base.

Value: The D2OL project is committed to advancing the science of
computer-aided drug discovery.
• Establish and nurture relationships with drug-discovery researchers in academia and other research venues.
• Share ideas and results through journal articles, presentations, and private communications.



* 积极地寻找新的、可能的蛋白质目标。
* 维持更新的候选药物库。
* 测试新的模拟技术,而且在项目软件中尽量使用他们。

* 按照工业标准进行例行维护和软件的更新,已确保它的可用性和兼容性。
* 经常地改进软件的功能和易用性。
* 继续监测硬件系统,提供稳定的计算机环境。
* 采用一切好的软件和硬件。

* 提供对用户论坛日常软件和硬件支持。
* 通过经常和用户真诚的交流项目目标和状态,促进论坛团结。
* 努力寻求招揽更多用户方法。

价值: D2OL项目改进计算机-援助药物搜寻科学。
* 与学术界和其他的研究机构的药物-搜寻研究员建立和发展关系。
* 通过杂志文章,书籍和私下通讯共享主意和结果。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-27 at 15:08 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-27 18:58:34 | 显示全部楼层
February 23, 2006
An Update on Tasks
As you may have noticed, there have been some problems in loading tasks over the last couple of weeks since the new NAS was installed. These problems are due to the fact that many of the files on the old NAS were not able to be copied to the new NAS. Because you all have done such a great job and found so many promising conformers, we feel that we can spend the enormous time and effort involved in a complete replication of the data on the old NAS in more worthwhile pursuits, like the deployment of new libraries. However, we’re still a month or so away from that point, and we DO want to continue to find any good remaining conformers from the present setup in the meantime. With that in mind, here is our plan for going forward.

Charles has switched out the new NAS and re-installed the old NAS. This change should eliminate the warnings you are seeing, such as “loaded 9 of 0 tasks”, etc. It will also allow your computations to continue to span the entire existing problem space, and not just a small segment of it. I am working on formatting new libraries (and a new target) for use with this project, and I expect to have that work done sometime around the end of March. At that point, the new tasks will have been loaded on the new NAS, and we will remove the old NAS and re-install the new NAS. The old tasks will be purged from the database, and you can start crunching on completely fresh material. Note that while the old TASKS will be gone, THE OLD RESULTS WILL BE SAVED, so that they’re available for future laboratory tests.

What all this means to you is that you can continue to do valuable work by loading existing tasks and helping us to fill any holes that we still have in our solution space. It also means that you should be thinking about uploading any cached results within the next month or so. We want to make sure that ALL of your results are counted and saved, and the best way to do this is for you to upload before the new NAS comes on line permanently.

Thanks for your time and efforts, and please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

just my two cents ... I finally received a new KVM over IP that I needed to install for the 24 servers in the rack and since I had to require the whole dang thing anyway, I just gave some power and network to the old NAS and crossed my fingers. No matter how fragile the disks are, they do have data on them. We will all realize improved use of the client if they bloody well have some work to do  

Further, this will also provide a quiet and stable NAS onto which Adam can load the new Library - with no one hitting it, it will be less painfull (I assure you, it is never painless). When that is complete, I move a plug and life goes on with new tasks.

When we release the new library, we will no longer be handing out tasks from the OLD library - we will be closing that chapter if you will as have to do it SOME time and call it a complete dataset for analysis. Please don't hoard results - results that come in after we take the old library down will NOT be useful from the perspective of stats or the SCIENCE!

你可能已经注意到,自从安装了新的NAS以来,前两个星期任务载入方面已经出了一些问题。这些问题的起因是由于“旧NAS上的许多文件无法复制到新的NAS上”。因为大家完成了这么多的任务,而且发现了这么多有效的分子构型,我们感觉我们在复制旧 NAS 上的数据花费了太多的时间,应该关注一下更有意义的事情,比如说配置新分子库。然而,我们等一个月左右才能开始做这件事,并且我们确实想继续在现有数据里寻找任何好的构型。综上所述,这是我们未来的计划。

Charles已经关掉了新的 NAS,而且在重装旧的 NAS。这样应该可以消除形如“loaded 9 of 0 tasks”的警告,等等。它也将会让你继续算现有的所有数据,而不只是一小部分。我正在格式化项目将使用新的分子库(和一个新目标),我希望能在三月底左右完工。届时,新的任务将会放在新的 NAS 上,而且我们将会关掉旧的 NAS,并重装新的 NAS。旧的任务将会从数据库中清除,你就能开始算全新的数据了。注意,当旧的任务不见了的时候,旧的结果将会被保存,所以将来他们可用来进行实验室测试。

总之,通过计算现有任务,帮助我们解决问题,你能继续做有意义的工作。它也意味着,你应该在下个月底左右上传所有的结果。我们想要确保你的全部结果被计算、保存,最好的方法是,等到新的 NAS启用前再上传。


发发牢骚…我终于收到了新 KVM,我需要把它装入架子中的24台刀片伺候器。但这是我份内的事,我刚刚把旧的 NAS,上电和联网,期盼一切顺利。不论磁盘上有多少碎片,但上面确实有数据。我们都意识到,如果有可能一定要改良客户端。

此外,这样也会提供一个纯净和稳定NAS ,好让Adam把新分子库装进去 - 还没有人算过,它将会比较少出问题(我向你保证,它不会出错)。当一切结束的时候,我开放新的任务。

当我们发布新的分子库的时候,我们将会不再发放旧的分子库的任务 - 我们会完全禁用旧分子库,只会拿他们来做分析用。请不要囤积任务 - 在我们把旧的分子库禁用后,那些结果,没有任何科学价值!

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-28 at 10:53 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-3 14:50:24 | 显示全部楼层
March 02, 2006
Project Status Reports
Each month, I will provide a very brief project status report in this space so you might get a better idea of what has been going on and what is planned. Only major points will be addressed, and only the "headlines" will be given. More in-depth discussions can happen elsewhere.

D2OL Status – March 2, 2006

This status report provides a brief synopsis of major project activities over the last month and major plans for the next month.

February’s Activities
• Adam visited TRI for project “kick-off” session.
• Avian Flu target protein (H5N1) located and prepped for docking simulations.
• New drug candidate libraries located and file prep started.
• New NAS installed and then backed out when incomplete replication of the existing tasks caused download problems.

Plans for March
• Finish new drug candidate library preparation.
• Load new NAS with new target and libraries; prepare the system for the NAS switchover on April 3.
• Begin source code modifications to enhance the statistics server.
• USERS: Upload all cached results by the end of March.


D2OL状态 -2006年3月2日


• Adam因为项目“开工”拜访了TRI。
• 准备好禽流感目标蛋白质 (H5N1),随时可以开始模拟。
• 新的候选药物库就位,随时可以开始。
• 新的 NAS 安装完毕,当完成复制现有任务后当机了,引起了下载问题。

• 完成新的候选药物库的准备工作。
• 把新的目标和分子库装入新的 NAS;准备在4月3日为 NAS 替换系统。
• 开始原代码修正,以提高统计服务器性能。
• 用户:在3月底前上传全部贮存的结果。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-28 at 11:09 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-3 14:53:31 | 显示全部楼层
March 02, 2006
Next Project Phase Begins April 3

I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on the projected schedule for switching over, permanently, from the old NAS to the new NAS. Library and target preparation is progressing well, and we plan to have the new tasks loaded on the new NAS by April 3 (more details later on the nature of the targets and libraries). We will then unplug the old NAS and replace it with the new NAS. At this point, the first phase (call it Phase I) of the project will be completed, and we will be starting fresh. All stats from Phase I will be saved and available in a static format, and a Hall of Fame will be formed from the top producers. The project stats will then be reset.

With this in mind, you need to be sure to upload any cached results you have by April 2 to ensure that your stats and the results themselves are saved and counted. Remember, Phase II starts on April 3, so Phase I results turned over after that date won’t count toward your new stats.

If anything happens to affect the planned schedule, I’ll announce it immediately. In the meantime, let me know if you have questions or concerns.


我想要花几分钟时间告诉你项目已经完成了切换,项目已经按计划永久的从旧的 NAS 转到新的 NAS上。分子库和目标准备顺利,而且我们计划在4月3日之前把新的任务(有关目标和分子库的详情属性将稍后提供)上传至新 NAS上。然后我们将会禁用旧的 NAS ,而且用新的 NAS 替换它。届时,项目的第一阶段(称为Phase I)将会结束,而且我们将会以全新的状态开始。Phase I 的所有统计数据将会被保存,并且提供查询,而且会发布一个任务数量光荣榜。 然后项目统计数据将会归零。

记住,你需要确保在4月2日之前,上传你所有的结果,以便确保你没有白算。记住,在4月3日Phase II开始后,老结果将不再被接受。


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-28 at 11:31 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-7 22:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
March 04, 2006
I have resurrected the old stats, in part, and created an All-Time Leaders section of the stats web page that will become the Hall of Fame in a month or so. These stats represent the old stats plus the new stats through yesterday morning. The pages aren't beautiful at this point, but it contains the basic information, and I'll make it prettier as time allows.

Note that these are static pages, and won't be updated automatically. I will update them occasionally between now and April, and then they will be frozen forever. Also, right now we're just displaying the top 100 nodes, members, and teams, and I plan to add a few options regarding how many you can view (500, 1000, all, etc.). I do not plan to make it possible to pick a particular number of records to view, however.

You can access the new pages from the "Hall of Fame" link on the stats pages, or directly at




[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-28 at 13:00 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-24 21:25:08 | 显示全部楼层
March 14, 2006
DNS Change
I am in the middle of moving our hosted DNS package from one provider to another. There may be the obvious snafu during the period of time when data should be cascading across name servers.

Once that is done, we'll see if the 23 custom A records come across as well



[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-28 at 13:05 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-24 21:25:44 | 显示全部楼层
March 20, 2006
Phase II Reminder and Update
I just wanted to remind you that Phase II of the D2OL Project begins on Monday, April 3. At that time, the new structure NAS will replace the old one, and we will begin working on the new Avian Flu target using our new candidate drug libraries. After a break-in period during which we make sure things are running smoothly, I'll begin to re-introduce our existing targets, also running against the new drug libraries. Once again, it is important to TURN OVER ALL OUTSTANDING RESULTS by the end of April 2.

In preparation for the switchover, I have temporarily overridden the maximum queue size for users to 500 tasks. This is done completely on the server side, and it simply prevents the server from handing out more than 500 tasks to any user at any one time. The purpose of this move is to reduce the number of outstanding tasks as we approach the switchover date so that the results/stats servers don't get completely swamped on that last weekend. I anticipate further lowering the queue size to around 100 this coming weekend, and then to something close to zero during the final weekend. April 1-2 should be used to finish any remaining tasks and make sure the results are uploaded.

Phase II 提醒和新消息
我想要提醒你一下D2OL项目的Phase II 将于4月3日星期一开始。届时,新的结构 NAS 将会代替旧的,而且我们将会开始使用我们的新候选药物分子库处理新的禽流感目标。在顺利开始后,我将开始再次介绍我们的现有目标,和新的药物分子库。再次提醒,一定要在4月2日前上传所有结果。

为替换做准备,我已经暂时将用户的缓存大小调整到500个任务。这个限制是在服务器上做的,它只是让服务器一次不能发放500个以上的任务给任何一个用户。这样做的目的是,当我们结束替换时,有效任务的数量不会多到,让结果/统计服务器挂掉。我在接近周末时会把缓存大小降低到 100 左右,然后在周末会把它改为0。4月 1-2 日应该完成所有的剩余工作而且确保结果被上传。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-9 at 18:00 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 15:33:16 | 显示全部楼层
March 25, 2006
I'll be doing some pre-switchover testing this weekend and next. During this time, you may see a few "sneak previews" in your downloads, and I can't guarantee that other strange things won't happen. I will, however, endeavor to keep my testing brief and relatively limited.

2006 年3月 25 日
本周末和接下来的几天我将做一些替换前的测试。在此期间,你可能在你的下载列表中看一些 "预告片" 数据,我不敢保证它们绝对不会出错。然而,我将努力保证我的测试影响不会太大。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-9 at 18:11 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-28 20:56:58 | 显示全部楼层
March 27, 2006

TRI is in the throes of a series of brownouts today, which are wreaking havoc on the servers. I'm doing my best to keep them up, but you may experience some problems uploading/downloading.

2006 年3月 27 日


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-9 at 18:18 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-29 21:08:58 | 显示全部楼层
March 28, 2006
Hall of Fame Triage
At the risk of opening a statistical can of worms, there are a couple of issues that I need to address regarding the final generation of the Hall of Fame. Both are consequences of the stats crash in January.

1) The final Hall of Fame will not be immediately available once we move into Phase II. I anticipate it will take a week or so to build, depending on the work created by 2) below.

2) If you have unregistered nodes that were active before the crash, you should go ahead and register them, and the stats since the crash should be added automatically to users and teams. However, I will need to manually add in the stats that these nodes accumulated before the crash, since these stats were lost along with everything else. To facilitate this, I'll need you to e-mail (ahughes@childhooddiseases.org) me a list of your unregistered nodes that were active before the crash.

2006 年3月 28 日
在此光荣榜即将发布之际,冒着打开统计会中蠕虫的危险,我要说一些事。 两者都是一月统计挂掉的后果。

1) 在我们进入Phase II后要等一段时间才能发布光荣榜。我预期创建它将会花一个星期左右的时间,具体取决于下面第2点所产生的工作量。

2) 如果你在崩溃前有未注册的工作node,你应该注册他们,而且崩溃后的统计会自动加入node到用户和团队统计中。然而,我需要手工把这些崩溃前累积的node加入统计,因为这些统计在崩溃时掉了。为了加快工作速度,我将需要你把所有在崩溃前的未注册的工作node列表,发电子邮件给(ahughes@childhooddiseases.org)。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-15 at 11:29 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-31 22:38:25 | 显示全部楼层
March 30, 2006
Phase II Is Coming!

Phase I of the D2OL project ends on April 2, 2006. On Monday, April 3, Phase II starts with new libraries and a new Avian Flu target. As well, updated server software will be deployed to better correlate the tasks assigned to your node(s) with the statistics credited to you.

To prepare for this new chapter of the project, please be sure to upload all of your results this coming weekend. Monday will be too late! After this weekend, you will need to flush any remaining tasks to ensure that your client is working on the latest material.

We appreciate all of your work during Phase I, and we look forward to ontinued collaboration. Stay tuned for more announcements soon!

2006 年3月 30 日
Phase II 即将开始!

在2006 年4月 2 日 D2OL项目的Phase I将结束。在4月 3 日星期一,使用新的分子库和一个新的禽流感目标的Phase II将开始。同时,更新的服务器软件能更好的统计分配给你的node的任务,和你应得的积分。


我们对您在Phase I期间所做的全部工作表示感激,而且我们希望能继续合作。稍后会有更多的公告!

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-15 at 16:11 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-3 20:30:09 | 显示全部楼层
April 02, 2006
What To Expect on April 3

I want to give you a brief rundown of what should happen during the switchover tomorrow:

By 8AM EDT, I will gather and archive the final statistics from Phase I for the purpose of creating the Hall of Fame (which won't appear for a few days). After that I will take the project servers down, and then Charles will switch to the new NAS. Finally, I'll bring the servers back up and we should be back in business. I'll make an announcement when everything is running again, which I expect to be before 10AM.

Initially, I'll put the queue size at 100, just in case something goes wrong. I don't want to hand out thousands of bad data points to you all. When things look OK, I'll bump it back up to the full 2000.

Thanks for your efforts during Phase I and your enthusiasm for Phase II.

2006 年4月 02 日
在4月 3 日会发生什么


在EDT早上 8 点前,我将会收集和存储Phase I最终的统计数据,以供创建光荣榜(过几天发布)。然后,我将会把项目服务器关闭,然后Charles将会开启新的 NAS。最后,我将重开服务器器,将一切恢复正常。当完工后我会发布公告信息,我希望能在早上 10 点之前完工。

最初,我将把缓存大小设为 100,以防万一。我不想发放数以千计的无效数据积分给大家。如果一切正常,我将把它改回到 2000.

谢谢你在Phase I期间所做的努力和你对Phase II 的热情。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 10:22 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-4 23:11:48 | 显示全部楼层
April 03, 2006
Phase II Tasks Available

Phase II tasks are now available for downloading. The queue size is currently set at 100 but will be increased once we get past any early bumps we might encounter.

I'll monitor the systems pretty closely the next few hours and let you know if there are problems.

Thanks to Charles for doing the physical NAS switch this morning.

2006 年4月 03 日
Phase II任务开始发放

Phase II任务已经开始发放。缓存大小现在设定为 100 ,但是如果没出什么问题的话将会被增加。


感谢Charles今早所做的物理 NAS 的转换工作。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 10:57 ]


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