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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-18 19:32:19 | 显示全部楼层
引用 Youth 在 2006-1-18 18:35 时的帖子:


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发表于 2006-2-13 13:33:46 | 显示全部楼层

相关的文件也改成了 类别+qaxxx.html 的方式

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发表于 2006-2-13 14:20:08 | 显示全部楼层


Q: How can one know that the length of one arm is exactly 4km (or so)?
A: Actually, what the interferometer measures is the difference between the lengths of the two arms…

Q: I understand that the gravitational waves scientists believe we can detect are from extremely massive events in space such as binary systems, pulsars, and supernovae. Is Einstein@Home searching for gravitational waves from a particular one of these source types?
A: The LIGO Science Collaboration is implementing searches for all those sources and more, but the one Einstein@Home is running is the "all-sky pulsar search"…

Q: Is the baseline between LIGO and the German detector long enough to be able to pinpoint the source of the waves? The Einstein@home screensaver displays the location on the sky of where it is searching, so how is this directionality achieved?
A: Physically, LIGO is passive. It sits where it is, and that's it. The “pointing” is done in the processing of the data…

Sources of Gravitational Waves

Q: Would so-called solid quark stars that undergo "glitches" produce gravity waves due to the changing moment of inertia. Could such a detection be used to prove or rule out the existence of strange quark stars?
A: A "glitch" is what radio astronomers call it when they see a pulsar's frequency suddenly jump up a little bit…

Q: In order to detect gravitational waves from a pulsar, wouldn't that pulsar have to precess about its axis since symmetrical configurations would not produce gravity waves?
A: Precessing stars do radiate gravitational waves, but they're not the only ones…

General Theory of Relativity

Q: I had always thought that there is no up or down in the outer spaces of the Universe. This now seems not to be correct if matter causes curvature and other objects fall towards the curves. What am I forgetting here?
A: Matter does indeed cause curvature, and this curvature is present even out in space. But that's not the same as the notion of up or down…

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发表于 2006-2-13 14:21:47 | 显示全部楼层


Which would be considered more fundamental - the constant "c" (speed of light in vacuum), or the constant "epsilon_0" (permittivity of free space), or the constant "alpha" (fine structure)? Are they equally fundamental?


Submitted by Chipper Q from the USA

由美国的Chipper Q提交

These constants all include the same information - they can be expressed in terms of each other (and some other constants). But they have different dimensions: "c" is a speed or distance per unit time, "epsilon_0" is some funny electrical thing, and "alpha" has none - it's just a number.


Here we need to distinguish between dimensions (like speed) and units, the specific things we measure with (like miles per hour or meters per second).


Most physicists would say that alpha is a more fundamental constant than c or something else because dimensionless numbers are more fundamental than anything with dimensions. Really what we measure are numbers. When I say it's fifty yards to the street corner, what I mean is that the ratio of that distance to the stride of some long-dead English king is fifty. That ratio would not change if I measured both lengths in meters. It's only forty-five meters to the corner, but the king's stride is a little less than a meter, so it's still fifty of them.


What good are dimensions then, if we really measure dimensionless numbers?


Dimensions let us distinguish between things that cannot be compared without reference to some other factor. For instance, I can't define a distance as a time without using some outside information: I can say that my house is four hours from Philadelphia if I use my average driving speed as a conversion. But if I used light speed as a conversion, I would say that Philadelphia is a millisecond away. Contrast this to saying Philly is two hundred miles away. At first that looks just as arbitrary as quoting a time, but really I am saying the ratio of that distance to that English king's stride is 350,000. And that ratio doesn't change no matter what units I use, and I don't need to bring anyone or anything into it except me and the king.



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发表于 2006-2-13 15:24:24 | 显示全部楼层


Do you think that Albert Einstein had a big influence on the way people live their lives today? Do you think German people have a different opinion of him than English?


Submitted by Rebecca from Liverpool, England


I don't know how opinions differ from one country to another, but Einstein has a lot of influence on how we live today, even if you only look at the more practical things.


GPS, the Global Positioning System, is a good example. It determines the location of your car, a missile, or whatever by comparing clock signals with several satellites. The curvature of spacetime may sound like a very abstract thing, but it has very concrete consequences. Basically, relativity predicts that the clocks up in orbit on the satellites tick faster than clocks on the ground. It's only forty microseconds per day, but if the effect weren't correctly calculated from Einstein's equations and compensated for, GPS would accumulate position errors of seven miles per day. GPS would very quickly become useless.


Einstein did much more than relativity. He predicted all sorts of properties of atoms and light. Arguably he was one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, though he never was very happy with it. Einstein worked out how the right sort of microscopic particles could clump up in ways that would be visible at human scales, which is basically how superconductors work. He also worked out that atoms making light could make other atoms make the same kind of light. It took decades to develop the technology to make this practical, but it has a huge influence. It's called the laser, and it's used for everything from reading prices at supermarkets to wowing the fans at Pink Floyd concerts to searching with LIGO for the gravitational waves predicted by relativity - nicely tying together what are arguably Einstein's biggest results.

爱因斯坦除了相对论还有很多其它的贡献。他预言了原子和光的所有属性。虽然他一直不赞同量子力学,但他却是量子力学的创立人之一。他发现了全同微观粒子如何以人们可观测到的方式进行凝聚,这可以用来解释超导体的工作原理。他还发现了发光原子可以让其它原子也发出同样的光。虽然几十年后技术的进步才将这个理论应用到实际中,但它的作用却非常之大。这就是激光,从超市的读价器到Pink Floyd演唱会震撼的灯光效果再到用LIGO来搜寻相对论所预言的引力波-所有这些都有爱因斯坦的功劳。

And Einstein explained why rivers meander - that is, why they don't flow straight over flat land but rather grow big loops which pinch off or move downstream. I found out about that achievement of his when I was growing up in Louisiana, where that sort of thing has a big effect on the landscape. So it made a big impression on me, but it doesn't seem very widely known. It ought to be, since it shows the breadth of Einstein's achievements, and that he thought about very down-to-earth things as well as the very far out.




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霊烏路 空 + 20



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发表于 2006-2-13 16:24:23 | 显示全部楼层



Is there any truth to the idea that dark colors attract heat and light colors do not?


Submitted by Mary Lyman from New Windsor, New York

由来自纽约New Windsor的Mary Lyman提交

You could say something like that, though "attract" isn't really the right word. If you leave a dark car and a light car out in sunlight, you'll notice after a while that the dark one feels hotter. But it's not that the dark car is actually attracting any more heat. They're both getting the same amount of light and heat from the Sun, but the dark one absorbs most of it while the light one reflects most of it. That's why the light one looks light - the photons are bounced to your eyes instead of disappearing into the material and heating it up.


It's different if you talk about things that are emitting light (and heat) of their own. You often hear physicists and astronomers talking about the Sun itself as a "blackbody," which might sound very strange since you can get blinded by looking at it. But that refers to the fact that the Sun reflects very little compared to how much it emits. And it turns out a good emitter is also a good absorber, so in the sense of absorbing light rather than reflecting it the Sun could actually be called very dark.


It turns out everything emits light, or electromagnetic radiation, at various wavelengths. The hotter it is, the more it emits, and the more of what it emits is at shorter wavelengths. Even cold space is full of microwaves, warmer things like humans emit mostly infrared (which we feel as heat), medium-hot stars like the Sun emit mostly visible light, very hot neutron stars emit x-rays. If you leave that dark car out in the sunlight long enough, it will heat up enough that you can feel the warmth without quite touching it. That's from its emission. It'll never get hot enough to emit visible light, like what it absorbed from the Sun - it has to lose a little energy in the turnaround, which means longer wavelength. But when it's hot it emits infrared, which is the next longer wavelength after visible light.


So you could say that dark materials are better at absorbing light, which heats them up - and they're also better at sending the heat back out.


[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-2-13 at 16:25 ]


参与人数 1维基拼图 +20 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 20



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-13 16:53:45 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 Youth 斑竹了,我晚上就转到我们服务器上去。

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发表于 2006-2-13 18:00:21 | 显示全部楼层


If you were traveling at the speed of light and turned on the lights what would appear to happen? Also --- Does darkness have a traveling speed?


Submitted by Sherry Ocasio from Reading, Pennsylvania

由宾夕法尼亚州Reading的Sherry Ocasio提交

My experiments indicate that darkness leaves the refrigerator at least as fast as I can open the door. But darkness leaving is just light moving in, so it's not a surprise that I can't catch it. Light moves very fast.


And light always moves at the same speed (if it's not bouncing around in matter), a speed you can never catch up with. If you try, maybe by strapping yourself to a rocket, your friend standing back at the starting line sees you accelerating away and gaining speed. But your friend also sees you getting heavier, in fact infinitely heavy as you approach the speed of light relative to the starting line, so you would need an infinite amount of rocket fuel to get up to light speed with respect to your friend.


But you don't feel yourself getting heavier. In fact, as you see your friend moving backwards very fast relative to you, you see your friend getting heavier. For that matter, you and your friend see each other's watches ticking more slowly; and you see each other shrinking along the direction of travel. This is may seem inconsistent (why don't you see your friend getting lighter?) but it's actually got a simple explanation. It's basically a geometric effect, like perspective. If you walk away from your friend at a more normal speed, you see your friend getting smaller. Your friend sees you getting smaller too rather than bigger.


Since you can't quite get to light speed, let's ask: What would you see if you were traveling through a room very close to light speed and flipped the switch on your way by? Actually, you would outrun the electric signal on its way from the switch to the bulb. That signal is a propagating electric field like light, and would run at light speed through a perfect conductor. But even the best wires would slow it down significantly on its way to the bulb.


So you wouldn't see the lights go on in the room until you were long gone. Looks like darkness wins this one.



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霊烏路 空 + 20



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发表于 2006-2-13 20:55:52 | 显示全部楼层


It appears that the speed of light isn't constant. At least it can be demonstrated that light can be manipulated by humans at room temperature (up to c times 1.4).


Submitted by Tatheg


You hear a lot of claims like this in the news, and they often come with a claim of breaking the rule that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, "c". But they're not really breaking the speed limit.


With any signal you can talk about two speeds called the phase velocity and the group velocity. It's the "phase velocity" that can be faster than c. The phase velocity basically tells you how fast a pure sine wave (with a single frequency) moves. But there's no such thing as a pure sine wave, because it extends infinitely far ahead and behind and lasts forever too.


Realistic signals are made by summing sine waves of lots of frequencies, so that after some finite number of wavelengths they interfere destructively and you get a signal of finite width and duration. When you figure out how fast a real signal (group of sine waves with different frequencies) goes, that's the "group velocity." And that's always less than c.


Then there's the fact that light slows down in matter as compared to vacuum. So if the speed of light in some medium is 0.5c, you can make matter particles go 0.6c, and you can call them faster than light if you want to impress your friends. You do get neat effects like Cerenkov radiation (that lovely nuclear reactor glow), but you're not violating causality or any of the other features of the light-speed limit because they're tied to the vacuum speed c.


And there's the searchlight effect, where you shine a light on a screen far away and move your arm in a circle. You can technically make the spot "move" faster than c across the screen, but no real physical information is actually carried that fast from one point on the screen to the other.


Since Einstein proposed the limit a hundred years ago, we've been looking hard for ways to break it. But every test has made it seem more universal.


[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-2-13 at 20:58 ]


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霊烏路 空 + 18



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发表于 2006-2-13 23:03:22 | 显示全部楼层


Why does combining the principle of relativity with the invariance of the speed of light lead one to conclude that no medium is required for light to propagate?


Submitted by Chipper Q from the USA

由来自美国的Chipper Q提交

First, why do we get light propagating at all?

James Clerk Maxwell's equations for the electric and magnetic fields imply special relativity, though it wasn't obvious at the time (Einstein wasn't born). They led him to predict that there could be waves in the fields, and that these waves were in fact light. Up to then, people thought that electricity, magnetism, and light were unrelated.


Qualitatively, the equations mean this: Electric fields point out from positive charges and into negative charges, and magnetic fields curl around currents (moving charges). Those are the main things you notice in a lab, which is full of matter, and historically they were the first to be discovered by playing with bits of wire and amber and so on. If that was the whole story, you wouldn't see much in a vacuum because there aren't any charges or currents.


But electric fields also curl around magnetic fields that are changing with time, and magnetic fields curl around electric fields that are changing with time, never mind any charges or currents. Those effects were harder to detect, especially the latter which is very weak (but you might know the former as "induction"). Maxwell put them into his equations and noticed that if you set up electric and magnetic fields curling around each other and changing with time just right, they can make waves that will propagate off and sustain themselves even in vacuum where there aren't any charges or currents. And those waves have to travel at exactly the speed of light, which was too suspicious to be a coincidence.


Because you get this mutual curling even in the absence of matter, it doesn't rely on a medium to exist and can be perfectly happy in vacuum. In fact, light and other electromagnetic waves slow down when going through matter (unless it's opaque and they can't go at all).




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发表于 2006-2-13 23:04:13 | 显示全部楼层


I have heard that there are particles that travel faster than light emitted in nuclear reactors. Is this true? How can things travel faster than the speed of light?


Submitted by Vinayak from India


Yes, it's true. In fact it's why radioactive stuff glows.


But it doesn't violate special relativity, which famously states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Actually the words "in vacuum" should be added to the end of that statement.


Light travels through vacuum at a certain speed, usually called c, and that speed is the absolute limit. But light slows down when it travels through other things. For example, in water the speed is about 3/4 of c. In glass the speed can be a lot less, and in the last few years people have come up with materials that slow light down to almost nothing. Basically light involves a vibrating electric field, and when that field has to push around the electrons in a material its life gets more complicated. It may even die out altogether, as in opaque materials.


Many nuclear reactor cores consist of radioactive fuel rods dunked in water. The fuel rods emit electrons, all of which have to obey the ultimate speed limit of c. But in water they don't have to obey the local speed limit of 3/4 of c, and some don't. Those fast electrons cause the water to emit light, which comes out more or less along the electron's direction of travel. This effect is called Cherenkov radiation, and it's what makes that eerie blue glow you see in a reactor core (preferably from a safe distance). The electrons eventually slow down, which is why the glow isn't seen too far from the fuel rods. The glow occurs in air, too, but it's a lot fainter because the speed of light in air is almost c and fewer electrons are emitted that fast.


Cherenkov radiation isn't just pretty, it's useful: Many physics experiments involve looking for charged particles traveling almost as fast as c. It can be hard to track those particles directly, but you can set up a tank of water and look for the Cherenkov radiation. You can even use it to work out how energetic the particles are and which direction they are traveling.


Of course, the glow is also useful as a "hands off" warning.



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发表于 2006-2-14 10:05:58 | 显示全部楼层


Do white holes exist? If so, how are they formed? Does time exist in white holes, since they are inverse black holes?


Submitted by Chanuka from Srilanka


A white hole is indeed the inverse of a black hole, but we don't expect to find one in real life.


Within a year of Einstein developing his general theory of relativity - and saying the equations were too hard to be solved - Karl Schwarzschild found the first solution describing what we now call a black hole. This was the simplest version of a black hole: very symmetric, sitting in isolation for all eternity, no matter falling in, not rotating or changing with time. It became apparent that it had a surface (which got named an event horizon) which you could get into but not out of. Light couldn't get out either, which is why the whole thing eventually got named a black hole.


Later, when people developed more sophisticated mathematical tools to look at such solutions, they realized that wasn't the whole story. The structure of space and time in this simple case had to have what is called time reversal symmetry, which means if you let time run backwards everything should look the same. Therefore if there is a horizon extending into the future which light can enter but not leave, there has to be another horizon extending into the past which light can leave but not enter. That would look like the inverse of a black hole, so they called it a white hole although it's really the extension of the black hole into the past. (And it gets even weirder: There is what looks like another universe inside the horizon, although the meaning of "inside" becomes distorted.) Time would exist inside a white hole, although since you couldn't get in you'd have to be born in there to measure it.


But in real life we don't expect to see white holes, because real black holes are more complicated than this simple solution to the equations of general relativity. They didn't exist infinitely far back in the past, but rather formed some finite time ago by collapsing stars. This ruins the time reversal symmetry, so if you look at past history you don't get the white hole part of the solution but rather a black hole forming towards the end of the stellar collapse.



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发表于 2006-2-14 10:08:40 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-14 11:01:56 | 显示全部楼层
请看 http://boinc.equn.com/einstein/ask/archive/index.htm ,131 楼前的都已添加。老版本的几个文件均保留(文件名及文件内容),老版本归档问题首页修改为 http://boinc.equn.com/einstein/ask/archive/index2.htm ,相同的六个问题页面是直接“另存为”的。http://boinc.equn.com/einstein/ask/index.htm 页面的我随后更新。

另外,官方网站上的右下角的图片都换了,因为 2005 年世界物理年已经过去了。这个不急,我有空慢慢改,一页一页的改。

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发表于 2006-2-14 11:36:19 | 显示全部楼层

才发现ask physicis首页的q&a是没有在archive里的,这个我先认领了:)

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