楼主: vmzy

[项目新闻] Drug Design & Optimization Lab (D2OL) [已结束]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-4 23:12:19 | 显示全部楼层
April 04, 2006
Please Flush Your Old Tasks

Please make sure that you have flushed all of your old tasks. There are still lots of results from old tasks coming in, and none of them will be accepted by the system.

To flush, open the application ("Show Agent"), stop all tasks, and then flush. You can then do a manual update.

2006 年4月 04 日


清空任务方法,打开客户端("Show Agent"),停止所有的任务, 然后清空。然后手动更新。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 11:01 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +16 维基拼图 +8 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 16 + 8



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-5 22:22:03 | 显示全部楼层
April 04, 2006
Raising Maximum Queue Size

Would like to begin raising the maximum queue size. Whilte there are still a few issues to address, they're mostly superficial (e.g., target images in the client).

I'd like to bump up the queue size to 1000 tomorrow, and then back to 2000 on Monday if nothing blows up.

Let me know if you have questions or concerns.

2006 年4月 04 日

想要开始缓存大小上限。 虽然仍然还有一些界面问题需要解决。(比如,在客户端中的目标图标显示问题)

我想在明天把缓存大小上限提高到 1000 ,然后,如果一切正常,在星期一将提高到 2000 。


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 11:06 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +15 维基拼图 +7 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 15 + 7



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-6 20:55:02 | 显示全部楼层
April 05, 2006
Member Services Server Down

The member services machine is down, and this is negatively affecting just about all aspects of the project. Unfortunately, fixing the problem requires attention from someone physically onsite at TRI, so we may be stuck until Charles can get to it.

It seems that uploads and downloads are still happening, so please keep crunching away. Your contributions will be reflected in the stats when everything is running again.

There has been a hard drive failure on the MySQL server that holds all the node and user registrations. I am running integrity checks and recovery ... this is exceedingly slow.

2006 年4月 05 日
Member Services服务器挂了

Member Services服务器挂了,而且它差不多影响到了项目的所有功能。不幸地,只有TRI的硬件维护人员才能修复此问题,因此,我们可能要等到Charles回来才能修好它。


MySQL 服务器上已经有一个硬盘挂了,致使所有node和用户的注册无法进行。我正在运行磁盘检查和恢复程序……速度极慢。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 11:17 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +20 维基拼图 +10 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20 + 10



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-7 20:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
April 06, 2006
Update - Member Services

There has been a hard drive failure on the Member Services machine, which is the cause of the problems we are experiencing in, well, memeber services and stats updates. Charles is working to get the server back to a functional state. Running integrity checks and recovery is a slow process, but we'll keep you updated when we have more information.

Charles continues his attempts to revive the member services machine ... We should know more today.

As it has come to pass, the RAID controller has failed on the MySQL box, taking one drive with it completely and damaging the mirror drive's file system. Repairing this has become dicey as honestly, I need to rebuild the server from scratch and then attempt to recover the data either from the drive that needs a file system repair or - shoudl that fail - from a data extract that is a bit of date.

So, 2 new drives are en route with the controller. I will build a new server and see what we can do. Worst case scenario is we all get new node numbers  . Best case scenario is that we get back up and running just fine .... just not for several days.

更新 - Member Services

Member Services服务器上的一个硬盘坏了,这是导致这次问题-Member Services和统计更新挂掉的罪魁祸首。Charles正在努力恢复服务器。完整性检查和恢复非常慢,但是我会随时通知你最新的消息。

Charles正在努力修复member services服务器……今天就会有结果。

如大家所知,MySQL服务器的RAID控制器挂了,损坏了一个硬盘,以及镜像系统的文件系统。老实说修理起来很难,我需要完全重建服务器,然后尽量抽取恢复一些数据或者修复文件系统 - 不知道行得通不。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-13 at 13:27 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +30 维基拼图 +15 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 30 + 15



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-9 20:32:47 | 显示全部楼层
April 08, 2006
Statistics are Back

I have deployed a temporary version of the statistics processor which works around the absence of the Member Services database. The software has run and updated all stats since the crash on Wednesday, and it will continue to run until we know more about Charles' recovery efforts once the new hardware arrives. At that point, we'll re-evaluate based on the information we have.

Obviously, this doesn't address the inability to access accounts and do new registrations, but you should at least be able to continue downloading tasks, uploading results, and traking your statistics, hopefully with a tad more confidence than the past few days have afforded you.

A couple of other caveats also apply. First, because of the way the statistics processes and stores results, there may be a delay between the time a node is credited with results and when those statistics are added to the corresponding user and team numbers.
Secondly, due to this unforeseen extra development effort, the  posting of the Hall of Fame from Phase I will be delayed, perhaps until next week some time. Don't worry, though, all of those stats have been saved and do not rely on the member services database.


我安装了一个临时版本的统计处理程序,代替缺失的Member Services数据库。软件已经开始运行了,并更新了从星期三崩溃起的所有统计数据,它将继续运行直到新硬件到达,Charles将数据库修好。那时,我们将根据我们现有的信息重新统计。
提醒大家一下。首先,由于处理统计和存放结果的方式发生变化,也许在结果被给予积分后,要过一段时间相应的用户和队伍统计数据才会增加。第二,由于这次未预见到的额外事故,阶段I的光荣榜,或许要推迟下到下星期某个时候发布。不要担心,所有统计数据已经保存好了,并没有随member services数据库而去。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-13 at 13:13 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +28 维基拼图 +14 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 28 + 14



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-10 21:37:39 | 显示全部楼层
April 09, 2006
Please Flush - Avian Flu Target Updated

The Avian Flu target has been updated to correct the problem with the target display area in the client GUI. Not perfect, but better than before. To be sure you get the new file, please flush your old tasks:

1) Set the client to offline (Second button from the left);

2) Stop tasks (Button on the far left);

3) set the client to online.

4) Flush all tasks, confirm in the popup window;

5) Press Manual update.
请清空缓存 - 禽流感目标更新
1) 设置客户端为离线状态(左边第二个按钮);
2) 停止任务(左端按钮);
3) 设置客户为在线。
4) 清空所有任务,在弹出窗口中点击确认;
5) 按手动更新。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-13 at 12:46 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +10 维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 10 + 5



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-10 21:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
April 10, 2006
Plans for This Week

Since Member Services is down, I plan to leave the system as-is for now, meaning no increase in queue size, etc. I have some of the old targets ready to deploy with the new candidate libraries, but I'm going to hold off on those for a couple of days, too, until we see what happens with the new hardware.


因为Member Services挂了,我计划暂时将系统保持现状不动。这意味着缓存队列大小暂时不会再增加,等。我有一些为老目标准备好的新候选数据,但我不得不延期两三天发布他们,直到新硬件到位。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-13 at 12:41 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +10 维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 10 + 5



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-12 22:02:18 | 显示全部楼层
April 11, 2006
Emergency Reduction in Maximum Queue Size

TRI is currently having some networking issues, which are being investigated. To help lighten the load and speed the process, I have temporarily reduced the maximum queue size to 250. I'll keep you updated.


[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-13 at 12:42 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +10 维基拼图 +5 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 10 + 5



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-19 21:58:52 | 显示全部楼层
April 19, 2006
Member Services Available

The Member Services hardware has been replaced and the member data has been restored from approximately 1/24/06. At this time, member services, including registration, should be available to you again.

Because of the loss of data, you'll need to re-add any nodes that you added to your member account between 1/24/06 and 4/18/06. You may notice a temporary reduction in the number of candidates you are credited with in the project statistics until you have taken this action.

Nodes CREATED after 1/24 are no longer in the member services system, but they ARE included in the node statistics. I will look into adding these most recent nodes back into the database, but the safest thing is probably for you to re-create the node (re-install) in order to get it into the member services database. If this poses a particular hardship for you, let me know, and I'll see what I can do to help.

Regardless of all of this, all results have been processed, so none of the scientific data has been affected. Also, Phase I (Hall of Fame) statistics will not be affected by this situation.

Thanks to Charles and the Sengent/Clarifi folks for handling most of the gnarly hardware and database issues in getting us back online.

Member Services恢复

Member Services的硬件已经更换,而且成员数据已经恢复到1/24/06。现在,Member Services,包括注册,再次向公众开放。


在1/24之后加入的结点不在Member Services系统里,但是他们的统计数据还在。我将会设法把大部分的最近加入的结点,恢复到数据库中,但是最安全的方法,是结点重入(重新安装客户端)Member Services数据库。如果你不想这么做,请告诉我,我会尽量帮助你的。




[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-20 at 13:32 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +40 维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 40 + 20



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-22 02:44:09 | 显示全部楼层
April 20, 2006
"Lost" Nodes

After working through several iterations of statistics-file manipulations, I think that restoring the nodes that were CREATED after 1/24 and before 4/5 programatically is not pracitcal at this point. However, I HAVE been able to successfully add a couple of the nodes in "by hand", so I think this is the approach we'll have to take. It may take a little longer to get everything back, but is less risky. So, what I need from you, for any node that you created from 1/24 to 4/5, is

1) Node ID
2) Member name
3) Registration e-mail

Please send this information to me in a private message or in an e-mail message to ahughes@childhooddiseases.org.

If you've already created new nodes, that's fine, and you can continue to run with the old nodes. To recoup the statistics from your "lost" nodes, though, please send the information requested above.

Note that I will be unavailable on Friday evening, so these updates probably won't be started until Saturday (4/22).



1) 节点编号
2) 用户名字
3) 注册电子邮件


如果你已经注册成了新的节点了,也行,你可以继续和旧的节点一起运行。但如果你想恢复“ 遗失的”统计数据,请把上面所需的数据发给我。注意:星期五晚上我不上班,因此,这些更新或许要等到星期六才能进行(4/22)。

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-4-22 at 17:10 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +24 维基拼图 +12 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 24 + 12



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-30 22:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
April 29, 2006
Phase I Hall of Fame

The first version of the Phase I Hall of Fame is now available for your perusal. I will make updates as necessary should errors, etc., be uncovered, but this is pretty much going to be a static resource. Note that while the popups for node, member, and team information remain in place, the information in the popup windows reflects current, Phase II statistics, not those from Phase I.

You can access the Hall of Fame through the statistics front page or directly, at http://app.d2ol.com/stats/hof/hof.htm

Congratulations to everyone for a successful Phase I, and thank you very much for your enthusiastic participation. Lets make Phase II even better!

2006 年4月 29 日
Phase I光荣榜

Phase I光荣榜第一版发布。如果有必要,我将会更新,因为这是静态改起来比较麻烦。注意,当前node、用户和团队的Phase I数据都在,客户端弹出窗口的统计数据是Phase II, 不是Phase I的。


感谢大家为Phase I的成功所做的贡献,非常感谢你的热情。让我们把Phase II做的更好!

[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 11:40 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +20 维基拼图 +10 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20 + 10



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-6 23:07:38 | 显示全部楼层
May 02, 2006
May Project Status

Now that things have stabilized a bit after the start of Phase II and the Member Services crash in April, it's a good time to review recent events and the project status, as well as to lay out our plans for the coming weeks and months.

April 2006 Recap

1) Phase I of the project was completed on April 3 as we turned the page to Phase II. This new period was marked by:

a) A new Avian Flu target.
b) Two new candidate drug libraries.
c) Statistics server updates to prevent duplicate submission of results.

2) We experienced a hardware crash on April 5 that affected all aspects of Member Services and Statistics. Task downloads and uploads were unaffected, so the important work of finding drug candidates continued.
A temporary software workaround allowed the statistics server to continue.

The Memeber Services system was recovered during the last three weeks of the month through the following steps:

a) New hardware was purchased and brought online.
b) The Member Services database was restored from the quarterly backup of January 24, 2006.
c) Nodes that were created after January 24 and before the crash were manually re-created in the Member Services database.

Further, new data backup protocols have been established to hopefully make recovery a bit easier and more reproducible in the future should the unthinkable happen again.

3) A "Hall of Fame" was created as a historical record of all the hard work that went into Phase I. The statistics for nodes, members, and teams have been preserved for posterity, and you all have our hearty congratulations and deep gratitude for your devotion to this project.

Now, moving forward ...

Planned Activities
1) After more than a week at 1000, the maximum queue size has been bumped up to 2000, where it will remain unless problems crop up. You should be getting your full complement of tasks.

2) Starting on or about this coming weekend (May 6-7), the "old" targets will be re-introduced to the system, only this time we'll be running them against the new drug candidates. Expect to see about one new/old target a week until we're back up to full speed.

3) More statistics server changes are planned. In particular, a "turnaround" time limit will be instituted to encourage more timely uploading of results and to discourage the accumulation of large amounts of results that need to be uploaded. The initial time limit will be one month, and we'll adjust from there as we gain more experience. This means that the results for each task need to be uploaded within a month of the assignment date or statistics won't be credited to the node that did the work. If something comes in late, the docking results will be collected, but the stats won't be incremented.

Obviously, since I'm just mentioning this now, I'm not going to turn this feature on tomorrow. My plan is to install this change around the middle of June.

As always, your questions and comments are welcomed.

2006 年5月 02 日

四月在Phase II开始和Member Services崩溃之后,一切已经稳定一点了,现在是回顾最近的事件和项目状态,发布我们接下来的计划的好时机。

2006 年4月回顾

1) 项目的Phase I在4月 3 日完成,现在已进入Phase II阶段,这个新的阶段包含:

a) 一个新的禽流感目标。
b) 二个新的候选药物库。
c) 统计服务器更新,防止结果的重复上传。

2) 我们在4月 5 日遇到硬件损坏,影响了Member Services和统计的所有方面。任务下载和上传未受影响,因此,寻找候选药物的重要工作仍然在继续。

Memeber Services系统在4月的最后三个星期,通过下列步骤被恢复:

a) 购买并使用新的硬件。
b) Member Services数据库被恢复至 2006 年1月 24 日。
c) 在1月 24 日崩溃之后加入的Nodes被手工重新加入Member Services数据库。


3) 创建一个Phase I的"光荣榜"记录所有辛苦工作的历史记录,node、用户和团队的统计已经保存以供后人查看,而且我们由衷的祝贺和深深的感谢你们为这个项目的热爱和付出。



1) 最大的缓存大小在被设为1000长达一个星期之后,已经升至 2000,如果不出问题,它将会保持。这下你应该可以得到足够的任务了。

2) 大概从这个周末开始(5月 6-7 日),"旧"目标将会被再次系统,这次,我们只会在新的候选药物上运行他们。在我们全速开工后,可能每星期都加入一个新或旧的目标。

3) 对统计服务器进行较多的更新。特别是,将会加入"turnaround"期限,鼓励结果的及时的上传而且防止大量的需要上传的结果被积聚。开始的期限将会是一个月,而且稍后我们肯定会作出调整。这意谓着,每个任务的结果需要在一个月内上传,否则任务结果将不会被加入统计,也不会给予积分。如果,结果晚上传了,将会被收集,但是统计数据不会增加。




[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-5-18 at 13:49 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +50 维基拼图 +25 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 50 + 25



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-9 21:38:01 | 显示全部楼层
July 08, 2006
July Project Status

It's been a couple of months since I've checked in with a project status update, so I thought you might all be interested in a recap of recent events and a preview of what's coming up.

May - June 2006
Phase II continued to roll along, with more than 3 million candidate results returned to date. From the beginning of Phase II through the end of June, more than 1245 nodes came online to join the cause, and we now have over 80,000 registered nodes. Thank you all for your overwhelming interest and support!

During May and June, further updates were made to the statistics server to ensure more reliable and accurate tracking of your work. As a result of some of this development, task time limits were installed on July 5, with tasks currently expiring 31 days after they have been assigned. In addition, software was written to provide up-to-date candidate coverage information on the Statistics Snapshot page. This data can be used to help us decide when to retire a certain target/candidate library combination.

Unfortunately, due to some of the problems encountered with the statistics servers and the nature of the fixes and enhancements, I didn't get around to deploying the "old" targets with the new candidate libraries at the rate I wanted to. So getting these deployed is the next order of business, and you'll probably see at least one of these targets re-appear within the next week or so, paired with brand new candidates.

Also, you may recall from earlier announcements that we plan to publish an article about this project and the fine work you have all been doing for the last several years. I will be working on this project during the next month (or three!), and I'll keep you updated on our progress here. Being able to share our work with others is important, and these types of communications will help us in that regard.

Finally, I plan to begin looking into how we're going to eventually update our client, which I know is high on many of your wish lists. Changing the client presents fairly significant challenges, but I'm confident we'll get things ironed out and develop a flexible protocol that will allow us to respond to client-side issues. Here, too, I'll do my best to keep you in the loop.

As always, your questions and comments are welcomed.





同时,你可能从较早的公告中已经知道,我们计划出版关于项目成果和在过去几年的大家所做的一切的文章。 在下个月 (或下三个月!)我将会完成它,而且我将把进度更新告知大家。能够与你们分享我们的工作很重要,而且好的沟通将会帮助我们完善自身。



[ Last edited by vmzy on 2006-7-18 at 16:50 ]


参与人数 1基本分 +40 维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 40 + 20



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-9 17:34:44 | 显示全部楼层
October 08, 2006
October Project Status

Our last project status update was in July, so it's high time for another one. I expect development activity to pick up in the next few months, so I'll plan on publishing updates at least monthly, if not more frequently.

July-September 2006
You guys have exceeded your own lofty standards of crunching in the last few months. Since the last project update on July 5, you have returned about 4.5 million candidate results, and you're now uploading between 40,000 and 50,000 candidates a day. This is outstanding and you are to be commended on your dedication to this project!

In early July, we had just "turned on" candidate time limits, and I hadn't had much time to evaluate the impact to the project by the time of the last status update. Over the last few months, I've monitored the results coming in to see how many "expired" tasks are being returned. In the first week or so of time limits, some nodes were returning lots of expired tasks, but that seems to have become less of a problem as people have gotten the hang of downloading manageable chunks of tasks to work on. Currently, less than 1% of all returned results are expired. And remember, even if a task is expired, it is still saved, but it does not toward a node's statistics.

Along these lines, I'd like to know how you all feel about the time limits now that we've had them for awhile. Is 31 days working OK? Are there problems that the time limits are causing you? I've had a smattering of feedback, but no landslide of protest or yippees. Let me know if we need to change something.

I still have some of the old targets queued up and ready to be deployed with new candidates, but the coverage statistics show that we've still got awhile to go before we have really complete coverage of the targets deployed right now. In general, I'd like to keep a couple of targets active until we've pretty well exhausted them, and then move on (or back) to other targets.

In regards to client updates, you may have noticed the new forum area to discuss which features we'll put into the client update slated for 2007. This is the first step toward making sure that we get the features that are most important to the biggest segment of our users.

Finally, preparation work for the project review article continues, but it's going a little slower than I hoped and expected. I'm still committed to finishing the article, though, and I'll let you know how it's coming.

On the server side of the project, I have a few things line up for the not-too-distant future. One is a password utility that will allow you to reset your project password on your own. As I get ready to unroll these items, I may be asking for a few volunteers to try them out before they go live.

In the next couple of months, I'll continue to be asking for your input on features for the next release of the client, scheduled for 2007. The more input you provide, and the more discussion we can generate, the better the final product will suit your needs. Please plan to visit the requirements forum often!

I'll continue to monitor the coverage statistics and switch out targets when appropriate. Something we may want to consider is that the switchouts represent natural breakpoints in the project. We could take statistics snapshots at these times and save them as we did with the Hall of Fame, but without the overall statistics reset. At some point we could possibly have two sets of running stats: all-time and current. This way, we could have "seasons" in which to do our crunching. Let me know your thoughts

As always, your questions and comments are welcomed.




在七月初,我们正式 "开启" 了任务的时间限制,不过在上次消息更新前我没有太多的时间考虑它对项目造成的影响。在最近的几月,我检查了有多少 "过期 " 的结果被上传。在第一个星期里,一些节点上传了许多过期的任务,但是,这似乎并不是公共问题,因为这些人的网络出了问题,无法及时上传/下载。现在,不到 1% 的所有上传的结果是过期的。而且记住,即使一个任务过期,它仍然被保存,只是不加入该节点的数量统计而已。






在接下来的两个月,我将继续要求你提供 2007版客户端的功能需求。你提供越多的需求,我们就能进行更多的讨论,最终的产品也将会更适合你的需要。请常来需求论坛看看!

我将继续关注统计数据,并在适当的时候放出新的目标。我们可能想要考虑的事情是,每次发布新目标都代表着项目的阶段性成就。我们在这些时候,会把统计数据作个快照并且保存他们,就如同我们的名人堂一样,只是不用重置全部的统计数据。在某些时候,我们可能有二套统计数据:全部时间的和当前的。这样,我们可以 "阶段性" 地进行计算。告诉我你对此的想法。



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-6 14:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
November 05, 2006
November Project Status
Just a quick project status update as we head into the last couple months of the year. Nothing major here, but I wanted to make sure we're all up to date.

October 2006
The big activity for October, aside from your continued production in crunching the candidates, was the beginning of requirements gathering for the updated client, scheduled to be releases sometime in 2007. You've provided lots of great ideas, and I'll start work on estimating these tasks soon.

I also began the process of updating our server-side programs to run on the latest version of JBoss. Some of the internal Jboss servers have already been upgraded, and I'll be working on the others in the next month or so.

I'd like to keep the requirements-gathering forums active for another month or so, and then figure out which are the most important features, and which are most feasible for implementation next year. Make sure you get any "must-haves" submitted pretty soon.

Jboss server upgrades will continue, hopefully further stabilizing our environment.

As always, your questions and comments are welcomed.


十月的大活动,除了你们的继续计算候选药物之外,就是预定在 2007 年某刻发布的新客户端升级的需求搜集活动的开始。你们已经提供许多很棒的主意,而且我将很快开始对这些建议的评估工作。

我也开始将我们项目的服务器端程序使用的 JBoss 更新至最新版。一些内部服务器的 Jboss 已经升级了,而且我将在接下来的几个月里处理其余的服务器。


Jboss 服务器升级将会继续,希望我们的运行环境的稳定性能提高一个档次。



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